December 10th
Title: The Caretaker – Ghost and Darkness Clan
Author: Bj Jones
Pairings/Characters: The Caretaker
Rating: FRT-13
Summary: There are many reasons why I heart
Art: taibhrigh
Title: The Caretaker – Ghost and Darkness Clan
Author: Bj Jones
Pairings/Characters: The Caretaker
Rating: FRT-13
Summary: There are many reasons why I heart
Art: taibhrigh
Title: The Perfect Gift
Author: Gil Grissom
Pairings/Characters: Dom/Brian, Daniel Boone, David Crockett
Rating: FRAO
Summary: Daniel and David’s gift on their fifth-year Bonding anniversary wasn’t anything they’d ever expected, but it was more than welcome.
Art: taibhrigh
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Title: Jimmy and the Sheriff
Author: Bj Jones
Pairings/Characters: James Hickok/Noah Dixon
Rating: FRT-13
Summary: Jimmy gets information about a pair of fugitives courtesy of the local Sheriff.
Art: taibhrigh
Today we’re giving you a break to catch up on reading 😀 As there were a few pretty large fics in the first week of Advent!
All Banners were done by Taibhrigh – which at this moment I would like to send a BIG Thank You for doing all the Banners for Advent!!!
William Brandt
Ernesto Olivetti
Ethan Hunt
Abraham Lincoln/Henry Sturges
Title: Searching
Author: Captain Jack Sparrow
Pairings/Characters: Jack Sparrow/Will Turner
Rating: FRT-13
Summary: Jack Sparrow is searching for many things this night. Will he find one something in an unlikely place?
Art: taibhrigh
Title: Don’t Take Your Guns to Town
Author: Bj Jones
Pairings/Characters: Jim Longworth, Dwight Hendricks
Rating: FRM
Summary: While caught in the middle of a robbery, Jim tells Dwight how he was Turned.
Art: taibhrigh
Title: One Step Closer
Author: John Sheppard
Pairings/Characters: Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, Martin Deeks, Grace Williams
Rating: FRT
Summary: Danny finds out something interesting about Steve after a rough case.
Art: taibhrigh
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Title: Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye
Author: Gil Grissom and John Sheppard
Pairings/Characters: Dom/Brian, various characters from Border, The Vampire Council, and Sanctuary Clan
Rating: FRAO
Summary: A new threat darkens Border’s doorstep and attempts to break the Clan’s spirit, while chaos erupts half a world away.
Art: taibhrigh
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Title: It’s All in How You Count
Author: Taibhrigh
Pairings/Characters: Jacob Jensen, Jensen/Clay/Cougar
Rating: FRT
Summary: Clay and Cougar learn more about their new Mate.
Art: taibhrigh
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Title: Roads Untraveled
Author: Bj Jones
Pairings/Characters: Ernesto Olivetti, Andrew Kiernan, and far too many to list. Seriously, there are a lot of characters in this thing, some of them new/never before seen.
Rating: FRAO
Summary: That Night was just the beginning. Now Ernesto Olivetti needs to figure out what to do with the rest of his life, while finding his Mate, dealing with his kids, remembering his past lives, and trying to hunt down a very sneaky Pope.
1st Author’s Note: This is a continuation of Timothy Quinn’s Demons and Angels – if you have not read that story you will have no idea what is going on in this one. Seriously, you need to read Demons and Angels before reading this story.
Art: taibhrigh
We’ll start posting tomorrow December 1st!!!!
There are some amazing stories coming your way!! You’ll start to see the beginnings of the changes that Sylum Universe will be taking.
It’s direct sequel Roads Untraveled opens Advent tomorrow!!!
I need to make this clear.
This story is a Turning Point in the Sylum Universe.
To understand what is going on in not just many of the Advent Fics, but up coming Arcs, and the Future of Sylum …. You WILL need to read this Story.
Sylum is more than just a fanfic. The stories are all woven together to build this vast universe. If you decided to read only certain fandoms or only the Arcs you will in time not understand what is going on.
So let me repeat! This story is a Must Read for Sylum.
At this time I would like to take a moment to thank taibhrigh for the Art and Gil for the mass coding nightmare this particular story took.
Title: Demons and Angels
Author: Timothy Quinn
Rating: FRM
Disclaimer: Any fandom recognizable character is owned by its creator. Everything else is for Sylum Clan. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This is for entertainment purposes only.
A devastating new technology
An ancient secret society
An unthinkable target
As the College of Cardinals assemble in Rome to elect a new Pope, somewhere in Vatican City a device of terrifying power and significance counts steadily down to annihilation.
In a breathtaking race against time Sylum’s Clan Leader, a Professor of Symbology, a scruffy Irishman and a stubborn Policeman must decipher a labyrinthine trail of ancient cunning to defeat those responsible – for the Illuminati have resurfaced to carry out their final goal and fulfil their deadly vendetta against the Catholic Church.
In 2006 an incident took place that changed the course of history. The documents and video that catalog this moment, are tucked away in the Vatican Archives. Included in these files are names seen throughout history: Nicolaus Valerius Meridius , Timothy Quinn, and Robert Langdon.
All organizations found in this story exist, including the Illuminati, The Swiss Guard, The Vatican Police, and the College of Cardinals.
The existence of Immortals, possibly better known as Vampyres, has also been rumoured throughout history.
Access to the Manor at Sylum has however, been consistently denied.
The Places, The Art, and The History are all real.
After Bob 2’s Post on Character Motivation – I figured it would be good to have a post on Writer Inspiration.
As much as your Characters need motivation within the story. You as the writer need to be inspired by the characters and their story – to find their own Motivation and in some aspects your own.
We can be inspired by many things: Place, Movie, Person, Event…
Here at Sylum the author’s need to be open to all inspiration, because one never knows where it will come from.
For instance: CSI Miami – where Sylum all began. The death of Timothy Speedle was the inspiration for the beginning of this whole Universe. Little did I know this is where we would end up, but still it was the starting point. And we can’t forgot CSI and NCIS as the original Inspiration for all things Sylum.
Over time the Sylum Authors have found inspiration from all areas: Movie, Books, TV Shows, Animation, World History, World Events, and sometimes just an image.
How can anyone forgot some of these great movies that have inspired character and story.
It’s just not movies that inspire or TV Shows. Places and People can be a major source of Inspiration. Whether a building suddenly gives you that insight of what the Manor, Villa, House, Winery may look like, and you find yourself scribbling down notes, dimensions, and sketching/taking pictures of every detail so you can describe it on paper.
Or it’s a person who’s life story helps you focus on what you’re doing, giving you ideas on how to motivate your character, or hell even background information for a storyline. Each of these things can inspire you as a writer, which in turn will give that scene some clarity and that character some depth.
Music can be a major Inspiration. That piece of score or lyrics to a song – can Inspire a Bunny to go beserk at the worst possible moment. It can help set the scene, put you as the write into the mode, and hit you in the heart/soul and make you feel your characters emotions. Music as been very important in Sylum for Inspiration. And I’m not just talking about the Graphic Gecko – who is evil and sitting behind me with his playlist demanding Videos to be Made. Ignoring the Gecko and getting back to what I was doing – oh yes Music as Inspiration. I personally found scores as a good way to set scenes. I’ve got playlists for characters, arcs, stories, and moments. Writing a Hunter stalking through a club, had club music on. Battle sequences had music from Transformers, Resident Evil, etc…
*Snags Computer*
Graphic Gecko here!! I ran off with the keyboard to post inspiring music for Bj and also for all the writers out there. HA! Crap she’s found me…. Listen. Be Inspired……
*Snags Computer Back*
Now that I’ve locked the Gecko up!! *glares at it* Where was I – oh yes music! There is many many pieces of music I could play to inspire – but this one has been the most recent. Enjoy – and if you like the music let me know. And of course anything by Linkin Park – makes the Graphic Gecko go batshit 😀
Let’s see we’ve covered Movies, TV Shows, People, Places, and Music. So what else can be Inspiring? Books? Well Books are your original media for Inspiration. It was books first that got people’s imaginations going. Whether you were going to Narnia, Mordor, or to the Center of the Earth. Books are also your greatest asset when it comes to Research and Inspiration. Google is your friend, but your library is your best friend. The many times I’ve pulled books off the shelf to check historical dates, locations, and events. Or pulled up Maps to make sure that country existed at the time. And as much as modern media (Movies and TV Shows) Books are still the great inspiration. As a matter of fact there is a recent book that despite my misgivings has been very inspiring for major storyline for Sylum.
Though if you think Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter changed major storyline – Let me tell you this.
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Between the book and the movie – This story has changed the course of Sylum forever!
You think I’m exaggerating – wait till the story comes out (soon very soon).
So what’s left to be Inspired by? You love that favorite TV Show, or that Movie was just awesome!! There’s that favorite books series you’ve read since a kid. And damn it every time that Band plays you can totally just see that scene. You have a poster of that person who inspires you, and images of that place that makes you feel at home. So what else can Inspire you? Video Games??? Yeah not the first place most would look for inspiration, but Games today are getting sophisticated and it’s just not jumping over barrels to save the girl from the evil monkey (DIE MONKEY DIE – oh sorry flashback).
For Sylum there is already a major character that was inspired by Video Games that developed into a movie series.
But recently another character has began to emerge into the Sylum Universe. He’s shown up here and there, but soon you will be seeing more of him.
Now that we’ve talked about the wide spectra of Inspiration. What has Inspired Sylum? I’ve mentioned a few throughout this post. So what’s coming up in the future? What has Inspired enough to start major storyline. Well lets see shall we?
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
As stated I’m working to add links to the blog that will have information about locations and events that are important to the Sylum Universe.
Last week a Page was added to World Locations: The Sistine Chapel
This week I’ve added a Page to Clan Locations: New Orleans, Louisiana (Home of Sylum Clan)
Take a moment to check out the pages, and always expect to see more Pages added as time goes on.
PS: Advent is just around the corner!! It’s looking to be an interesting set of stories and art!!!