Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Brew A Potion Day

Brew A Potion Day

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
– Macbeth 


“What are you two doing?”  Severus looked at his two Mates who gave him innocent smiles.  “If you think those smiles will work on me, you haven’t been paying attention for the past few centuries.”

“Sev.”  Draco smiled sweetly.  “We just came down to your dungeon to see how you were doing.”

The frown stayed in place.

“We miss you when you lock yourself away with your potions.”  Galahad took a few steps closer, looking at him all sweet and innocent like through his too long fringe.

Severus rolled his eyes.  “You do realize I’m not a Potions Master, despite the idiotic tripe that Draco spat out onto a book.”  

“But you play the part so well!”  Draco leaned against one of the wooden tables, the one that had notes on it, not the ones that actually did have some of his Mates experiments on it, he wasn’t that stupid.  “Even have the dark black robe thing going.”

“Not since the 1700’s.”  Severus shook his head ignoring the modern black ensemble.  “Actually, I am working on some new herbal remedies to send up to Arianne, so you two can move along.”

“Nope.”  Galahad wrapped his arms around his Mate’s waist then pulled him into a kiss.  “Today is a special day, and we’re spending it with our favorite Potion’s Master.”

“100 Points for Gryffindor if you blow me.”  He smirked at the tiny blush that always popped up on Galahad.  

Draco chuckled.  “We can break out the scarves.”

Severus pulled Galahad into his arms, just relishing the closeness, it had been a while since he had spent time with his Mates.   He had been working with Arianne on some new remedies, Galahad had been in London dealing with Parliament, and Draco had gone to play Malfoy Jr for Lucius.   “Fine, there’s nothing I can’t do tomorrow.  Are we staying in bed for the rest of the day or …”

Draco held up a picnic basket.  “Chef Fullerton is visiting so we got some good food.  How about a nice afternoon, and public sex.”

Galahad buried his head into his Mate’s chest.  “I hate you all.”

“Oh come on Potter where’s your sense of Adventure!”

Galahad gave him a two finger salute.  It wasn’t many who could pull out this side of the youngest and virtuous Knight.  Draco smirked with Pride.

“Lunch then we’ll debauch the Boy Who Lived.”  Severus kissed the top of his head, grabbed his black coat to head for the door.  “By the way what is this special day.”

Galahad chuckled.  “National Brew A Potions Day.”


  1. najean1

    LMFAO! This is a a very funny and totally adorable ficlet. I laughed all the way through it — really perked up my day! But the kicker was when Severus told Galahad: “100 points to Gryffindor if you blow me.” That’s when I completely lost it; I laughed myself silly! (Let me get a hanky to dry my eyes.)
    Loved it!
    —Naj 😀 😀
    (No, Gin-Gin, I am not hurt or upset. Cats!)

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