Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Advent Technology Fail …


Welcome to Sylum Advent!!

We had a small technical issues – the post actually posted perfectly – except it wouldn’t display the tabs or links on the main section of the Blog *glares at it*

We do apologize for the glitch.

We were able to make a work around … from each post forward you’ll see a link that states ‘Continue Reading’ click that and it will lead you to the main body of the post!

It’s all there just hiding.

*continues to glare*

Enjoy the beginning of Advent!!

Now that I’ve had an adrenaline rush – I’m going to go crash *faceplants into keyboard*

Sylum Christmas Card Exchange: 2015 (REMINDER)

Christmas SAS 2010

Sylum Christmas Card Exchange

The Holidays are upon us.  Advent is being prepped.  It’s that time of year again.

If you would like exchange cards with your fellow Sylum Members fill out the below Contact Form.   Signs up will end December 1st.  An email will go out to those participating on December 3rd.

You have one more day to sign up!

Sylum Advent 2015: Starts Tomorrow


Sylum Advent starts tomorrow! *FLAILS*  What?

Heads up things will be done a bit differently this year.  There will be no links to a separate webpage, instead all fics, art, videos, and fanmixs will be showcased on the Blog.  Now to view or download videos or fanmixs you will need to have the Password to the Sylum Website (You’ll also need it to view the new Sylum Wiki Blog that will be revealed)

You can go HERE for access.

Also note these items will not stay permanently on the Blog.  Once Advent is over, and everything is Archived – the item will be replaced with a link to their location on the Sylum Website.

We will let you know when this happens.

You are in for a great treat this Advent, with a variety of stories, art, fanmixs and vids showcasing characters from all over the Sylum Universe.

As a reminder!  Please do leave feedback to the authors and artists.  It’s nice to hear back from the readers that the hard work we put into this is appreciated.




Sylum Vault: Black Friday Event is Here!!!

BannerSaleDiscounted prices on many unique jewelry pieces!!

Buy $15 and get an additional $5 Off! Coupon: BLACKFRIDAY2015

Shipping: We will place multiple items in one package to save on costs and ship to anywhere in the world.


Luck of the Irish: Inspired by Timothy Quinn’s Ireland.


Steampunk Bracelet and Earring Set: ‘Steampunk Bracelet and Earring Set’ made with metal cogs and gears! It comes with a matching set of Earrings. This was inspired by Artemus – who while running the Manor estate – tinkers in his lab/workshop. Artemus is the father of ‘Steampunk’ and his creations are all over the Manor.


Roma Earrings: Inspired by the birth place of Nicolaus Valerius Meridius.

LeatherCuffCross2Leather Cuff with Cross: This Leather Cuff with silver plated chain and turquoise style cross was inspired by the unique history of Border Clan. Perfect accent to any outfit. Leather cuff has two pewter studs along with three holes for easy of adjustment to fit different sizes.

Green Ornament

Green Ornament Earrings: Holiday Collection: Green Glass Ornament Earrings. Simple green ornament earrings that will work for any Holiday party or a perfect gift for that special someone.

And lets not forget the Star Wars Inspired Collection!!!


Obi-Wan Kenobi Earrings: Star Wars Collection: Inspired by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight. A simple yet elegant pair of earrings that showcases his connection to the Force and the strength of his Spirit. The amber beads reflect the light of his copper hair. The silver diamond cut bead reflects his purity within the Force. In all its a beautiful set of earrings that can be worn for Negotiations or battle with Sith Lords.


This shop is designed to help us keep Sylum going for the next Ten Years!  Any support you can give us is very much appreciated.

If you can’t buy anything from the Vault – Please reblog or repost!  Tell your friends, family, fellow Sylum fans, strangers on the street … 🙂


Coming Soon: Sylum Advent – we have some great stories, art, videos and fanmixs lined up.  And the unveiling of the now infamous Sylum Wiki Blog!!


Sylum Christmas Card Exchange: Don’t forget to Sign Up!!

Christmas SAS 2010

Sylum Christmas Card Exchange

The Holidays are upon us.  Advent is being prepped.  It’s that time of year again.

If you would like exchange cards with your fellow Sylum Members fill out the below Contact Form.   Signs up will end December 1st.  An email will go out to those participating on December 3rd.

Sylum Vault: Black Friday Event!


Our first big Event!

Sylum Vault is proud to announce are first Black Friday Event.  Instead of going out unto the hordes of shoppers, stop by the Vault to snag some unique Sylum Inspired Jewelry.

We’ll be discounting a few of our early items, plus presenting a coupon to get $5 off any purchase of $15 or more!

This will be our big Sales Event of the Year.  Don’t wait, this won’t last long and you won’t see a Sale like this until Black Friday 2016!


Looking for that Holiday Bling for those upcoming parties and events.  We have Holiday Earrings and Necklaces that will enhance any outfit casual or elegant.

Waiting desperately for the new Star Wars movie – get our Star Wars Inspired Earrings to wear on opening day!

We’re clearing out some inventory as we prep for new items coming in.

Coming Soon:

Ernesto Olivetti

William Lennox


And a new line of Men’s Jewelry

Sale Starts: Thursday, November 26th

Purchase multiple items – we’ll ship all in one box to save in shipping costs.

First 5 Customers who buy during the event will also receive a Welcome Coupon for 10% off their next purchase.

Sale ends Monday, November 30th!

Coupon Code: BLACKFRIDAY2015

Sylum Christmas Card Exchange: 2015

Christmas SAS 2010

Sylum Christmas Card Exchange

The Holidays are upon us.  Advent is being prepped.  It’s that time of year again.

If you would like exchange cards with your fellow Sylum Members fill out the below Contact Form.   Signs up will end December 1st.  An email will go out to those participating on December 3rd.


Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image

So last night a moronic asshole decided to pull the fire alarm at 2 am.  The General has gotten little sleep and living on coffee at the moment.  This may not be a good thing.

What was your worst ‘Oh God what the hell just woke  me up in the middle of the night’ moment.

I also remember at one of the Clan Gatherings the last night there … were most of us had just gong to sleep at 2 am when the damn fire alarm ripped through the hotel.

Ahhh good times…

Sylum Teaser: ‘Cause I’m being that Evil Today


What?  I’m being really really evil today.  That and now that the wiki is finished or as finished as it can get at the moment – all my bunnies came home.  Every single damn one of them.

Before you start squeeing too much – the 3rd Part of the Winchester Saga will not appear during Advent – there’s major storyline in this and it will take some time to hammer it all out.

But I figured what the hell – have a sneak peak at what’s being planned.  And take a look at the shinies afterwards!


So how long was long enough before you chase down your elusive Mate who was hiding in Transylvania of all the hellish places?

John Winchester sighed and looked into the dirty old mirror that hung in Bobby’s guest bathroom.  He had stayed with his friend for the past two years.  Learned all that he could about Vampires, Clans, the society, all of it.

Part of him still wished that Bobby had tied him to a chair decades ago and explained all this shit, but as Singer liked to point out – Winchesters don’t do well being forced to do anything they don’t want to do.

He needed these years.  A least he was smart enough to recognize that fact.  John had some serious shit to come to terms with.  And he wasn’t even referring to Balthazar and that particular nightmare.  He had his own issues way before that asshole.

He had tried to track down his birth mother, or at least find some information on who she was.  Even with Skinners connection in the FBI, he wasn’t able to find much.  Bobby was the one who found some sketchy information from John’s hometown, about the local pastor’s daughter ‘fall from grace’.

The best guess either man had come up with, was that she hid the pregnancy and dumped John behind the Winchester Hardware Store.   There was no birth certificate or any DNA on file.

In the end it hadn’t mattered.  He was a goddamn Winchester the rest was irrelevant.

And this Winchester was tired of waiting around for his Mate to come swooning back into his life, to sweep him off his feet and ride off into the damn sunset.

He rolled his eyes at the mellow drama his head had started coming up with, finished cleaning up and headed out of the bathroom to head downstairs.

He wanted his Mate.

And when that particular thought had started popping up in his head, it had sent him to Rossi for a third or fourth round of sessions.  After a while he lost track of the variety of issues he was dealing with.

When Dean and Sam stopped by South Dakota to inform him about Stark’s offer for them to go to school, it was the push he needed to truly contemplate leaving South Dakota behind and Claim what was his.

He had needed the two years.

Needed the time to put everything into perspective.

Spend time with his sons and get to know them.  He was proud of both of them and for the first time, told them that.  Sam teared up, Dean rolled his eyes at the chick flick moment, but John refused to back down it had to be said at least once.

Afterwards they could never discuss it again.

John took the time to be trained.  Got his ass kicked by Bobby, Bruce, Dick, Riddick, both sons, and a duded named Gerard.  He learned how to masterfully use a sword, but he preferred Dean’s double barrel sawed off shotgun, with the shell casings packed with shrapnel.

His kid was a genius.

John made his final decision to find Gabriel, when Constantine called and bitched about how mopey the ‘Great Van Helsing’ was being.  It was sad, pathetic, and could John man up get his ass on a plane and fuck the guy into the bed so Constantine could get a good night’s sleep.

And that was exactly what he was planning to do.


Update: Old Sylum Wiki


The Old Sylum Wiki has died.  It’s deader than dead at this moment.

*salutes a fallen brother*

The only reason we’ve kept it up these past months, is a place holder until the new one was finished.  This weekend we’ll be taking the old one offline and lay it to rest properly.  It did a good job when we needed it, and it deserves a good rest.

The new Sylum Wiki Blog will be released to the masses during the first part of Advent.

Lets take a moment of silence to mourn the passing of the Old Wiki.

*lifts glass*

It served us well, may it rest in cyber peace.


Clan War 10th Anniversary: Family



Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Family

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Artist: Taibhrigh

Author’s Note: You’re in for a special treat with this one.  As we’ve moved the series further from fanfiction a lot of Family had been changed.  Though we’ve add into it, the back story of Riddick and Bryon.

Link to Sylum Archive

Memorial: Paris Attacks


As many know yesterday Paris was attacked by Terrorists.

As the world stands with Paris, we felt the need to stand along side them.


Our thoughts and prayers go to Paris.  And to all of those who have experienced terrorism around the world.