Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Medjai Clan</span>

Sylum Inspiration: Aladdin

Medjai: Hunter


Aladdin wasn’t a street rat nor a thief. He’s also not the Aladdin from the stories.  He was named after them or so he states.

He’s the youngest son of the Captain of the guards. And it was obvious since he was a child he wasn’t going to be a Medjai warrior. His father sent him to the Clan, to help work in the library, as he knew his boy was smart and quickly figured things out once shown.

It was here he met Jafar, who cursed at him then fled the room. Aladdin wouldn’t see him for another twenty-years.

By that time he figured out the whole Vampire, Mate situation.

(Reminder: At the moment the wiki is down for Maintenance)

Sylum Inspiration: Iolaus

Medjai: Hunter


In Greek mythology, Iolaus was a Theban divine hero, son of Iphicles and Automedusa.

He was famed for being Heracles’s nephew and for helping with some of his Labors, and also for being one of the Argonauts. Through his daughter Leipephilene, he was considered to have fathered the mythic and historic line of the kings of Corinth, ending with Telestes.

This is the tales and the Legends.

For More information contact the Vampire Council Library

Iolaus is the nephew of Hercules, just down a few generational lines.

He was raised in Thebes and was a great warrior, married with a family. He had no intentions of being anything other than a good husband, father, and soldier.

But the gods had other ideas, and while journeying home with fellow soldiers, they came across a village being attacked by outsiders. Without hesitation all of them ran into battle, not realizing they were facing far greater powers.

Iolaus was the last one standing.

He swore before he blacked out he saw a large white bird and two men swarmed into battle.

Sylum Inspiration: Hercules

Medjai: Hunter


Born Alcaeus, Hercules was a divine hero in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, foster son of Amphitryon and great-grandson (and half-brother) of Perseus. He was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, the ancestor of royal clans who claimed to be Heracleidae and a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters. In Rome and the modern West, he is known as Hercules, with whom the later Roman Emperors, in particular Commodus and Maximian, often identified themselves. The Romans adopted the Greek version of his life and works essentially unchanged, but added anecdotal detail of their own, some of it linking the hero with the geography of the Central Mediterranean. Details of his cult were adapted to Rome as well.

Extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity, and sexual prowess with both males and females were among the characteristics commonly attributed to him. Heracles used his wits on several occasions when his strength did not suffice, such as when laboring for the king Augeas of Elis, wrestling the giant Antaeus, or tricking Atlas into taking the sky back onto his shoulders. Together with Hermes he was the patron and protector of gymnasia and palaestrae. His iconographic attributes are the lion skin and the club. These qualities did not prevent him from being regarded as a playful figure who used games to relax from his labors and played a great deal with children. By conquering dangerous archaic forces he is said to have “made the world safe for mankind” and to be its benefactor. Heracles was an extremely passionate and emotional individual, capable of doing both great deeds for his friends (such as wrestling with Thanatos on behalf of Prince Admetus, who had regaled Heracles with his hospitality, or restoring his friend Tyndareus to the throne of Sparta after he was overthrown) and being a terrible enemy who would wreak horrible vengeance on those who crossed him, as Augeas, Neleus and Laomedon all found out to their cost.

A major factor in the well-known tragedies surrounding Heracles is the hatred that the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus, had for him. A full account of Heracles must render it clear why Heracles was so tormented by Hera, when there were many illegitimate offspring sired by Zeus. Heracles was the son of the affair Zeus had with the mortal woman Alcmene. Zeus made love to her after disguising himself as her husband, Amphitryon, home early from war (Amphitryon did return later the same night, and Alcmene became pregnant with his son at the same time, a case of heteropaternal superfecundation, where a woman carries twins sired by different fathers). Thus, Heracles’ very existence proved at least one of Zeus’ many illicit affairs, and Hera often conspired against Zeus’ mortal offspring as revenge for her husband’s infidelities. His twin mortal brother, son of Amphitryon, was Iphicles, father of Heracles’ charioteer Iolaus.

On the night the twins Heracles and Iphicles were to be born, Hera, knowing of her husband Zeus’ adultery, persuaded Zeus to swear an oath that the child born that night to a member of the House of Perseus would become High King. Hera did this knowing that while Heracles was to be born a descendant of Perseus, so too was Eurystheus. Once the oath was sworn, Hera hurried to Alcmene’s dwelling and slowed the birth of the twins Heracles and Iphicles by forcing Ilithyia, goddess of childbirth, to sit crosslegged with her clothing tied in knots, thereby causing the twins to be trapped in the womb. Meanwhile, Hera caused Eurystheus to be born prematurely, making him High King in place of Heracles. She would have permanently delayed Heracles’ birth had she not been fooled by Galanthis, Alcmene’s servant, who lied to Ilithyia, saying that Alcmene had already delivered the baby. Upon hearing this, she jumped in surprise, loosing the knots and inadvertently allowing Alcmene to give birth to Heracles and Iphicles.

For More Information contact the Vampire Council Library

Though many of the myths are true, a lot of them are based on actual events.

Hercules is a descendant of Persuas, and again the bastard son of a ‘god’. The reality was he was the descendant of the great warrior, and the bastard son of the king. And in typical fashion the Queen was not happy that a servant’s child could get the throne instead of her son.

Perseus, recognizing the situation and reminding him of his own youth, stayed near the child, training him from a young age. In time Hercules grew to become a great warrior, strong, resilient and always helping those in need.

When the Queen tried to have him killed, Perseus Turned him.

Sylum Inspiration: Xena

Medjai: Hunter


Xena committed numerous horrible deeds from terrorism to piracy and murder and at one point became known as the “Destroyer of Nations.” Her journey down the path of evil arguably began when her beloved brother was killed during an attack by the warlord Cortese. Xena vowed revenge and became estranged from her mother as a result.

Xena became the leader of an army and aligns herself with Borias whom she effectively seduced away from his family and the two join forces. The two became lovers and after a time, Xena became pregnant with her son Solan. It was during her pregnancy that a significant event happens.  Xena traveled with her Army to North Africa where she hoped to build an alliance. Subsequent Borias betrayed Xena lead to her being hunted. While on the run, Xena found her way to a powerful noblewoman. Shye cared for Xena as she never had been before, treating her as a friend who was only interested is helping her become a better person. Under her friend’s guidance, she learned to put aside a great deal of her hatred and pain. Additionally, she gave Xena the metaphorical title “Warrior Princess,” intending that she be a major catalyst for change in the land.

Borias and Xena reconcile and renew their alliance, only to break it a final time and to split their forces between them, with Xena proved the stronger of the two. Borias was killed in the forthcoming battle, and Xena gave the newborn to the noblewoman so that he will be kept safe and protected.

Her life fully changed when she’s confronted with Ares, the God of War, in battle. He’s impressed by her skills and has thoughts of bedding her. She refuses him and attacks, only for him to reward her by Turning her.

Sylum Inspiration: Boromir

Medjai: Lead Hunter


After Boromir’s mother’s death, Denethor his father, became sombre, cold, and detached from his family, but the relationship between Faramir and Boromir only grew closer. The brothers greatly loved and highly esteemed each other, and neither in childhood nor in later years was there any jealousy or rivalry between them, even though Denethor openly favoured his elder son.

When the time came for him to go, Boromir hated leaving his younger brother behind.  He knew he would take the brunt of their father’s madness, but he had been called to serve his King and he was duty bound.

Faramir had told him not to worry.

Boromir became King Richard’s Captain of the Guard. He took care of everything Richard needed, even warming Richard’s bed at night. He was the only soldier left standing when the Infidels captured Richard in Jerusalem.  He continued to do what he did best and protect his king.

One day he was dragged out of the rooms they were being held in, and thrown into a dark cell. He had already been whipped and beaten, many times, and each time he refused to scream. He had been surprised at how caring Richard had been when he was dumped back into their room.

This time he knew it was different.

Character Introduction: Malik

53b73500d6fe7.preview-620Medjai: Hunter

Name: Malik

Turn Date: 2130 BC

Sire: Akhmenrah

Mate: No Mate


Malik was a Medjai from birth. He trained to be a warrior, then surpassed the training and became the elite, those that served under Pharaoh. He took to Ahkmenrah instantly. He liked the kid, not so much with his brother.

So when Kahmunrah tried to kill Akhmenrah, Malik got between the two taking the knife met for his charge. He was devastated that despite his best efforts Ahkmenrah was mortally wounded and had to be Turned.

When his Pharaoh came to him days later with a request, he couldn’t say no.


Image: Cas Anvar


Character Introduction: Ahkmenrah

3636204_orig-e1429040859851Medjai: Member


Name: Ahkmenrah

Turn Date: 2130 BC

Sire: Ardeth Bay

Mate: No Mate


Ahkmenrah was the youngest son of Merenkahre and Shepseheret. Do to the fact, his brother Kahmunrah, was disrespectful to the people, their father had decided that Ahkmenrah would be Pharaoh.

Kahmunrah didn’t take this well, and attacked his little brother. Akhmenrah’s body guard Malik got into the middle of the situation, giving Ahkmenrah time to kill his brother.

During the struggle he was wounded. He looked over to his friend, who was yelling for the Medjai guards, as he sank to the ground blood flowing through his fingers.

Ardeth knelt down in front of him. Ahkmenrah smiled.


Ahkmenrah is a new edition to the Medjai, along with his bodyguard Malik.  We’ll do another Character Intro next week to showcase Malik.

Image: Rami Malek

ahkmenrah full-length