Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image

Marco Polo.

New series on Netflix that well actually is pretty good.  It’s been a looong time since I’ve found a show I really like.  It helps that Pierfrancesco Favino (our favorite Italian) is in it.

What new show is your favorite?  Or sticking to your old classics?

Throwback Thursday or Sylum 10th Anniversary Q&A



RL has been a bit hectic so today won’t be a Throwback Thursday.

Instead it’s a reminder about the Sylum 10th Anniversary Q&A.

We’ve gotten some good questions!! So please keep it up!!

The Form is added to this post – you can ask up to three questions per form.  Reminder: you can ask one questions or fill out multiple forms for more questions.

If you can’t see or access the contact form and want to submit a question – just reply to this post.

PS for the one who asked about Marco Polo – thank you for introducing us to this series!!!


Sylum 10th Anniversary Q&A



Sylum 10th Anniversary Question & Answer Session

After putting up the Q&A from a few years ago – we figured for the 10th Anniversary be good to open up to everyone to ask us some questions.

Use the Contact Form below to ask anything you want about characters, art, clans, storyline, the bobs, the history of sylum, the process of putting all of this together, the amount of headdesking and crying that takes place…

Each Contact Form as space for Three Questions! You can ask one or send in multiple forms for more questions. Be creative, think about the past 10 years, what you’ve read, seen posts/comments about, the characters & clans…

We’ll be collecting questions until February 5th!!

Sylum Inspiration: Dachshunds

Rabbit Dachshund (1)


Sylum Inspiration: Dachshunds (Merry & Pippin)

You’re introduced to Merry & Pippin in Clan War (you’ll see more of them in the 10th Anniversary Edition).

The reason of showcasing Dachshunds is mainly because I had two of my own.

They are adorable, smart, stubborn, and only like other dachshunds and dachshund owners aka slaves.


Coffee House Friday: 10th Anniversary Q&A

Sylum's Coffee House Image

Sylum 10th Anniversary Q&A

We’re going to do something a little different today.

Instead of me asking a question to discuss – I’m putting out a form for everyone to ask a question.

Ask anything you want about characters, art, clans, storyline, the bobs, the history of sylum, the process of putting all of this together, the amount of headdesking and crying that takes place…

Each Contact Form will allow Three Questions! Be creative, think about the past 10 years, what you’ve read, seen posts/comments about, the characters & clans…

We’ll be collecting questions until February 5th – this will encompass two Coffee House Fridays!

Disclaimer: We’ll answer every question – but we won’t reveal trade secrets!


Throwback Thursday: Art by Sam/Tony



In the beginning there was a story.

Then there was an email from Sam … who claimed Tony … who asked to write a story.

The rest is history.

So in theory it really was Tony’s fault.

In the early early years … Sam had drawn a few bunny attacks – considering most of the writers were being attacked left and right – it fit.

Still fits.

*eyes Bob and Bob 2*

For more of Sam’s Art go Here.

Reminder: Sylum Tumblr



Sylum Tumblr!!

This is a quick reminder – that we do have a Tumblr Page.

The reason I’m posting so soon after the last reminder – is mainly because we started a new series called: Character Introduction.

Today’s intro is Meriwether Lewis – Tallikut’s Spy Liaison.

Make sure to stop by or follow our Tumblr so not to miss out on these fun posts.  Note: You don’t have to have an account to see the posts.  We’ve also added Tumblr to our links section on the blog for quick access for those not interested in an account.

Another quick reminder – you can always follow @Sylum_Updates – all posts from the blog and tumblr are posted on our Twitter Account.


Throwback Thursday: Q&A Talk with the Creators & Betas




Four years ago Tim, Gil, Janet and I sat down and had a conversation about Sylum.  We answered questions concerning different aspects of Sylum.

I figured it was an interesting look back at where we were four years ago.

Irony – we’re still discussing and building the damn wiki!

Link to Sylum Archive

PS while there – you might want to read the 3 Year Anniversary Interview – OMG the memories!!

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image

It’s been a while since we had one of these!!

So figured come up with a good one as a welcome back and to start off 2015.

What if?

Many stories have started with this concept.

What if?  What if Speed didn’t die? What if Speed was a Vampire…

I’m throwing out to everyone – What if? For Sylum.

What if – Warren hadn’t died…

What if – Lord Sean had survived and not Timothy Quinn…

What if – Jack the Ripper took Dean as an Apprentice…

So what ‘what if’ would you like to see from Sylum???

Reminder: Sylum Tumblr



Reminder to all that Sylum has a Tumblr.

There you’ll find more in depth information on the Sylum Block Inspirations, gif sets of Sylum movies/shows/characters, and we’re working on series of ‘Let me introduce you to…showcase character and position in clan’.

You can also submit your own inspirations.

Plus ‘ask sylum a question’.

You don’t have to have a tumblr to view or even ask questions.

So stop on by and take a look!

Sylum Tumblr

Sylum Inspiration: Janus Coin


Look to the right or is it your left….

Anyway – the Block Inspiration that we normal post photos of actors/actress that are in Sylum is going to be a bit different this year.

This year we’re going to showcase places, items, and animals that are seen in around the Sylum Universe.

For Example – this week’s Sylum Inspiration is a Janus Coin.  This coin is what Nico has in the door frame of the Manor.  An old Roman Tradition where Janus watches over your comings and goings.  (See archived story: Caretaker Series – Thomas Efford)

I’ll put out a blog post each Monday explaining what the inspiration is.

It’s a new way to showcase all those little things in Sylum that doesn’t get attention.