Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Throwback Thursday: Very First Sylum Group Post/Sylum Blog Post

Throwback Thursday


In the beginning there was a Yahoo Group!

yahoo groups no reflection

June 14, 2005

I just wanted to post a quick message. 

Hello to all who join… Thanks for joining and I really hope everyone 
will have fun and participate.

I was so shocked when a week later if that we had hit 100 members *hah*


Then there was a Blog!


July 29, 2012

Welcome to the Sylum Blog.

The idea for this blog is to have a place where the Bobs can rant, plot, and torment their authors.

Forum to showcase what Inspires Sylum Writers: Music, Art, Books, etc.

Sites, Books, and other elements that the Sylum Writers use to Research ideas for Sylum Stories.

Discussions/Articles on writing.


Sylum has come a long way!  So anyone on the blog remember the list?  The early years of the list?  Or if just discovered Sylum through the Blog – how did you get here?


Announcement: Sylum Con – Cancelled

Sylum Con – Napa Valley, 2014



Unfortunately due to circumstance in my Personal Life, I will not be able to focus on/or host next year’s Sylum Con.

I’ll miss our regulars attenders!! *pokes* make sure to keep in touch!!

Meanwhile Bob and Bob 2 are still evil, still plotting and there are many fun, amazing, surprising things coming up in Sylum for Advent and all the way into next year!

And just to make everyone grin….

A pretty for all.


Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



Coffee Need Some!!

Ever have that moment that if you don’t get your coffee you will either kill someone or faceplant into the keyboard?

So what’s your best way to tired to function and ended up doing something stupid – like put the keys in the refrigerator.

Sylum Advent: Check In

Sylum Advent: Check In




Just leave a reply letting me know how things are going.

Reminder: All Fic/Art will need to finished and emailed to ( by November 15th.

On other news! Monday’s Post ‘Bob’s Bender‘ it was the Blog’s 300th Post!!

So to celebrate 300 Posts, the Upcoming Sylum Advent, and just because Bob has been evil and I shall spread the evil 😀

Snippet of Advent Story:

Sam straightened up, turning to Dean about getting a table when he stopped short.  His brother was talking to the nice young pretty girl behind the counter.  Not that this was unusual.  Dean always flirted with the pretty girls, it was default setting.

What was unique, was that he was speaking French.

“Dude.” Sam flailed slightly. “What the hell?”

Dean turned towards his brother. “Sammy not now.”

He just flailed more, waving his arms at his brother. “You’re speaking French.”

“No I’m not.” Dean huffed and smiled back at the pretty redhead. “Don’t mind him we’ve been on the road for too long…”

“Still speaking French.” Sam crossed his arm over his chest and frowned.

“Sam I’m not speaking French, I never took a class. I mean, I did date that Foreign exchange student, Maria… she was hot.” Dean smirked at the old memories.

“French.” Sam ignored the stirrings of jealousy.

“Dude.” Dean glared back at him.

“Actually you are speaking French.” The young girl interrupted the argument.  “And you,” she looked at Sam, “are understanding him.”

“What?” Sam’s arms dropped as he looked at her.

“He’s speaking an old French dialect, I haven’t heard since my grandfather died.” She held out her hand. “I’m Anna Milton, my family owns this place.”

Bob’s Bender of a Weekend


Bob —>  Bob


Bob 2 —> Bob2


Went on a complete Plotting Bender over the weekend.  To the point of major character developments, story lines, story arcs, plot changes, and WTF was that, you (*&#@# Rabbit!

First there’s this guy —> jeffrey_dean_morgan_10

Who snuck into storyline where he didn’t belong and changed future storylines just by his mere presence.  As you can see he is not repentful.


Then there’s this particular Assassin


Wanted to discuss storyline that isn’t even in the realm of being written yet *glares*


And not matter how hard I try to gag this particular bunny


It keeps coming back … kinda like a zombie.


atmosphere-rush-04 <— There’s a Formula 1 Bunny zipping around the house that can’t stop long enough to tell us what it wants.

Irony this one —>  rush_l2_0 came in for a pit stop and hasn’t left.


And this guy —> 1378608_514676125284326_1356026174_n Keeps hiding in the shadows


Oh and not to be left out, cause we could never leave him out….

This guy —> george-eads (who is herding at the moment)

Teamed up with this one —> Maximus_Quintus_1


who now has ties with —> Prince-of-Persia-The-Sands-of-Time-Movie-Review-4


These two —> martin_lawrence_and_will_smith_in_bad_boys_ii_hd_wallpaper-HD  are demanding a Timestamp!


 And of course let’s not forget Bob 2 who’s been just as bad as his papa.

See there’s this —> BWi4PnXCYAEjDwR

Teamed up with —> med_pierfrancesco-favino-2010-jpg

And we’re not telling how 😀 cause we can be just as evil as the Bobs!!!


After all that…


We won’t even mentioning this guy

Throwback Thursday: Sylum Videos

Graphic Gecko is sulking in the corner as Bob took away his playtime.

So for this Throwback Thursday lets look back at some of Sylum’s Videos.


Trailer: Fast/Furious series by Gil & Shep

Link to: Fast/Furious Series



Video for Timothy Quinn’s Shut Up and Fish

Link to: Shut Up and Fish by Timothy Quinn



Coming Soon Video

Take a close look at this one – you’ve seen and will see some of this soon!!!


All vids by Bj Jones on the inspiration of Graphic Gecko


Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



Let’s Talk Video Games

The question put forth is this…

If Sylum was a Video Game would you play it?

What would you like to see with in the Video Game?

Which characters would you like to interact with as you play a new Chosen One, Vampire, etc..

Scenes? Battles? Storyline from the series you would like to run through yourself?



Sylum Blog: Catch up!



A quick note from me – Bj!

There’s been a few delays on getting things up on the blog due to RL events that took priority over the past few days/weeks.

I’ll be working to get October’s Calender up in the next few days.

There will be no Throwback Thursday this week, but Coffee House Friday will resume.

Hopefully RL will calm enough to get back into my normal schedule.

Thanks for your continued support.

Bj Jones


Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




It’s been a really tough week *lays head on desk to take a nap*

So I’m going to leave it to y’all to find a conversation to talk about.

But I will leave this pretty image for inspiration.



One Major Rule – Be Respectful.

We all have our opinions on everything.

Just because you don’t agree with someone elses, doesn’t give you the right to bash, ridicule or disrespect the other person.

Throwback Thursday: Pirates!

Since it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Figured to do something slightly different from the usual Throwback Thursday.

So we’re looking back at some of Sylum’s Famed Pirates

And introducing a new one

Probably the Most Famous of Sylum Pirates

Captain Jack Sparrow


And then there’s his Mate

William Turner


Of course where Jack Sparrow usually is

Hector Barbossa is not far behind


Then there’s Nico’s Pirate

Warrick Calhoun


And Introducing

Edward Kenway


A Sneak Peak…



It’s Monday.

And I’m evil.

Snippets of stories that you may or may not see by Advent.  You’ll have to talk to Bob about his plans.

Story #1:

With a low growl Dean put the phone back to his ear.  “You want to know where the fuck I’ve been? Let me tell you Dad! I was captured by Balthazar, tortured and Turned.  Yes, dad, that means your oldest son is a fucking Vampire.  So you can go to fucking hell!”

He slammed the phone into the ground.

“FUCK!” He screamed out to the heavens.

Story #2: 


Some alone time.  After the chaos of the past few years I deserve a well-earned break with my Mate.   Told Remus we were taking a vacation, and if Langdon decided to raid the Vatican again I didn’t want to hear about it until I got home.

And read the book.

Or seen the movie.

Story #3: 

“Rick!  Trouble brewin’.”  Daryl ignored the Deputy, pissing him off even more.

“What kind of trouble?” he demanded, moving from behind his desk.  He grabbed his hat off the hook on the wall, then pulled down his gunbelt and secured it around his waist, with a quick check on the six-shooter to make sure it was loaded.


Rick actually felt his body skid to a halt.

He shook his head slightly, his brain playing back what he had just heard.


Yeah he had heard that right.

Story #4:

Peter Burke stepped into the 24th Precinct, he swore it hadn’t changed over the decades he had been coming to pick up Elizabeth.  He filled out the paperwork, took possession of his wife’s belongings, and ignored the rambling of the clerk.

“You know Agent Burke you really should talk to you wife.  Make sure she knows her place,” the officer said as he escorted Peter to the holding cells.

“By any chance was your father a cop?” Peter asked.

“Yes. As was my grandfather.” The cop opened the door to the cells.

“That’s what I figured.” He had heard the same speech a few times the past five decades.

Peter Burke stopped in front of the cell and sighed.

“Hi honey.” Elizabeth smiled at him.

Story #5: 

It was a standoff.

Neither of us flinched.

Guns steady and aimed at the other.

“Mikey you wouldn’t shoot me would you?” Larry’s grin was manic. “You know I do all of this for you.”

“No. Larry.” I had to bite back all of the emotions concerning my ex-partner.  If I didn’t I knew it would over whelm me, and feedback into Sam.  I needed Sam to concentrate on saving my mother, and not worry about me.  “You only care about yourself.”

He shook his head. “No Michael.  I do this for you. I know who you really are.  Who you crave to be.  I can let you be that person, and not hold you back, like that hooligan you shacked up with.”

“Sam is my Mate.”

“I’M. YOUR. MATE.” Larry growled in anger, then stepped back and took a calming breath. “You’ll see Michael. You belong to me.  Did you not get my DVD? I wanted you to remember that night, see how beautiful you were under me.”

As a spy you are faced with moments of moral dilemmas.  You have to make split second decisions that can change not just the course of your mission, but your life and sometimes the lives of those around you.

I lowered my gun, turned my back on him, and walked away.

I ignored Larry’s yelling.

I needed to be with my mom, my family, my Mate.

Though Sam’s hatred for DVD Players, and his ban from all Best Buys in the state of Florida, suddenly made more sense.


Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday



It’s been a really really long week!  RL as kept me away from my other hobbies.

I’m really looking forward to the weekend just to relax.

Today’s Coffee House Question.

Where do you go to relax? Vacation? Favorite Getaway?