Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Coffee House Saturday



Yes I know it’s Saturday!

So what is everyone up to?

I’m prepping everything for Spring Fling which will start tomorrow.  Please make a note that you need the password to the Sylum Website to access some items that will be showcased in Spring Fling.  If you do not have it – click Sylum Security and follow the directions to join and get the password.

Sylum Inspiration: Jane Porter


Ghost and Darkness: Archivist/Librarian


Jane Porter was raised by her father, her mother died when she was young. Her dad took her with him, where ever he studied or taught. Also took her on expeditions around the world. He was criticized for not training a young lady eligible to get married.

His thought was she didn’t need to conform. Her husband had to be good enough for his daughter.

He always made sure she had a proper education and thought for herself.

When they traveled to Africa, she was thrilled to see a new place. When they had met John Clayton she felt a pull to him. When he told them his story, she was awed by his strength and courage. She didn’t want to return to America, but she wasn’t sure if she was welcome in Africa with him.

She was depressed when they got home, her father worried about her. She was about to tell him she was going back to Africa when John showed up looking for her. It was then he told her everything.

She traveled back to Africa, was introduced to the Clan and instantly overwhelmed. It was Tess that saved her and had a long conversation about what would be expected of her and what it was like to live in Africa.


RP: Happy St. Patricks Day … ish


RP: Happy St. Patrick’s Day … ish


We’re getting the party started early.

Warning – you show up to this particular party wearing Orange – I’ll let Speed kill you 🙂

Have fun!

Any damage done to the Manor – I’m sending you a bill.

(Reminder: All RP is for entertainment – keep it all in good fun!)


Spring Fling 2016: Reminder – Deadline March 25th


Spring Fling 2016: Deadline – March 25th


Reminder:  All material for Spring Fling is due on Friday March 25th.   Please email all artwork to (

For those working on material could you please reply to this post and let me know how many pieces you’ll be turning in so I can start to arrange the schedule.


Sylum Inspiration: The Caretaker


Ghost and Darkness: Caretaker


No one even knows his real name. Where he came from. Anything.

The Caretaker has always been behind the scenes, takes care of everything that needs to be done.  He’s always been loyal to his Sire, and when he left with Lock-Nah to start the new clan, he went along with them, knowing someone had to look after the crazy bunch of morons

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image


Movies, TV, Books have always influenced our lives.  Sometimes we don’t realize how much.

*sips my Sencha Green Tea*

I had not heard of Sencha Green Tea before POI, and now it’s a staple in the house.

Ever see something, or hear about something from a movie, tv show, book and thought I have to try that?

Then fall in love with it, and can’t live without it?

Sylum Inspiration: Niobe


Ghost and Darkness: Member


Niobe was the daughter of the Shaman. She was considered beautiful and filled with a strong spirit. When Morpheus pursued her for his bride, no one was really shocked. They were shocked that two ruled together. After a while the tribe settled into the new idea, as Niobe was strong and caring, and helped looked over the woman and children of the tribe, as her own family.

Even after being Turned, Niobe has continued her quest to protect woman and children.  Though not a Hunter, she is not a woman to mess with.

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image

It’s Friday!! It’s been a long week.

So I found myself working on a fic that isn’t Sylum related – I know! I know!  Shocking!

The question for Coffee House discussion – looking back at older stories, is there that one you still would love to write but never did, or the one you would really like to finish but haven’t found time or that one that you loved but asshats annoyed you to such an extreme with it you just walked away from it.

Sylum Inspiration: Robert Muldoon


Ghost and Darkness: Head of Security


What better Head of Security in Ghost and Darkness Clan – than an ex Big Game Hunter.  Robert Muldoon patrols the wildlife refuge to keep an eye out on the animals, poachers and Rogues.  He a rough guy who doesn’t take peoples bullshit.  Very loyal to his Mate Dilios and despite the bristly attitude he has to his son, Owen, he cares very deeply for his boy – though he’ll never show it.

And he has no love for Raptors.

Unlike his boy.