::dashes in while cleaning glasses::
Hi. Sorry it’s been a while people. But I’ve been a BIT busy.
There was that ‘Demons and Angels’ story. Then a little (!) thing called ‘Roads Untraveled’.
Woohoo those were fun. Really. They were. Then Bob tossed me ‘Family’.
I was confused. Hadn’t I done one that already? But Bob was like “Yeah, you did. But I made some changes…”
So I started reading/editing…and whoa! Yeah, CHANGES people. New folks. New perspectives on old folks. New situations. New twists on old situations.
I had a blast re-reading it. It’s a like a new story. Wait. It IS a new story.
Since I handed it back to Bob, I’ve been counting the days until it’s reposted. I’m wondering what ya’ll think. Who’ll be the first to notice what changed.
And what didn’t.
::eyes list of upcoming works::
Um. Ya’ll might want to make sure and read ‘Family’ again once it’s up. ‘Cause what’s coming won’t make much sense otherwise.
Besides. It’ll be fun!
Oops. Gotta run. I think I heard my inbox ping…