Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Character Introduction: Robin Longstride


Camelot/Sylum: Member

Name: Robin Longstride

Turn Date: 1148 AD

Sire: Nicolaus Meridius

Mate: Sir Degore (aka The Spirit)


Robin doesn’t remember much of his childhood. He remembers his dad having strong hands, and working as a stone mason.

He spent most of his life in the army. His natural skills with a bow and arrow had him moving up the ranks as an Archer.

As the crusades moved on he began to loose his faith. And when he was abandoned by his superiors leaving him and a few friends alone on the battlefield at Damascus he lost it completely.

He fought with his friends, until he was the last one standing. Praying for the final blow to end his life, he closed his eyes in anticipation of going home.

He woke up in a filthy jail cell.

Robin could hear someone in the cell next to him, and soon the two talked and became friends. Hearing the other prisoner say the Rosary daily helped restore his faith.

He could hear defeat in his friends voice, and knew now was the time to escape. The theory being escape or die trying.

They got out of the prison and onto the streets of Damascus. Soon they were surrounded, and ready to die with a sword in their hand, when men wearing black robes swarmed the area. He was pulled away when one bent over his friend, Antonio Crisafi, and begged him to let him save him.

Robin watched in horror, shock as the man grew fangs and bit Tony. He struggled against the one who held him, only to be told he was safe and then promptly blacked out.

Robin woke up in a comfortable bed, he got up and searched out those who helped, to find the dark haired man who bit Tony. He introduced himself as Nicolaus, then explained what happened.

He demanded to be Turned. No way was Tony going to survive without him.

Robin has dual memberships between Sylum and Camelot.  This is rare between the Clans, though many Vampires have ties to other Clans, the ones that swear loyalty to two Clan Leaders are not as well known.

Basically Robin has sworn loyalty to Nico and Arthur and if they call him he will be duty bond to answer.  If both need him, he would discuss with the other Clan Leader where he is needed most.


Image: Russell Crowe

Feel free to comment or ask questions on any of the Character Introductions.

Sylum Inspiration: Phoenix Meridius


Phoenix Meridius


The Phoenix Meridius is the sword that Warrick made for Nicolaus.  Its based off a design that Warren had created and wanted to make for his to be Mate.  Warrick is inspired by dreams of the sword and goes to Will Turner for help in creating it.

It’s the sword that Nicolaus now carries into battle.  It’s used in Family when he destroys the necklace and seen in Evolution.

Title: Resugam

Author: Timothy Quinn

Link to Sylum Archive


*must have password to access archive

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image



We’ve all grown up with animated movies.   Either the classics like Sleeping Beauty, Robin Hood, Dumbo.  Or the 2nd Golden Age with Lion King, Beauty and the Beast.  And now added in Dreamworks with Madagascar and How to Train Your Dragon.

What’s your fondest memory of an Animated Film from childhood?  Favorite film now?

Sylum 10th Anniversary: Q&A



Sylum 10th Anniversary: Q&A Session

A few weeks ago we put out to everyone to ask us a series of questions about Sylum.  It could be about characters, story lines, how we do what we do, or even about the Bobs.  I have to say we received over 40 Questions.

47 to be exact.

Now I’m not going to answer every single one of these in one sitting.  So over the next, well 47 weeks or so, we’ll be posting at least one question and answer.

After the question is answered, feel free to comment or ask follow up questions on the post.

Shall we begin?

Q: Is there any other vampire who has just as many, or more, known “fathers” than Dean Winchester (I believe he has 4 so far… or is it 5, I lost count)?

A: Dean has … hold on let me count … John, Bobby, Clay and Van Helsing – so 4.  To answer the question – yes there is someone who has more.  He just doesn’t know it yet.

Character Introduction: Paul Bunyan

Paul_Bunyan1-195x300Serenity: Hunter


Turn Date: 1787 AD

Sire: Malcolm Reynolds

Mate: John Henry


Paul’s family is from the French Canadian, he knows it ties directly back to France, and he’s pretty sure straight to the Good King. He was the youngest son out of 12 siblings. He was also the largest. By the time he reached puberty he was already pushing 6 ft.

He left the family farm at sixteen, moving around the Canadian wilderness. He quickly earned a reputation as a lumberjack, able to knock down a tree in one swing.

Paul never one to settle down found himself in New Orleans, when a call went out for removal of trees to begin building a small town. He presented himself to the foreman and was hired instantly. He liked the community that was building, but was curious about the Plantation that was funding the efforts.

Paul had laughed lightly when he surprised Malcolm, the Foreman, with his philosophies and the fact he was educated. The two found a quick friendship, enjoying the bantering and snark.

At a harvest festival that the Plantation had put on, he was called to compete in the Axe competitions. One of the lumberjack’s lost control of the ax, sending it towards the crowd. Paul stepped in and took the blunt of the impact.

He finally discovered what was going on at the Plantation.

When Mal moved to Canada to build Serenity Clan – Paul followed.   Once settled he became one of Mal’s Hunters.

What does it mean to be a Clan Hunter?

Basically exactly what it sounds.  Paul would be assigned either by the Lead Hunter or the Head of Security to hunt down a specific person, rogue, or even scout out location to check if it’s secure.  Hunters also get assigned guard duty for high ranking Clan Council or even visiting Vampires.

Image: Jeffrey Dean Morgan


Sylum Inspiration: Leonard Nimoy



I’m taking a step away from the series of Sylum Inspirations that discuss items and places that are inspiration in or for the Sylum Universe.

Though this is difficult to write – it’s only fitting to do a tribute to Leonard Nimoy.  A man who inspired all of us.   I’m pretty sure there is not one of us here that hasn’t been inspired by him either from his role as Spock, his dedication to society causes, or just the fact he was one of those genuine nice guys.

I actually had to avoid much of twitter and news for a few days because every time I would read something I would tear up, even now I’m choking up!  But while I’ll miss his work – I know his legacy lives on by the work and world he left behind.

Most of us knew him as Spock: ‘Live Long And Prosper’. If you didn’t grow up with the TV Show, then you were introduced to him from the movies.  Now honestly I have never been the big Star Trek Geek (more Star Wars geek).  But even I was inspired and influenced by Spock.



What a lot of people didn’t know was that Leonard Nimoy was also an accomplished musician.   He had an extensive Hollywood career, which included directing and guest staring in variety of movies and TV shows. He was also an advocate for Woman and Gay Rights.  In his later years he was pushed for people to Quit Smoking.


Zach-and-Leonard-Nimoy-zachary-quinto-6074580-400-300 leonard_nimoy_fringe_thumb-thumb-550x270-17240 leonard-nimoy-spock-quotes-saying-dead-died-death


But his most famous legacy was his kindness, generosity and friendships.  Those who were lucky to personally know him, will hold him in their hearts.  Those of us who knew him from the outside will forever be inspired by his greatness.


Shatner and Nimoy laugh during interview for 40th anniversary of 'Star Trek' in Los Angeles article-1290387-0A3D1E34000005DC-772_468x397 74cc28416b646ae6f87d5a502fbd03b7


As for Sylum.

Rest assured – there was no way at some point in the stories Spock and Kirk wouldn’t arrive.  And I’m not just referring to the vids showcasing the remake.  It’s Sylum, we never do things the way anyone expects it.

Leonard – we will miss you.  Thank you for your sharing your talents and inspiring us to be great things.



10th Anniversary Challenge



A while back ago we put out a Coffee House Friday asking for everyone’s input on what could be Sylum’s 10th Anniversary log.  You guys really out did yourselfs and came up with some really good answers.

The Challenge:

Takes the following Mottoes and create, well anything.  Wallpaper, Artwork, fanmix, video … etc.

Sylum: 10 Years of fixing Show Runners fuck ups

Sylum: Keeping characters alive since 2004

Sylum: Keeping our favorite characters alive and kicking

Sylum: Fulfilling our dreams and fantasies since 2004!

Sylum: Where the dead come to life!

Sylum: Better than the original!

Sylum: Your Dreams are waiting

Sylum: Dream it. Do it.

Sylum: Proving that Vampires are not just children of the night

Sylum: 10 Years of fulfilling all your fandom wishes

Sylum: Continually improving on perfection for ten years and counting!


Character Introduction: Maffeo Polo

tumblr_njkhrd45k61tfq1eeo1_250Knight Clan: Maffeo Polo

As we’re updating the wiki there have been some changes and additions.  Maffeo Polo is a new edition.  He’s not in Shogun as most would think but instead Knight Clan.  In typical Sylum fashion we have a tendency to twist things around – so it’s not exactly as you would expect.

Maffeo doesn’t talk about his family, and he doesn’t talk about his Turning. Just that he woke up dead with a note saying ‘now you know the truth Niccolo was keeping from you’.

Returning back to Italy not wanting to be near his brother, he ended up staying with Lealta Kin Clan. Until he had to deal with Ezio Auditore and moved through Europe.

Maffeo found a home in Canada, far away from his brother and his nephew’s exploits. He explored the Canadian wilderness and enjoyed establishing new fur trade routes. In time he finally found a Clan he could align himself with.

He was good at finding things, and when La Croix needs information he knows where to get it.

Maffeo is Knight Clan’s Researcher.

What does a Clan Researcher do?

They are the Clans data miner.  Clan Leader needs info, they get it.  Spy Liaison needs info, they get it.  Scientist, Hunters, etc… if they need info on a location, a person, directions, historical significance – the Researcher gets it.

More Information on Maffeo Polo

Image: Corrado Invernizzi


Sylum Inspiration: HMS Surprise


HMS Surprise


This is Admiral Aubrey’s ship.  He commanded her through most of his career, and when he retired as Admiral Stephen bought it for him.

In Sylum she still exists.  She sits in the docks near Sanctuary Clan, under the care of Barrett Bonden, waiting for her Captain to return.

Interesting fact:

The HMS Surprise exists in the real world.

San Diego Maritime Museum – The ship now known as HMS Surprise began life in 1970 as a replica of the 18th century Royal Navy frigate Rose. During the next 30 years Rose sailed thousands of miles as an attraction vessel and sail training ship prior to her conversion to HMS Surprise. For the academy award winning film, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, the filmmakers made a painstaking effort to recreate a 24 gun frigate specific to Great Britain’s Nelson era Royal Navy. The result is a replica vessel unmatched in its authenticity and attention to detail.

I’ve and a few other Clan Members had the pleasure of walking it’s planks and exploring the HMS Surprise.  An experience that was inspirational as much as the ship herself.



Sylum Universe Information: Things you must know when reading Sylum!



Sylum Universe Information:  Things you must know when reading Sylum!

There are a lot of culture reference in our own society, which is no different than the Sylum Universe.  The only thing is that there are culture reference for ‘us’ but not for ‘sylum’.


Star Trek Series: There is no 1960’s TV Show, no movies, no Next Generation etc… For example there will be no references to fictional Captain Kirk, Spock… no iconic lines ‘Captain she’s given it all that she can’ ‘I’m a Doctor Jim not a ….’ ‘Red Shirt Syndrome’ ‘Vulcan neck pinch’  etc…

Star Wars Series: The Original Series exists there are no prequels.  For example there can be references to Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Death Star, Vader, Emperor – May the Force Be With you etc… No references to Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, Jar Jar Binks, etc…

POTC: There is a series of movies and everyone is always shocked that Sparrow is really like that.

Transformers: There is no cartoons, books, comics or movies.

Gladiator: This movie does exists (Maximus hates it Quintus loves it)

Stargate: No Movies or TV Series

Disney: Yes it all exists  movies, tv, theme parks, the mouse….

Dreamworks Animation: Movies do exists – just ask Tulio/Miguel in Sanctuary, but avoid Mod Clan and Hiccup…

Moulin Rogue!: The place in Paris and the movie does exists

Young Guns: Yes the movies exists much to Scurlock’s dismay and Billy’s amusement

The Mummy: Yes there are variety of movies and tv shows

Comic Books:

Marvel Comic Universe:  As this is vast and many elements of it is incorporated into Sylum  – this is extremely complicated.

Captain America – yes there is a comic series and Iconic images used for World War 2

Iron Man – no comic series, movies etc…

Hulk – no comic series, movies etc..

Spiderman – yes there is a comic series, no movies/tv shows

X-Men – no comic series, movies etc…

Thor – yes there is a comic series and norse legends

Fantastic Four – yes there is a comic series (Vondoome swears he’s not that guy)

The Avengers – no comic series, movies etc…

DC Comic Universe:  As this is vast and many elements of it is incoporated into Sylum – this is extremely complicated.

Batman – yes there is comic books, movies, tv shows – It’s the running joke for Bruce Wayne and Dick Greyson

Wonder Woman – yes there is comic books, tv shows

Green Lantern – no comic series, movies etc

Superman – yes there is comic books, movies, tv shows (the more recents series of movies does not exists)

Green Arrow – no comic series, movies, tv shows etc


Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle – yes this exists as do the movies and tv shows

Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis – yes this exists as does the movies (based on people Lewis met)

Harry Potter Series by JK Rowlings – yes this exists as does the movies (except Draco wrote it and it’s reference off fellow Clan Members)

Lord of the Rings Series by Tolkien – yes this exists as does the movies (based on people Tolkien met)

Robert Langdon Series – yes but not the way it is represented in our society

Jack Aubrey Book Series by Patrick O’Brian – yes this exists (The movie is currently in development by Wayne Studios rumored to be staring Kirk Lazarus as Jack Aubrey)

Frankenstein by Mary Shelly – yes this exists as does the movies and adaptations

Dracula by Bram Stoker – yes this exists as does the movies and adaptations

TV Shows:

CSI – no series or it’s spin offs

NCIS – no series or its spin offs

Supernatural – tv series made after Bruce meets Sam & Dean

Dr. Who – the long running series of TV show does exists (The Doctor blames The Ancient for that)

Deadliest Catch – in Sylum it’s Crab Hunting

Due South – is in production – Wayne is pissed didn’t get rights to it

Video Games:

Assassins Creed – Dastan sold the game but not in the way we play it in our society

Prince of Persia – Dastan sold the game but not in the way we play it in our society

Watchdog – Dastan sold the game but not in the way we play it in our society

Resident Evil – Games and movies exists with variations from what we play in our society

Halo – Games, TV Shows, books do exists


This list is not exclusive and is subject to change at the whim of the Bob’s.  If you have a question about a series/books/movies or other types of cultural referencing  – reply to this post.