Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Answer A Question Day!

Answer A Question Day!


Another Question:  How do I keep it all in my head.

Answer:  According to Speed and those who’ve worked with me all these years – I’m a freak of nature.   I have to admit most of what stays in my head is what I’ve written.  There are times I have to check other stories, but as I read every story it’s more like ‘I have a vague reference let me check that’.   I also do have a lot of spreedsheets – one of them is ‘Where in Time is Nicholas Meridius’ and others specific to Clans and other characters.

But yes sadly a lot of it is in my head.  So when Speed working on a story goes ‘hey when did this happen?’  I can answer without even thinking about it.

So maybe yes I’m a freak of nature 🙂


  1. I’ve known Bj almost as long as Sylum has existed – which is how our friendship started. (And that has been a *long* time!) And even back then, she had events and people who weren’t introduced into Sylum until years later in her head!

    We’ve had phone calls, emails, chats and texts over the years where I got a complete rundown on a specific character and how they figured into the rich tapestry that is Sylum – and the details never changed from one year to another.

    I think Bj keeps it all in her head because Sylum is so very important to her. Yes, by and large, she created the people that are in Sylum, but they’re *real people* to her. People she knows and cares about and she enjoys telling their stories.

    I’ve tried to keep things straight myself. I finally resorted to notebooks and computer files – and I still get things wrong.

    Hm. Maybe she *is* a freak of nature! 😉

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