Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Veterans/Remembrance Day

Veterans/Remembrance Day

On the 11th Month, 11th Day at the 11th Hour – Peace.

Today we take 2 minutes at 11 am for a moment of silence for all those who have given their lives for our countries.

At the Tower of London in England there is a beautiful display of red poppies surrounding the historical building.  Each Poppy represents an English soldier that died in World War One. The display is breathtaking and at the same time horrifying at the realization of how many.  It’s a visual representation of the loss war brings.


Today of all days. Is a day to Remember.

Britain World War I Ceremony

Those who died.


And those who lived.


Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image



Do you keep up with the fads?

Have the latest Android or iPhone?

Tablet? Nook? Kindle? Fire?

Or you still have that old rotary phone and dot matrix printer.  (And if you have no idea what either of those things are… god I’m getting old)

10th Anniversary: Kiss of Death


You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…

It’s how it all started.

Well actually it started when Rory Cochrane decided to leave CSI: Miami (good decision there Rory) and the writers came up with the stupidest way to remove the character.  Oh yes let’s not actually put any effort into this – lets kill him because he didn’t clean his gun.  *eyeroll*

To quote: Seriously serious with this!

Anyway.  As stated in a previous post, the rash of OMG Speed didn’t Die!! Fics began.  The 10th Anniversary Lost Son Video showcased a few of them.  What can I say I worked to come up with a million different ways to fix that particular stupidity.

Then ‘You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…’

Kiss of Death was supposed to be a one off … waits patiently for the laughter to die down … done yet? I had no idea where I was going with that story or that it would still be in my life 10 YEARS later.

Today is the actually 10th Anniversary of the posting of Kiss of Death.  *shakes head* Still can’t believe it’s been 10 years.  And to celebrate that moment we’re posting the 10th Anniversary Edition of Kiss of Death.

First off you’ll notice the changes from the start.  When KOD was first written I was making things up as I went – literally was like blah blah blah oohhh that could work blah blah blah.  Now we can look at the story and put in more detail from what we know more about these guys, add in timestamps that were later written that fit nicely in the arc, and basically pull in threads tighter that either didn’t go anywhere or take them up again.

There will be some changes mainly on the fact some ideas I never liked, some ideas never went any where, and some characters who are annoying twits who demanded more attention.

Quick note: the original Clan War will not go away.  It will stay up on the Archive as a tribute from where we started.  But as time goes one to understand storylines you will need to read the 10th Anniversary Edition.

2nd Note: Art by Taibhrigh

Now with no further delay.


 *Click Banner to go to Story

Dear Timothy Quinn – my Speed and my inspiration.  This … This wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.  Thank you from my heart & soul!

*feeds Bob2*

*smirks and runs away*

The Bob’s Negotiation Thursday

Instead of the normal Throwback Thursday – today is the Bob’s Negotiation Thursday

Bob Edit Bob2_Photo

The Bobs have been under intense negotiations with a variety of characters.

While working on the 10th there were a few characters who decided they had to have a much bigger role in the Universe.

His negotiation was successful


Not only did he end up in major story line he negotiated the position of Warrick’s Quarter Master on the Red Stallion – You’ll find out who he ended up Mated with in the 10th Anniversary Edition *smirks*

This one *eyeroll* manipulated whole story lines around to make sure they include him.


Actually not just one, but two.

Both story lines will be popping up in Advent

*waits for OMG Squees to die down*

These guys have been manipulating story line for a while now.  I’m not quite sure if they really negotiated with the Bobs or more threatened their furry little hides.


 I will say this – you’ll see/meet every single one of these characters … Just keep a close eye out as they are sneaky.


This big guy had extreme negotiations and in the end got his people into story line 8 years earlier than expected!!


We’ve already set the intro for him…check out the Trailer section of the website!

The latest negotiations going on are with these two.

Obi-Wan-Kenobi-and-Qui-Gon-Jinn-qui-gon-jinn-and-obi-wan-kenobi-4252507-401-600 tpm-024-01_lg

These are some heavy handed negotiations …

… some would even say aggressive – aka use of a lightsaber.

Sylum Disclaimer:

Always remember!! You might not meet any of these characters in the way you think you will.

After all Sylum is all about mixing things up:  taking characters, locations, story plots and tossing them in to a blender and hitting puree.

The Bob’s Negotiation Helpers





Sylum Advent: Check In



Bob has been evil bastard.  Of course this is not new information.

While Evil Bob 2 has been running around working on 10th Anniversary Clan War driving Speed batshit.  Bob has been in negotiation with characters who would like to come into the storyline earlier than expected.

In the meantime he’s been adding scenes to the part two of Carry On My Wayward Son *annoying little git* which is making the story go in directions that it wasn’t supposed to *glares at Bob who looks unrepentant*.

So… looks at the other authors for Advent – how’s it going for you?!

And because I’m evil – Snippet: 

The two stood side by side as the elevator moved towards the Penthouse Floor. 

 They would face whatever waited for them.


 Side by side.

 As brothers.

 As Mates.

 As Hunters.

 When the elevator pinged and the doors opened, what stood before them was not what they were expecting.

 “Jessica?” Sam stammered in shock.

 “Hello Sam!” She smiled and waved at them.