Title: Showers
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: R
Summary: Horatio hears someone in the showers
Horatio walked into the locker room, tired, desolate and pissed. The case had gone south, all because of some high priced attorney. The evidence was collected correctly, procedures were followed to the T, but the attorney had some how convinced a judge that Speed had done a sloppy job, and how could they trust the evidence collected? It seems that a hired private detective, that had no CSI training, had found a second weapon of opportunity in the flowerbed. The attorney’s questioned that if a non-CSI could find it, why couldn’t the seasoned professional. Speed had commented because it wasn’t there, and that the detective planted it. To say Speed had been pissed when he was called into question would be an understatement. He told Horatio and the Prosecutor that he went through the flower bed with a fine tooth comb there was no ‘weapon’ of opportunity unless you call a weed a weapon. The attorney had ranked his CSI through the coals, and in the end the judge had put the case on hold for further investigation.
Speed had stalked out of the courtroom, beyond pissed. The suspect smirked at him as they left the courthouse; it had taken every inch of Horatio’s will power not to slam his fist into the suspect’s pearly whites. He watched as Speed had sped off on his bike, away from the courthouse. Later he found out from Calleigh that Speed had gone back to the scene of the crime, to check things out for himself. Last she had seen him, he had just returned muddied and was heading for the showers.
Horatio walked around the bays of lockers to see Speed’s muddy clothes all over the floor. He smiled slightly as he followed the muddy trail. He was about to call out, when he heard a low moan. He stilled his movements, listening carefully. He hoped Speed hadn’t injured himself at the scene. A second moan reached his ears – it wasn’t a moan of pain. Horatio silently creped towards the back of the shower where Speed was located, he could barely make Speed’s figure out in the steam, the dark hair was plastered to his forehead, drops of water cascaded down his lean chest. The moan was sounded again, this time Horatio’s name was at the end of it.
Horatio stepped back, eyes wide in shock. He had no idea Speed had felt that way about him. The anger and desolation made sense, it wasn’t the fact the guy called Speed into question. It was the fact he was called into question in front of Horatio. Speed went out there to find evidence of tampering to show Horatio’s faith in him wasn’t wrong. Horatio made a decision that would change his life, or so he hoped. He snuck back towards the lockers. He made sure no one was in the room, then placed a cleaning sign outside the door and locked them. He disrobed quickly, taking care his suit didn’t get dirty or wrinkled.
He walked back into the showers, a smile on his face. Speed now leaned against the back shower wall. His eyes closed as his hand worked his hard erection. Horatio watched, his own arousal spiking. Speed moaned out Horatio’s name as he came, a look of pure bliss on his face. Speed opened his eyes to see Horatio standing in front of him. Speed froze in fear he had just been caught, by his boss, jerking off in the shower, moaning said bosses name.
Horatio stepped up to him, his hand pushing back wet strands of black hair away from Speed’s eyes. No words were spoken. Horatio pulled the young man to him, devouring his mouth, demanding entrance. Speed gripped strong arms, submitting to the onslaught. Horatio pushed Speed up against the wall kissing along his jaw and down his neck to his shoulder blade. Horatio sucked on the juncture leaving a mark; Speed would be wearing turtlenecks for a while. Speed’s hand found their way into Horatio’s hair, pulling him back up, kissing him hungrily. Horatio ground his hips into Speed’s, noticing Speed recouped quickly from his previous orgasm. Horatio wanted nothing more than to turn Speed around and take him against the wall, but they only had a short time before either would be missed.
Instead he rubbed hard against him, his hand working both men to completion. Speed moaned in pleasure has he wrapped one of his legs around Horatio’s thigh, pulling the man closer. Speed’s other hand found a place on Horatio’s ass kneading into the flesh as the two grounded into each other. Horatio moaned deeply into Speed’s shoulder as he felt his release, followed closely by Speed.
Neither man said anything as they clean up and got dressed. They exited the locker room; Speed smirked at the cleaning sign on the door. They walked down the hall into the Trace lab. Speed smiled a sly smile as he showed Horatio the evidence. The flowerbed was in the back corner of the yard, a small fence surrounding it. The murder had taken place in the garage. The crime scene photos showed no footprints that led from the garage to the flowerbed. But the new photos showed a new set of footprints, sunk deep into the ground – he would bet good money it was the private detective’s footprints.
Horatio grinned as he called the prosecuting attorney, to inform him what Speed had found. As he walked out to the Trace lab he caught Speed’s eyes. They held promise, for things to come. He looked forward to the shift’s end.