Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Brothers Day

Brothers Day

This one is for Kathie – Tony/Speed working together

“What are you doing here?”  Speed didn’t even look up from his book.

“I can’t hang out with my favorite sibling.”  Tony set down his beignets and a coffee.  “It’s a nice day figured I would ruin it by hanging out with you.”

He set the bookmark in his book, closed it and put it on the empty chair at the table.  “Love you.”

Tony fixed his coffee, sipping it with a moan of pleasure.  He really did love Du Monde’s coffee.  “There really is something about their coffee, it just tells me I’m home.”

“You’re up to something.  I’ll wait until you finish your desert.”  He reached over and stole one of the warm beignets.  “How’s government work.”

“Same as it was before.”  Tony enjoyed his plate, carefully keeping the powder sugar from his suit.  “Actually, the reason I’m here is a case.”

“I don’t do forensics work anymore.”  He had never felt comfortable with carrying a gun, and having that fact bite him in the ass twice was enough to realize finding a job that he doesn’t have to carry a good idea.  At the moment he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do, when he grew up.  Luckily he actually didn’t have to work, so he was enjoying the quiet, especially after everything that had happened in the past few years. 

“If I wanted forensics I would’ve called your redhead or mom.”  Tony sipped more of his coffee, sitting back in his chair focusing on his brother.  “This is a bit more out of the forensics community.”

“Now I’m intrigued.”  Speed wasn’t sure what his sibling was up to, but well he was kinda bored.

“I would’ve normally handed this off to dad, but he’s got crazy uncle living in his area that he needs to deal with, so figured you would be second best.”

“Fuck you.”  Speed laughed lightly.  “What’s going on?”

“Some asshat who just got away with rape, because other asshats felt that she was asking for it.   Nothing we can do, and the man’s going to be shipping out soon … ”  Tony snarled slightly.  “He and his buds like to play pool at that dive bar on 20th.”

“I haven’t played pool in a while.”  Speed smirked as he stood grabbing his book. “If I recall dad keeps telling us we should do more family things together.”

“Well it is Brother’s Day so how about some brotherly bonding?”  Tony followed him out of the patio area.  “I took a taxi, do you promise not to crash your death machine?”  He eyed the third yellow Ducati his brother owned in the past five years.

“Get on.”  

“You really should get helmets.”  Tony bitched as he climbed on behind his brother holding on to him.  “If I ended up with brain damage I’m blaming you.”

“Dude that ship has sailed.  You’ve been damaged since the crusades.”  Speed smirked over his shoulder as he started the bike up, checked around him then sped into traffic.  

“Fuck you!”  Tony yelled.

Speed just laughed as he took the corner tightly trusting Tony to go with the flow.   It had been a while since the two had some sibling bonding time, they should do this more often.


  1. Kathie+Guazzo

    This is so excellent! Thank you. The two of them doing their thing with a bonus of meeting at my most favorite cafe ever. Plus Tony dodging the powdered sugar badge of honor after a trip to New Orleans. I used to take something to read while sitting there but got distracted by people watching.

  2. najean1

    LMAO! Tony and Tim working in tandem is danger, death and destruction with sides of snark and wit in ANY century. The asset is doomed! He deserves it…
    Loved it!
    —Naj 😀 😀 ♥️♥️

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