Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Sylum RP: Hot Days of Summer



Well it’s actually the 2nd Day of Summer.

It’s also hot outside.  Enough to melt even the toughest of Vampires!!!

All are welcome to participate … just keep the conversation in the Character you RP – if you do not have an RP Character – go HERE.


Nick sits out on the porch, wearing as little as possible.

A cool glass of lemonade in one hand.

Slouched into his seat, practically becoming one with it.

“Are you going to move?”  He heard from somewhere in his vicinity

“Not until winter.”



Welcome to Sylum Clan


Hello!  Welcome to Sylum!

Recently we’ve had newbies and some poor souls that have stumbled onto Sylum with no idea what the crazy is all about.  I figured it was time to do a ‘Sticky Post‘ to help all those who wander into the Manor, navigate around this vast universe.

So here we go.


If you’re new here, welcome!!  You’ve just been recommended to this vast multi-story universe, and you likely have no idea where to go or what to do.

Well first off.

Fact: Vampires exists.


Welcome to Sylum Clan.

A multi-layered, character driven storyverse.

Inspiration for the first story that effectively launched this concept, was the death of Timothy ‘Speed’ Speedle from the Television Series CSI: Miami.

His implausible and much mourned demise, led to the premise that you can’t kill someone if they’re already dead.

This quite literally immortalized him, birthing the first story Kiss of Death, and the rest just kept on growing, sprawling  across more than 7,000 years of unexpected history, and on into the future.

A few things you should know, so you can’t say we didn’t warn you *grins*.  There are 3 Major Story Arcs, and hundreds of Supplemental Stories.  These stories expand across 13 Clans, 7 Kin Clans, and showcase over 1200 Characters.

We just hit our 15th Anniversary in 2020!

For further information:

Read more“Welcome to Sylum Clan”

Sylum Inspiration: Jake Lonergan


Oceania: Hunter


Jake Lonergan was raised in the frontier lands of Missouri and Kansas. As a boy he saw the stress and violence between the slave and free states. When the war broke out, he found himself defending his home from Quatrill, rather than fighting for the Union.

After the war he fled the area and headed West. His gun skills improved but not his temper. He found himself involved in petty gangs, rustling cattle, robbing stage coaches. When he ran into the James Gang, he had to stop himself from shooting either of the brothers for what they did to his family farm.

He walked away from the gang he was working with and found himself in Redemption. He should’ve stayed with the gang. He ended up hired as Herod’s guard. At first it wasn’t anything special, but he began to realize there was more going on than he thought. Herod’s cruelty saw no ends, and the first time Herod attacked and Fed on him, he knew he had to get out.

When Cort was dragged back into town, the low he thought Herod couldn’t stoop any further, he was horrified at what the Vampire did to Cort. Not able to take anymore, he snuck out of town during the competition.

Ended up in Absolution.

Facing a snotty kid and his old gang.

It was afterwards, he confronted Dolarhyde about what he suspected. Woodrow smirked at him, stating at least he didn’t have to explain it. Jake laughed his ass off when he discovered he was his Mate. Six months later he was Turned. Six months after that they were Mated.

Seven Days of Summer 2016: Check In


It’s June 13th … I should be seeing stories or art from those who are working on Seven Days by the 15th.

So I’m sending a call out to those participating in Seven Days!

This will give me time to look it over, and make notes/comments.  If anything needs to be adjusted to fit in canon, there will still be time to adjust.  At this time we’ll start working on getting a story banner made for the fic.

All fic and art need to be finished and to me by June 25th – no later than June 28th.  I’ll need the time to set up the posts on the blog for Seven Days.

If you can’t make the deadline, please contact me now so we can discuss.  Please be honest – I’ll need some time to come up with a replacement if necessary.

If you have any questions – contact me or reply to this post.

Sylum Inspiration: Julia Kelly


Oceania: Member


Julia Kelly was raised in New York, and her parents made sure she had a good education and sent her to an esteemed Catholic School. She graduated, went to Harvard and got her degree in Nuclear Physics.  She works with the UN, dealing with countries who are seeking Nuclear Power or have it.

When a Russian General steals decommissioned Warheads and sets off an explosions in Chelyabinsk, Russia, she’s called in to help Thomas Devoe, Military Intelligence, to find the missing warheads.

Kelly and Devoe try to track the terrorists through an Austrian trucking company, which is a front for the Russian Mafia. When the Mafia realizes they are U.S. government agents, they send thugs to kill them. Vertikoff, thinking he can pay them off, is killed. Devoe kills most of the would-be assassins, and he and Kelly escape. Information from the trucking company shows that the nukes are bound for Iran. Spy satellites place the truck in a traffic jam in Dagestan, and Devoe uses a ruse to identify it. The satellite, tracking in real time, is able to verify its license plate.

Stopped at a checkpoint, Kodoroff and his men kill the guards. Devoe then leads a special forces unit to stop them. Denied entry into Russian airspace, one of the helicopters is shot down by a Russian surface-to-air missile battery, but the remaining helicopters are able to locate the truck carrying the warheads. A gunfight ensues in which Kodoroff is killed and the warheads are seized. Interrogation of the surviving member of the group reveals that one warhead was taken by another man.

Further work on the information from the trucking company leads IFOR to a Sarajevo address. Inside is a video cassette of a Yugoslav named Dušan Gavrić. Gavrić disclaims any allegiance in the Yugoslav Wars, but blames other countries for supplying weapons to all sides in the war. Dr. Kelly realizes he intends to bomb a meeting at the UN headquarters in New York City and the city goes into lockdown. Gavrić arrives in Manhattan with the Bosnian diplomatic delegation. A flashback shows that Gavrić wants to avenge the death of his wife and daughter, who were killed in Sarajevo’s Sniper Alley. He and his brother are finally found by the New York Police Department. When his brother is killed by Devoe, a wounded Gavrić is followed into a parochial school and then a small church. Devoe confronts Gavrić, who commits suicide, knowing that the bomb is set to go off in a matter of minutes and cannot be deactivated. With only seconds to spare, Dr. Kelly is able to remove a part of the explosive lens shell of the bomb, preventing the primary explosion from establishing critical mass within the plutonium core. The primary wrecks the church, but the warhead itself does not detonate. Devoe and Kelly both survive with minor injuries.

After the mission the two stay close. They dated for a while, but when Thomas was pulled to go in a deep undercover mission, they separated.

Julia continued to work for the UN and gave lectures about security and disarmament all over the world. When she traveled to Australia she had not expected for her life to change.

During the conference she met Edward Courtney. She thought he was handsome and kind. It wasn’t long before she entered a relationship with him. After staying the night, she discovered that he was a Priest. Horrified that the Nuns from her school were right that she was going to hell, she fled only to come back demanding to know what he meant by ‘I was a Vampire before a Priest and knew I would a have a Mate’ then fled again. She ended up at Confession, but found herself returning back to Cort.

She demanded answers to a lot of questions.

Six months later she was Turned and they Bonded.

In Memoriam


As many of you have likely heard about the mass shooting at Pulse a well known gay club in Orlando, Florida.  At last count it was 52 dead, another 50 wounded.

My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones, and prayers for those who were killed.

This act of terror and hate against the LGBTQ community hits home for Sylum as this series even though fictional is part of the LGBTQ Community.

There are many who would like to help but not sure how.

There is a Go Fund Me Page set up to help the victims of the shooting – Go Here

Give Blood.  If in Orlando, look for places to go to.  For those outside the area, check with the Red Cross for more information.

Give to other LGBTQ Charities and Foundations.  One I can vouch for is the LGBT Center in LA.

If you have other charities (US and/or International) that would be good – please reply we’ll add them to the list.

As always we’ll stand strong.

Love conquers Hate.

Throwback Thursday: The Death of Michael Westen by Bj Jones



Title: The Death of Michael Westen

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: My name is Michael Westen.  I used to be a spy.

Author’s Note:  This was the first story in the Westen Series.  As Seven Days is coming up, the third chapter to the series will be published.  It would be good to take a second look at this one.  There have been subtle changes to fit the expanding storyline.


Link to Story

Sylum Inspiration: Franklin Frost


Oceania: Spy Liaison


Franklin Frost would always say his only advantage was not being born a slave. He fought like hell to get his education, and then pushed even further to get noticed for his skill set.

He ended up working for the CIA.

While on one of his missions he ended up working with Frank Moses. The two bitched instantly. Moses had decided that Frost would make a good candidate working for the Vampire Council.


Franklin Frost is a mix of a few characters that Denzel has played.

Throwback Thursday: Band of Brothers by Timothy Quinn



It’s been a while since we’ve done a Throwback Thursday.  You’re going to see a few of these pop up in the next few weeks to prep you for stories coming out during Seven Days of Summer.

For today’s Throwback Thursday – we’re honoring those who have died serving their country.


Title: Band of Brothers

Author: Timothy Quinn

Rating: FRM

Summary: A letter from Tony to the men’s he’s lost

Note: You must have the password to the Sylum Website to read the fic, as it’s stored in the Sylum Archive – if you don’t have the password go HERE


Link to Story

Seven Days of Summer 2016: Check In

Seven Days of Summer: Check In


It’s June 1st … when did that happen I’m not entirely sure!

Sending a call out to those participating in Seven Days!

If you are doing fic – I’ll need to see the story by the 15th.  This will give me time to look it over, and make notes/comments.  If anything needs to be adjusted to fit in canon, there will still be time to adjust.  At this time we’ll start working on getting a story banner made for the fic.

All fic and art need to be finished and to me by June 25th – no later than June 28th.  I’ll need the time to set up the posts on the blog for Seven Days.

If you have any questions – contact me or reply to this post.