Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Author: <span>Nicolaus Meridius</span>

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Vampires I Wish I Never Turned

In the beginning there was this story and then it overtook my life. In the early days there were storylines and characters that were added that over time really didn’t fit within Sylum. Some of them just got dusted and never to be seen again. Others I couldn’t quite do that do to the fact they were already integrated into storyline.

I’ll be the first to admit that some of these may shock people and others won’t.

So here is my Top Ten Vampires I Wish I Never Turned:

10. Morgan Le Fey

9. Michael Logan

8. Greg Sanders

7. Alexx Woods

6. Sara Sidle

5. Kyra/Jack as Twins(To clarify I would only have had Jack…not them as a set of twins)

4. Queer as Folk Group (UK/US)

3. Marisol Delko

2. Aiden Burns

And the Number One Vampire I really wish I never turned.

1. Joe Reeves

Shocked? Dismayed? Woohoo when are you going to kill them?

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Sylum Moments in History

Since Sylum has 7000 years + of history there are major Historical Events that intertwined into the Sylum Universe. These events become major storyline and plot.

Top Ten Sylum Moments in History

10. Discovery of Australia

9. Shot heard around the world

8. Ransom and Death of Richard the Lionheart

7. Assassination of JFK

6. Hurricane Katrina

5. Sacking of Rome by the Visigoths

4. The French Revolution

3. Search for the Holy Grail

2. American Civil War

And the Number One Sylum Moment in History

1. Battle for Maiden Castle
What other Historical Events would have had impact on the Sylum Universe and why?

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Sylum Stories You MUST Read!

With the original Top Ten there was the Top Ten Stories in the Guest Archive and Sylum Archive.  Figured this time around try something different.

Listed below is the Top Ten Sylum Stories that are a MUST Read if you are to understand what is going on in the Main Arcs.


10. Libera Nos A Malo – Coming Soon

9. The In-Between – Coming Soon

8. Here I am Lord – Coming Soon

7. The Colosseum Incident – Coming Soon

6. The Darkest Hour

5. Shut Up and Fish

4. Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye

3. To Race Through Dark Places

2. Roads Untravelled

And the #1 Story that Must be Read – and should be read before Re-posting of Family!!

1. Demons and Angels

Have you read these? Curious about the Coming Soon?

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Reasons to Change your ID

Vampires have long lives and sometimes they need to change their IDs.

Here are the Top Ten Reasons to Change your ID.

10. Getting Old – Retirement

9. Went to jail

8. Going Undercover

7. Rolled your car and your future Mate felt no pulse

6. Died while on duty (aka police force, military, etc.)

5. Executed – hopefully not beheaded

4. Assassinated – Again

3. Famous Historical Name

2. Got shot in the face

And Number One Reason to Change your Id.

1. Buried Alive – Again.

What other reasons can you come up with?

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Most Used Actors in Sylum

There are a lot of ‘Family’ Lines. Ever wonder how many characters are by the same actor?

Here’s the Top Ten Most Used Actors in Sylum. This is going to go backwards instead of working from 10 to the top 1 – we’ll start with the actor with most characters and work downward.

1. Russel Crowe (10 Characters) – The goal for 2013 – A Meridius in Every Clan – so this # could go up!!

2. Sean Connery (9 Characters)

3. All of the following listed have 6 Characters
– Karl Urban
– Sean Bean
– Robert Downey Jr.

4. All of the following listed 5 Characters
– Christan Bale
– Denzel Washington
– George Clooney
– Jeffrey Dean Morgan
– Johnny Depp
– Liam Neeson

Which of these surprised you? Can you name each of the characters?

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Sylum Myths

Myths within the Sylum Universe.

Some of these are myths that the ‘readers’ of Sylum seem to have about the Universe.

Some of these are what a variety of characters w/in Sylum believe.

Top Ten Sylum Myths

10. Paris and Achilles are Dead

9. Merlin is a Wizard

8. Van Helsing killed Dracula

7. Maximus can be in two places at the same time

6. Lucas is the only descendant of Speed’s

5. Dragon’s don’t exist

4. Kyra/Jack are Mates

3. Speed is the weakest link in Sylum

2. Guinevere slept with Lancelot

And the Number One Myth w/in the Sylum Universe

1. The #1 Myth will be revealed in Evolution – I will bring this list up again so keep an eye out.

Which of these surprises you or makes you wonder about other things?  Can you tell which myths are about the Sylum Series and which ones are based w/in the Stories.

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Moments You Will Never See in Sylum

I got this idea from a professor of mine. He would take the best moments from students essays (we’re talking about the worst turn of phrases to describe historical moments) and make a sheet and hand it out each semesters to the students. I’m proud to say I ended up on that sheet… and even knew the moment I would when I heard him chuckling as he went over my answers – muttering about how that was going on the List!

Over the years I’ve been sent many many emails about ideas and concepts for Sylum. I actually enjoy getting these emails, you would be surprised what inspires the bunnies – I’ve had some major good storyline come from a comment, suggestion, and/or idea. But I have to admit there have been a few occasions that I’ve sat staring at my inbox reading over an idea and wondering what the hell the sender was smoking. Especially when the idea/suggestion really has no bases in the Sylum Universe and it makes me wonder if they are reading the same story I’m posting.

The ideas below have come from the early years of Sylum – I honestly have no idea when I received some of these or from whom. They have stuck in my head over the years mainly because they were just that unique.

So before I continue – lets get this straight. This isn’t personal. If by chance someone reads this and parts of it seems familiar do not take it personally.

And please do continue to send me the ideas – like I’ve said there have been some major storylines that have come from comments and suggestions.

Top Ten Moments You Will Never See in Sylum

10. My character I want to add will be attached to the Fab 6 (Nick, Warrick, Tony, Jethro, Speed and Horatio) and the coolest person EVER! And they can do EVERYTHING without breaking a sweat, hair out of place, or damaging a nail. The typical Mary Sue/Harry Stu of Character Introductions.

9. Guinevere sleeps with Lancelot to test Arthur’s love for her.

8. Dean utters the words ‘snuggins wuggims’

7. Johnathon D’Artagnian aka Shep – fights for the Confederacy

6. Ryan Wolfe runs a pack of Wolves mainly because his last name is Wolfe

5. Chaos Demon

4. Gil and Sara have a past life as Indian Chief and Maiden and somehow have a history with Tavington

3. Irish Servant girl in Ireland helps Speed escape from Tavington during the American Revolutionary War

2. Rodney McKay is a Virgin

And the Number One Insane Moment that will NEVER see the light of day.

1. Since Lindsay was the last of Nick’s line and Ducky for Tony… Take the egg from Catherine and the Sperm from Ducky and impregnate Tony.

And NO I will not allow the crack fics off these.

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Pairings That Might Have Been

A while ago there was a discussion about – What if Sylum was created Today. This question came about because Speed and I had discussed some elements we would have done differently. Now don’t get me wrong we’ve worked, manipulated situations to change things over time to make the stories flow better, especially in around Family as the Universe started to step further away from fanfiction. But there were still a few that we just couldn’t change.

But there is always that what if?

So here are some of the pairings that could have been.

Top Ten Pairings that Might Have Been

10. Tony/Speed

9. Riddick/Jack (as in the Jack from Riddick Movies)

8. Maximus/Marcus Aurelius

7. Nick/Gil

6. Lucas Quinn/Sam Winchester

5. Van Helsing/Harker

4. Dean Winchester/Tony Stark

3. Merlin/Dresden

2. Gil/Lady Heather

And the Number One Pairing that Might Have Been

1. Nick/Arthur

Which of these pairing would you have liked to have seen?

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Sneaky Characters

They are those characters. Those blessed few who sneak in the back door and take over the world. They won’t let you go until their story is told. Then they insert themselves into major storyline and you end up re-writing major stories just to include them.

Yeah those characters.

Top Ten Sneaky Ass Characters

10. Harry Dresden

9. Liefr Nordman

8. Dean Winchester

7. William Lennox

6. Harvey Spector

5. Michael Westen

4. ….

3. Ernesto Olivetti

2. Neal Caffrey

1. ….

Those …. are there because you’ll be introduced to some of these guys in Evolution. So ask me this again after its Posted this Spring 😀

So which character that you weren’t expecting to like and wanted to know more about? For those who are in the know – do not give out information or spoilers 😀

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Clan Gathering Moments

Some of you may not know but each year there is a Clan Gathering – if your interested Click Here – and leave a reply I’ll get back to you with more information!!!

A reminder – Gathering is coming up July 23rd – 27th and will be held in San Diego, CA

If you come you’ll get to experience great moments like these.

Top Ten Clan Gathering Moments:

10. Washington DC’s Hollywood Squirrel!

9. Strippers in Vegas – Save a Horse Ride a Pirate

8. Drunk Dude asking for phone to call friends who ditched him

7. Sparrow Flail Run through the rain

6. ish

5. Cafe DuMonde closed due to Fire

4. Telling particular Clan Members about events that will be coming in the Sylum Universe

3. 1st Vampire Tour

2. Meeting Nick and Speed for the first time

And the Number One Clan Gathering moment.

1. The Gibbsmack heard around the world!

So for those who have come to gatherings – what are some of your favorite moments?

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Most Wanted in the Sylum Universe

Sylum has a few baddies. These are the most wanted.

Top Ten Most Wanted in the Sylum Universe:

10. Obediah Stane

9. Tavington/Cutler

8. Gregory Stillson

7. Livia

6. Imohtep

5. Vondoome

4. Victor Frankenstein

3. Lucius Aurelius Commodus

2. Galileo Galilei

And the Number One on Sylum’s Most Wanted List… Though at the moment he’s really tied with #2

1. Jack the Ripper

So which bad guy do you love to Hate? And which one do you really really want to see die a horrible death.

Sylum Top Ten: Top Ten Unexpected Relationships Before Finding Mates

It’s those moments when the new Mate finds out about past lovers and some of them makes them go “Wait. What? How? WHY? and are there pictures?”

Top Ten Unexpected Relationships Before Finding Mates

10. Sam Axe/Alexandria Eames

9. Lara Croft/James Bond

8. Dilius/Dresden

7. Kirk Lazarus/Catherine (They don’t talk about it to this day)

6. Nicolaus/Lucretia

5. Noah MacManus/Emily Appleton

4. Brisco County Jr./Harvey Specter

3. Thomas/Mary Poppins (Never ask Nick about this)

2. Benton/Severus (Some how I doubt he’s told Ray)

And the Number One Unexpected Pairing

1. Antonio Crisafi/Robin Longstride

What is your favorite Sylum OTP and does this list change some thoughts? And which story do you really want to read now??