Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Sylum Advent – December 1st: Into Winter by Bj Jones (Trailer)

Welcome to Sylum Advent: 2013

December 1st




Title: Into Winter – Preview Trailer

Video Maker: Bj Jones

Summary: Trailer for upcoming story ‘Into Winter’ by Timothy Quinn.

Note: Watch this Vid a few times! Absorb.  Think about it. Watch it Again.  Then ask questions!! Seriously watch it twice, maybe three times or four.

Link to Sylum Music Room

In Memoriam: Paul Walker

In Memoriam

Paul Walker: 1973 – 2013


It was sad news yesterday to hear of the tragic accident that took Paul Walker’s life, and that of his friend.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to their family and friends.  Especially to Paul’s daughter, and his family with the Fast/Furious Cast & Crew.

Sylum has always been about honoring our favorite characters by keeping them alive in the Sylum Universe.

It is also about honoring the actors that have portrayed those characters.

Paul Walker is the inspiration for three characters in Sylum:


Brian O’Conner


Jerry Shepard


Joseph Gazelle

These Characters will live on in the Sylum Universe as an honor and tribute to a great actor and humanitarian.

As Sylum  Advent starts today – lets remember the joy of Sylum and the wonderful characters that have inspired us all for almost a decade!



Sylum Christmas Card Exchange – Sign Ups

Sylum Christmas Card Exchange

Christmas SAS 2010


I do apologize for the delay – RL has been very hectic for all of us who work with the blog.

As this is the first year trying this on the blog, it took a while to figure out how to go about setting this up and keeping people’s privacy off the world wide web.

So this is what we’re going to do – now bare with us as this may take some adjusting.

If you would like to participate in the Sylum Christmas Card Exchange – please fill out this Contact Form.

The Deadline for Sign Ups will be December 1st (Due to the fact we’re running very late with this – it’s a short window of opportunity).  On the 2nd we’ll compile the list and email it to all those who want to participate.

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




It’s Friday!!!!

As we settle into the weekend, and do all those normal weekend things: grocery shopping, hair appointments, finish stories for Advent… (now that you know what I’m doing this weekend)

Some weekends its all about laying on the couch and doing nothing…

So what’s that favorite movie that you don’t like to admit you watch let alone own and watch on a weekly bases?



Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday


It’s November 1st – All Saint’s Day

(where has the year gone – no really? Where?)

As we prep for Fall, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and into the Christmas season…

Let’s look back at Halloween…

What’s your favorite Costume? Did you see a cool on this year?

Do you dress up?

Pirate Bunnies Have Landed!!!            The Pirate Bunnies Are Coming!!!!


Have been trying to avoid them.

But it was to no avail.

Last night in the dead of night the Pirate Bunnies arrived in their ships and made port at the kitchen table in the dining room.

It may have something to do with this guy…..



He showed up after a long journey and made his home next to the rest of the Assassins.


Now there are Pirate Bunnies.  Assassins Bunnies.  Pirate Assassin Bunnies.  Making their home at the Kitchen Table – setting up taverns, blacksmith shops, brothels, and a church – even Pirates Bunnies attend Confession … *eyes Pope Bunny who looks unapologetic*

At the moment they are eyeing the far off island known as the Coffee Table, in hopes to get closer to the XBox and Assassin Creed Games.

This is not a good thing.

So if you hear screams of help, or see the dogs flee the living area – you’ll know that the Pirate Bunnies have taken over our lives!

Hears Pirate Shanties off in the distance…

RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
