Title: My Last Breath
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRT
The pain was intense. I felt a burning sensation and then nothing. I really didn’t know what happened until I looked up into pain filled blue eyes. I knew then what happened. I screwed up. My gun had jammed and now I was paying the price of being focused on other things besides my gun. But it wasn’t just me paying the price. I was hurting him and that pained me more than the bullet that ripped through my body.
I could feel my body start shutting down; everything was getting cold. I tried to hold on, I did. I gasped for air trying to make my lungs work. Trying to live – to breathe.
“I have plenty of time for that.”
That’s what I said as I walked into the store; when I walked towards my death. I had plenty of time to tell him. To tell him that I loved him, that I wanted to kiss him, hold him, and make love to him. That I wanted to soothe away his pain, and see those beautiful blue eyes light up in joy.
I gasped in pain. “I can’t feel anything.”
“Hold on Speed. Breathe.” He pleaded with me.
I wanted nothing but to tell him. That even with my last breath I loved him.