Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Twenty)

Afternoon Fic: Save the Mutant Save the World (Part Twenty)

Part One

Part Nineteen

<<You are no fun, Charles.>>

Erik glanced around at his team. “Show time.”  

They all grabbed onto Azazel, and ended up in the middle of chaos.  

Two of the Sentinels were hovering over the platform, while others were moving through the crowds.

Cars were turned over and debris was scattered everywhere.

The authorities were overwhelmed, not sure where to go or help.  Their weapons were useless against the machines. Eric noticed instantly, that one of the cops was being targeted, some fellow officers moved to help, while others fled the exposed Mutant and Sentinel.

“Azazel!” Erik pointed towards Logan, who was standing in front of families trying to get the Sentinel to follow him, instead on what it was focused on, considering the mom was hiding her daughter behind her, she knew exactly why it was targeting them.  “Get the kids out of here.”

He nodded zapped into the middle of the families, and after only a second of hesitation the mothers grabbed his hand and they were poofed away.

“Alex go after the one that’s heading out of the area.”  <<Really could’ve used that stadium, Charles>>

<<That would’ve really dented my Magneto Destruction budget>>

Erik glanced across the grass, eyes narrowing at his lover, who was smirking slightly.  He was staying close to Beast, and between the two of them they trying to usher military vets out of the area, though a portion of them were refusing to leave – defenders of their country no matter what.

“Darwin, stick with Alex, let’s hope if you can survive Shaw you can survive them.”  He waved his hand snagging the one that was heading for the White House. He pulled it back, feeling the strain.

<<Find the place between Rage and Serenity>>

With the rage of his people being hunted down, and the serenity of Charles surrounding him, he was able to yank it away from the building, dismantling it in the process, leaving parts all over the White House lawn.   He then went after the one closest to Charles, only to have a third aim straight for him. He dodge the bullets, cringing as one sliced across the top of his shoulder, two inches to the left, and Charles would’ve been a widow and likely bringing down the government in a fiery furry.

<<A little over dramatic darling.  Please be careful.>>

<<How many citizens have you mind whammied into leaving>>

<<More than I care to admit, what is with people who just don’t listen!>>

<<Where the fuck is Mystique?>>   He asked as he forced the Sentinel that attacked him up in the air then crashed it straight into the ground.  <<For that matter where is Trask?>>

<<Secret Service dragged them into the White House Panic Room>>

Erik glanced towards the White House, reaching out with senses and grinned as he felt the perfectly square metal box.  <<Good thing they made it out of metal.>>


Trask sat back in his chair, heaving from the run to the Oval Office.  He was right, this proved he was right. “See I told you they were dangerous.”

“Right now, the only thing keeping your Sentinels from killing American Citizens is those Mutants.”  One of the Generals snapped at him. “My own men can’t counter those things, what happens if they got out of control?”

“They aren’t designed to!”  Trask stood his full height, glaring up at the man.  “They only go after Mutants.”

“And what if that Mutant is a child?”  One of the Senators asked. “How is that going to look on the news, that your creation killed a child.”

The room was deadly silent, waiting for an answer, and Trask wasn’t even sure how to answer it.  The beeping from his detector caught everyone’s attention. “She’s here.”

Just then one of the Secret Service Agents, attacked those around him.  In a few swift moves they were down, and the Agent had a weapon pointing it directly at Trask, only to pull back when someone else was suddenly standing in front of him.

“Azazel!?” Mystique morphed into her natural form, staring at her lover in shock.  “Why are you defending him? He killed our friends!!”

“Because I know more about this situation, than you and this isn’t the right thing to do.”  He stood his ground, a sword in each hand ready to defend himself and Mystique if it came down to it.  He realized why they had to stop her, but he understood the desperate need to rip Trask’s head off.

“Charles is influencing you!”

“See I told you one of them could influence minds!” Trask pointed out to everyone in the room.  The very idea, that someone could get into another’s mind and make them do things was disturbing and should be eradicated!  Even the Mutant who wanted him dead, knew it!

“Little man, sit down and shut up.  I’m trying to do what’s right here, despite the fact I want to string you up by your toes and slice off your skin like you did my friend.”  Azazel growled at him, sending Trask further into the seat he was in. He then turned and looked at Mystique with the love he held for her even after the years apart.  “I came on my own, to talk to you. I want the same thing, I want the bastard dead for torturing our people, but you have to realize the consequence are far more grave and not worth your revenge.”

“I’m sorry Azazel I don’t agree…”

The room shook, knocking everyone off their feet.  In a flash Azazel was gone, he had done what he could, and it was now up to Erik to deal with her.  He zapped next to Charles, who gave him a soft smile and squeezed his arm. “She’s stubborn.”

“Runs in the family.”  Azazel looked around to see two Sentinels destroyed, one faltering as Alex and Darwin worked with officers to finish it off, and the last two Erik was controlling while yanking up the steal box.  “What do you need of me?”

“There’s some vets who are in wheelchairs, I’m not sure how Erik did it, but he has them secured behind some cars, get them out of the line of fire.  I can feel Erik’s exhaustion, he’s barely holding on to the last two.”


“I’ll call you to get Mystique, she is still my sister, I will not see her in the hands of the human authorities.”  Charles assured him as he poofed away. The Professor tried not to laugh at the yelp, from the Veterans before they disappeared.

“Now what?”  Hank asked looking tired and slightly singed, there was blood flowing down his arm, matting his fur.  

Charles looked at him, then downwards to see a kid attached to his leg.  “We’re supposed to get them out of the area.”

“I tried, he was separated from his mother.  He’s got some interesting markings on his arms, I’m sure he’s a Mutant, so it was easier to keep him close at hand, than one of those things going after him.”   

Charles knelt down in front of the child.  “Hi.”

“I want my mommy.”  He held tighter onto Hank’s pant leg.

“We’ll find her.”  He did a quick dive into the child’s mind, to get a glimpse of what the mom looked like.  They had got seperated when the cops were pulling people out of the area, the young boy had tripped and reached for his mom when she got pulled away when one of the Sentinels went over, aiming directly for the child.  “I’m sure she’s worried for you.”

“Daddy left because of my markings.”

“Your daddy is an asshole.”  Hank muttered loud enough to get a glare from Charles.

“Your mom loves you very much.”  The kid nodded still digging his fingers into Hank’s pant leg.  “Stay with Hank here he’ll protect you.”

“Are you a superhero?”  He asked looking up at Beast, then over to Charles.

“No we’re just like you.”  

Charles stood and moved next to Hank, not soon after Logan made his way over, giving the kid a double take, but just shrugged keeping his claws out just in case.  

“It’s all or nothing.”  


<<Not now Charles I’m trying to save the world.>>

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