Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Character Introduction</span>

Sylum Inspiration: Ernest Henry Shackleton

Camelot: Member


Ernest Shackleton was born on 15th February, 1874AD, in Kilkea near Athy, County Kildare, Ireland, about 46 miles (74 km) from Dublin.

Ernest’s father was Henry Shackleton, and his mother was Henrietta Letitia Sophia Gavan.  His father’s family was Anglo-Irish, originally from Yorkshire, England.  His mother’s family was Irish, from Counties Cork and Kerry.

Ernest was the second of their ten children and the first of two sons; the second, Frank, achieved notoriety as a suspect (later exonerated) in the 1907AD theft of Ireland’s Crown Jewels.  In 1880AD, when Ernest was six, Henry Shackleton gave up his life as a landowner to study medicine at Trinity College, Dublin, moving his family into the city.  Four years later, the family moved again, from Ireland to Sydenham in suburban London.  Partly, this was in search of better professional prospects for the newly qualified doctor, but another factor may have been unease about their Anglo-Irish ancestry, following the assassination by Irish Nationalists of Lord Frederick Cavendish, the British Chief Secretary for Ireland, in 1882AD.

Shackleton’s restlessness at school was such, that he was allowed to leave at 16 years of age, and go to sea.  The options available to him, were a Royal Naval Cadetship at HMS Britannia, which Dr Shackleton could not afford; the mercantile marine cadet ships Worcester and Conway; or an apprenticeship ‘before the mast’ on a sailing vessel.  The third option was chosen.

His father was able to secure him a berth with the North Western Shipping Company, aboard the square-rigged sailing ship Hoghton Tower.  During the following four years at sea, Shackleton learned his trade, visiting the far corners of the earth and forming acquaintances with a variety of people from many walks of life, learning to be at home with all kinds of men.  In August 1894AD, he passed his examination for Second Mate and accepted a post as Third Officer on a Tramp Steamer of the Welsh Shire Line.  Two years later, he had obtained his First Mate’s ticket, and in 1898AD, he was certified as a Master Mariner, qualifying him to command a British ship anywhere in the world.

The National Antarctic Expedition, known as the Discovery Expedition after the ship Discovery, was the brainchild of Sir Clements Markham, President of the Royal Geographical Society, and had been many years in preparation.  It was led by Robert Falcon Scott, a Royal Navy torpedo Lieutenant lately promoted Commander, and had objectives that included scientific and geographical discovery.  Although Discovery was not a Royal Navy unit, Scott required the crew, officers and scientific staff to accept voluntarily the conditions of the Naval Discipline Act, and the ship and expedition were run on Royal Navy lines.  Shackleton accepted this, even though his own background and instincts favoured a different, more informal style of leadership.  Shackleton’s particular duties were listed as: “In charge of seawater analysis.  Ward Room caterer.  In charge of holds, stores and provisions.  He also arranges the entertainments.”

Discovery departed London on 31st July, 1901AD, arriving at the Antarctic coast, via Cape Town and New Zealand, on 8th January, 1902AD.

After landing, Shackleton took part in an experimental balloon flight on 4th February, 1902AD.  He also participated, with the scientists Edward Wilson and Hartley Ferrar, in the first sledging trip from the expedition’s winter quarters in McMurdo Sound – a journey which established a safe route onto the Great Ice Barrier.  During the Antarctic winter of 1902AD, in the confines of the iced-in Discovery, Shackleton edited the expedition’s magazine ‘The South Polar Times’.  According to Steward Clarence Hare, he was “the most popular of the officers among the crew, being a good mixer”, though claims that this represented an unofficial rival leadership to Scott’s are unsupported.

Scott chose Shackleton to accompany Wilson and himself on the expedition’s southern journey, a march southwards to achieve the highest possible latitude in the direction of the South Pole.  This march was not a serious attempt on the Pole, although the attainment of a high latitude was of great importance to Scott, and the inclusion of Shackleton indicated a high degree of personal trust.

The party set out on 2nd November, 1902AD.  The march was, Scott wrote later, “a combination of success and failure”.  A record Farthest South latitude of 82° 17′ was reached, beating the previous record established in 1900AD, by Carsten Borchgrevink.  The journey was marred by the poor performance of the dogs, whose food had become tainted, and who rapidly fell sick.  All 22 dogs died during the march.  The three men all suffered at times from snow blindness, frostbite and ultimately, scurvy.  On the return journey, Shackleton had by his own admission “broken down” and could no longer carry out his share of the work.  He would later deny Scott’s claim in ‘The Voyage of the Discovery’, that he had been carried on the sledge.  However, he was in a seriously weakened condition.  Wilson’s diary entry for 14th January, 1903AD reads: “Shackleton has been anything but up to the mark, and today he is decidedly worse, very short winded and coughing constantly, with more serious symptoms that need not be detailed here but which are of no small consequence one hundred and sixty miles from the ship”.

On 4th February, 1903AD, the party finally reached the ship.  After a medical examination (which proved inconclusive), Scott decided to send Shackleton home on the relief ship Morning, which had arrived in McMurdo Sound in January 1903AD.  Scott wrote: “He ought not to risk further hardship in his present state of health.”  There is conjecture that Scott’s motives for removing him was resentment of Shackleton’s popularity, and that ill-health was used as an excuse to get rid of him.  Years after the deaths of Scott, Wilson and Shackleton, Albert Armitage, the expedition’s Second-in-Command, claimed that there had been a falling-out on the southern journey, and that Scott had told the ship’s doctor, “if he does not go back sick he will go back in disgrace.”  There is no corroboration of Armitage’s story however.

Shackleton and Scott stayed on friendly terms, at least until the publication of Scott’s account of the southern journey in ‘The Voyage of the Discovery’.  Although in public they remained mutually respectful and cordial, according to biographer Roland Huntford, Shackleton’s attitude to Scott turned to “smouldering scorn and dislike”, and salvage of wounded pride required “a return to the Antarctic and an attempt to outdo Scott”.

For More Information Contact thVampire Council Library

Sylum Inspiration: Frank Hurley


Hurley was the third of five children born to parents Edward and Margaret Hurley and was raised in Glebe, a suburb of Sydney, Australia. He ran away from home at the age of 13 to work on the Lithgow steel mill, returning home two years later to study at the local technical school and attend science lectures at the University of Sydney. When he was 17 he bought his first camera, a 15 shilling Kodak Box Brownie which he paid for at the rate of a shilling per week. He taught himself photography and set himself up in the postcard business, where he gained a reputation for putting himself in danger in order to produce stunning images, including placing himself in front of an oncoming train to capture it on film.

At the age of 25, in 1908, Hurley learned that Australian explorer Douglas Mawson was planning an expedition to Antarctica; fellow Sydney-sider Henri Mallard, in 1911, recommended Hurley for the position of official photographer to Mawson’s Australasian Antarctic Expedition, ahead of himself. Hurley asserts in his biography that he then cornered Mawson as he was making his way to their interview on a train, using the advantage to talk his way into the job. Mawson was persuaded, while Mallard, who was the manager of Harringtons (a local Kodak franchise) to which Hurley was in debt, provided photographic equipment. The Expedition departed in 1911, returning in 1914. On his return, he edited and released a documentary ‘Home of the Blizzard,’ using his footage from the expedition.

Hurley was also the official photographer on Ernest Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition which set out in 1914 and was marooned until August 1916.

For more information contact the Vampire Council Library

Hurley had to fight with Shackleton on keeping the images he had taken during the expedition. In the end the two compromised and he kept 1/4 of the glass plates. He found this a hard earned reward, considering he had dived into freezing waters to save a portion of them.

It was this act that had him being Turned by Shackleton.

Sylum Inspiration: James Harrison

Oceania/Serenity: Member


James has been a fisherman his entire life. Born and bred, it’s in his blood and he’s brought his family into the fishing business with him. But fishing in the Bering Sea is rough, and it can be costly-not only for your boat, but for your life.

He lost his wife to cancer, six months after she gave birth to their son, Stephen. James spread her ashes at Sea, then took his six month old out crab fishing. James raised his son on the Calico Sky, educated him with a unique style and teaching him to be a fisherman.
James became fast friends with fellow fisherman Liefr Nordman and Randolph Andrews. It wasn’t long before he figured out both of their secrets. The introduction to Captain Jack Aubrey confirmed all of James’ suspicions.

James was approached by Wayne Studios to work on a new show, featuring their life Crab Hunting. At first he was hesitant, but after meeting the producer Frank Hurley, he agreed to allow them on board the Calico Sky.

A strong friendship was struck with Frank Hurley over many hours in the Wheel House, and when a Rogue wave broadsided the Calico Sky, injuring James, there was no doubt in James’ mind the answer he would give Hurley.

Sylum Inspiration: Rupert Giles

Enemy: Deceased


Rupert Giles was the fourth son of the Giles family.  He realized pretty quickly that he was on his own as he grew up, so he left his small village at the first opportunity, and set out for London.  There he found a job as a scribe, working in a very small but blossoming industry – publishing.  He enjoyed his life in London, meeting interesting people and learning new things.

Giles would find himself in interesting debates about religion, science, philosophy, and history with a young Lord by the name of Dorian Grey.  It wasn’t long until Giles was introduced to Galileo Galilei and learned about the world of Vampires.

After much debate with himself, Rupert decided that the Vampire was exactly what he wanted for his life, and he requested to be Turned so he could have the chance to learn so much more about the world.

Sylum Inspiration: Isaac Evans

Sylum: Member


Isaac Evans was the youngest son of Arthur and Ruby Evans. He grew up in Miami, always dreaming to own and operate a hotel. Arthur worried about his youngest, as he seemed to fancy. After his mother died, Isaac’s older brother, Edward, left and joined the Army, much to their dad’s relief. Isaac stayed by his father side, while he fought and worked for his dream.

Ike worked his way up from hotel cabana boy to building and owning the Miramar Playa Hotel, the most glamorous spot in America’s favorite playground in the 1950’s. He was twice-married. His second wife was Vera Evans. He had two grown sons, Stevie Evans and Danny Evans, and a daughter, Lauren Evans, from his first marriage. His first wife Molly, died of cancer. It was her family land that he was able to build the Miramar Playa Hotel on, after signing away the any claim to inheritances for himself or his kids from Molly’s family.

Though he had the land to build the hotel, he had a lack of cash. Going against his own rules he made a deal with organized crime figure Ben Diamond, who demanded a massive monthly payment of $65,000 from the hotel. When the law began to breath down Ike’s neck about Ben Diamond, and bodies that were starting to pop up, Ike kept his cool and handle each problem with ease.

Even when he was arrested for murder, he refused to let everything get to him and worked his way out of the situation.

He kept the Hotel alive, his family safe despite the stupidity of both his sons, the youngest Danny turning against the family and working for the District Attorney. While his oldest lived life on the edge by having a fling with Diamond’s wife.

As the 1960’s closed he felt every inch of his age. Sending his wife to bed, and his daughter up to her room despite her being in her early twenties and attending University, he settled into his office chair. He grabbed a bottle of Scotch out of the drawer and two glasses, not surprised to see his brother. Edward Morgan Blake concerned for his brother’s health, told him a tale about Vampires. Isaac had chuckled then slowly frowned as he realized it wasn’t one of Blake’s jokes.

That night Isaac was Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Benjamin Gates

Sylum: Member


Benjamin is the only son of Patrick Gates and Emily Appleton. He grew up on legends and tales from the his father, grandfather, great grandfather, about the Mystery of the Templar Treasure. His mother who couldn’t take any more of the ‘Treasure Hunting’ divorced Patrick and returned to England, leaving Ben to be raised by his father.

Patrick wanting his son to have a normal life, tried to curtail the Treasure Hunting but the Gates family trait was already entrenched.

Ben attends Georgetown University where he earns his degrees in History. It was at Georgetown he metRiley Poole, a student in Computer Science. Ben found him late one night in the computer labs, doing other students homework. To this day Ben states that he rescued Riley, Riley on the other hand states that he was kidnapped. The two became fast friends with Riley soon finding out about the famed Templar Treasure.

It’s Riley who puts together two of the clue Ben had already possessed. Leading them the discovery of name of the ship that had transported the Treasure to the United States, the Charlotte. It was Ben’s historical paper on the Charlotte that got Ian Howe interested in their Treasure Hunt.

Ian financed their Hunt, only to betray them in the end.

Ben and Riley with the help of Ben’s dad Patrick were able to follow the clues to the Trinity Church in New York, the location of the Templar Treasure. They were ambushed by Ian, where his true identity came out.

Patrick to save their lives, convinced Ian that the Treasure was at the Old North Church in Boston.

Ian Turned Benjamin and left him laying on the floor ‘dead’ locking him in with Patrick and Riley. Stating he would be back to see which one he killed in his hunger, and then he’ll see about finishing the job.

Sylum Inspiration: Clarissa Barton

Sylum: Member


Clara was the youngest child of Stephen Barton, veteran of the Indian Wars in Ohio and Michigan and a selectman in Oxford, Massachusetts; and his wife, Sarah. Her siblings were Dorothy, Sally, Stephen and David.

Barton always had a passion for being a nurse. She took care of her dog when he hurt his leg. But the best example was her brother, David Barton. When Clara was 11, David was fixing the barn roof and fell off. The doctor said that he would die in time. But young Clara was determined to save him, and nursed him back to health.

Clara Barton became a school teacher in 1838 teaching in the area for a dozen years in schools at Oxford, N. Oxford, Charlton, and West Millbury. In 1850, Barton decided to further her education by pursuing writing and languages at the Clinton Liberal Institute in New York. Following these studies, Barton opened a free school in New Jersey. The attendance under her leadership grew to 603, but instead of hiring Barton to head the school, the board hired a man. Frustrated, in 1855 she moved to Washington D.C. and began work as a clerk in the US Patent Office; this was the first time a woman had received a substantial clerkship in the federal government and at a salary equal to a man’s salary. Subsequently, under political opposition to women working in government offices, her position was reduced to that of copyist, and in 1856, under the administration of James Buchanan, eliminated entirely. After the election of Abraham Lincoln, having lived with relatives and friends in Massachusetts for three years, she returned to work at the patent office in the autumn of 1861, now as temporary copyist, in the hope she could pioneer to make way for more women in government service. She was probably the first woman to hold a government job.

In 1864 she was appointed by Union General Benjamin Butler as the “lady in charge” of the hospitals at the front of the Army of the James. Among her more harrowing experiences was an incident in which a bullet tore through the sleeve of her dress without striking her and killed a man to whom she was tending. She is known as the “Angel of the Battlefield.”

After the war, she ran the Office of Missing Soldiers, at 437 Seventh Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. in the Gallery Place neighborhood.

Barton then achieved widespread recognition by delivering lectures around the country about her war experiences. She met Susan B. Anthony and began a long association with the woman’s suffrage movement. She also became acquainted with Frederick Douglass and became an activist for black civil rights. In 1869, during her trip to Geneva, Switzerland, Barton was introduced to the Red Cross and Henry Dunant’s book A Memory of Solferino, which called for the formation of national societies to provide relief voluntarily on a neutral basis.

At the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War, in 1870, she assisted the grand duchess of Baden in the preparation of military hospitals, and gave the Red Cross society much aid during the war. At the joint request of the German authorities and the Strasbourg Comité de Secours, she superintended the supplying of work to the poor of Strasbourg in 1871, after the Siege of Paris, and in 1871 had charge of the public distribution of supplies to the destitute people of Paris. At the close of the war she was decorated with the golden cross of Baden and the iron cross of Germany.

When she returned back to the US, she sought out her friend that she had met during the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg Rupert Giles and asked to be Turned. So she could continue her work in medicine and the Red Cross.

Sylum Inspiration: Lara Croft

Sylum: Council Member


Lara Croft was the only daughter of Lord Richard and Lady Lucy Croft.  Her mother died when Lara was very young, leaving her to be raised by her father.  Much to society’s dismay, Richard took his daughter on his explorations, raising her to be educated and able to handle herself.

Lara traveled all around the world, exploring new places, learning new languages and cultures.  Under pressure from friends and colleagues, Lord Croft enrolled Lara in private school so she could learn to be a Lady.  When she was ten, Lord Croft disappeared from one of his expeditions, leaving her to be raised by James Hillary, her father’s butler.

As expected, Lara finished school and took her position as Lady Croft.

She then used her family’s money to find out what happened to her father.  In her investigations she came across notes and names leading her to the SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) where she met James Bond.  He helped her with her investigation, while starting an affair with her.  It didn’t take her long to figure out something was different about Bond, and when she demanded he tell her the truth (while she had him tied to the bed and held a knife to his private parts) he found he had no real choice but to explain everything about Vampires.

She demanded every ounce of information available, then requested politely to be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Elizabeth Swann

Sanctuary: Member


Born in London, England, Elizabeth led a fairly sheltered life of privilege throughout her childhood.  Since the death of her mother, Governor Swann had raised his daughter on his own.  Much to her father’s dismay, pirates had always fascinated Elizabeth, mainly on the HMS Dauntless’ voyage from England to the British colony at Port Royal on the vibrant and prosperous island of Jamaica. When the Dauntless crew rescued young Will Turner, a mysterious shipwreck survivor from a pirate attack, she recognized the “pirate medallion” he wore. Little did she know what adventures would stem from this fateful encounter.

Eight years later, Elizabeth’s cozy world was turned upside down after Captain Jack Sparrow rescued her from drowning: lured by the medallion, cursed pirates kidnapped Elizabeth. She was brought aboard the Black Pearl, a captive of Hector Barbossa, and was taken to Isla de Muerta. Days after Will Turner joined forces with Jack Sparrow, the cursed pirates were defeated with the assistance of Elizabeth’s betrothed, Commodore James Norrington. In return for his help, Elizabeth aided Jack Sparrow in escaping from the gallows, and then left Norrington for Will Turner, her path chosen.

Except Will didn’t choose her.

He left with Captain Jack Sparrow, leaving her behind, humiliated. Norrington resigned his post, refusing to be the second fiddle to Elizabeth’s attention. Over the next year she convinced herself that Will only need to be saved, and tricked him into coming back to Port Royal for their wedding.

Only to have them both arrested by Cutler Beckett.

When Will was released to find Sparrow, she followed to save him from the influence of Sparrow, leading to her betraying the Pirate Captain to Davy Jones and the Kraken.

It was then, she realized the mistake she made.

Determined to set it right, she helped lead Will and his friends to the End of the World to find Jack. She watched in shocked dismay at the real relationship between Jack and Will. Still in shock, she was handed over to Sao Feng, who thought she was Calypso returned.

Attacked by the Dutchman, the Captain was killed and ship destroyed – Elizabeth was named Captain, just in time to be captured by Davy Jones. It was here she was reunited with Norrington. He helped her and the crew escape and when she turned back to call to him, she saw Davy Jones kill him.

Elizabeth realized she had been deceiving herself the whole time.  Her heart had always belonged to Norrington, and it was her rebellious spirit that called out to Will.

During the battle with Davy Jones, Sparrow gave his consent and married Elizabeth and Norrington. She was pretty sure it was mainly to get her away from Will.

Only to have her life up-heaved when Davy Jones gave the command of the Dutchman to Norrington and spilled her blood on the deck to tie them for eternity.

She at least got her wedding night, and when Norrington showed up ten years later he was introduced to his son.

In time she moved to South Carolina to raise her son, and watched as he grew, got married and had kids of her own. When the time came she moved to England for a while to be introduced to an ancestor in Guin, Camelot’s Queen.

She’s traveled and had many adventures, over the decades, and recently took up acting in the recent years.  When she discovered a descendant had gotten into trouble, she asked Charlie to go pick the young Claire up and bring her to Sanctuary.

Only for them to disappear.

She knew Will and Sparrow were looking for her, and their lost Clan Member, when it hit her that it was the Locker. When she showed up to inform them, the Dutchman was in harbor. Happy to see her husband, she was dismayed to learn he had no idea how to get into the locker.

Davy Jones arrived to take over the Dutchman, leaving her and Norrington behind.

Finally being together, after all this time they knew what had to be done, so they approached Jack and Stephen to be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Seth Gecko

Sanctuary: Hunter


Seth and Richie Gecko, though not as famous outlaws as Dillinger or Bonnie and Clyde, had their fair share of infamous criminal glor.  They wreaked havoc across the western landscape of the US.

When Richie broke Seth out of jail, killing innocent people in the process, it was then Seth knew he had to get his brother out of the country.  He needed a place to stash Richie, and keep an eye on him – Seth had always known there was something wrong with his brother.

They traveled down to Mexico, stopping at an out of the way bar, only to end up in the middle of a Rogue hangout. Seth found himself fighting back to back with a cowboy and an English prick – later to be identified as Brisco Country Jr. and William Pratt.

In the middle of the battle he was dragged away from the main group.

When he woke up he was dead.

Sylum Inspiration: Tia Dalma

Sanctuary: Member


Tia was the youngest girl of the Calhoun family. She was always special, and saw the world differently. Able to handle the ocean in single words and thoughts.

She was captured by slavers when she was barely sixteen. Ended up being sold to Frederick Cobb, who took what he wanted from her, in the end even her life.

Sylum Inspiration: Butch Cassidy

Sanctuary: Hunter

Robert Leroy Parker was born April 13, 1866, in Beaver, Utah, the first of 13 children born to British immigrants Maximillian Parker and Ann Campbell Gillies. The Parker and Gillies families had converted in England and Scotland to the Mormon faith and immigrated to Utah. Maximilian Parker was 12 when his family arrived in Salt Lake in 1856; Ann Gillies arrived with her family in 1859, aged 14. The two were married in July 1865.

Robert Leroy Parker, named for his paternal grandfather, was the first of the 13 children of Maximillian and Ann Parker. He grew up on their ranch near Circleville, Utah,215 miles south of Salt Lake City. He left home during his early teens. While working at a dairy farm, he formed a close relationship with his mentor, a cowboy and cattle rustler who called himself Mike Cassidy (an alias for John Tolliver “J. T.” McClammy). Parker subsequently worked at several ranches, in addition to a brief stint as a butcher in Rock Springs, Wyoming, when he acquired the nickname “Butch”, to which he soon appended the surname Cassidy in honor of his old friend.

He associated with a circle of criminals, most notably his closest friend Elzy Lay, Harvey “Kid Curry” Logan, Ben Kilpatrick, Harry Tracy, Will “News” Carver, Laura Bullion, and George Curry, who became the nucleus of the Wild Bunch.

On August 13, 1896, Cassidy, Lay, Harvey Logan and Bob Meeks robbed the bank at Montpelier, Idaho, escaping with approximately $7,000. Shortly thereafter he[clarification needed] recruited Harry Longabaugh, alias “The Sundance Kid”, a native of Pennsylvania, into the Wild Bunch.

In early 1897, Cassidy was joined at Robbers Roost by Ann Bassett, Elzy Lay, and Lay’s girlfriend Maude Davis. The four hid there until early April, when Lay and Cassidy sent the women home so that they could plan their next robbery. On April 21, 1897, in the mining town of Castle Gate, Utah, Cassidy and Lay ambushed a small group of men carrying the payroll of the Pleasant Valley Coal Company, stealing a sack containing $7,000 in gold, with which they fled to the Robbers Roost.

On June 2, 1899, the gang robbed a Union Pacific Overland Flyer near Wilcox, Wyoming, a robbery that became famous and which resulted in a massive man hunt. Many notable lawmen of the day took part in the hunt for the robbers, but they were not found.

During a shootout with lawmen following that robbery, both Kid Curry and George Curry shot and killed Sheriff Joe Hazen. Tom Horn, a killer for hire employed by the Pinkerton Agency, obtained information from explosives expert Bill Speck about the Hazen shooting, and Horn passed this information to Pinkerton detective Charlie Siringo. The gang escaped into the Hole-In-The-Wall. Siringo was assigned the task of capturing the outlaw gang. He became friends with Elfie Landusky, who was using the last name Curry after allegedly becoming pregnant by Kid Curry’s brother, Lonny. Through her, Siringo intended to locate the gang.

On July 11, 1899, Lay and others were involved in a Colorado and Southern Railroad train robbery near Folsom, New Mexico, which Cassidy may have planned and personally directed. A shootout ensued with local law enforcement in which Lay killed Sheriff Edward Farr and Henry Love; Lay was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment at New Mexico State Penitentiary.

The Wild Bunch would separate following a robbery and flee in different directions, reuniting at a predetermined location, such as the Hole-in-the-Wall hideout, Robbers Roost, or Madame Fannie Porter’s brothel, in San Antonio, Texas.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library

It was 1902 when Butch and Sundance ended up robbing a bank that happened to have Will and Sparrow inside. It went wrong from the moment they stepped into the building. In the end Sundance and Butch escaped with the two Vampires’ help, and ended up Turned.

No one was surprised they were Mates.

Sylum Inspiration: Jacob Peter Quill

Medjai: Member


Jacob grew up in a small village in Wales.  He had never known his father, and was told that he had died before he was born.  His mother had a good job as a housekeeper at a local Inn, and was always able to buy shoes and clothes for him as he grew out of them in record time.

He also received a good education, and accepted into University where he studied History with intent to become a teacher.

When his mom became ill he returned home, to take care of her taking a small teaching job at the local boys school.   After she died, he wasn’t sure what to do with himself, and then the War to end all Wars started.

He signed up instantly and found himself fighting on the front lines.  His world changed, when Steve Trevor and a ragtag group of misfits came through the trenches.  When Diana stepped out into No Man’s Land he didn’t hesitate to follow.

It would be a year later he would find Steve and Diana again, and more importantly find his father.  It was odd to meet someone who looked just like him.

He was told about the world of Vampires, and he knew this was his destiny.

Sylum Inspiration: Joshua Faraday

Camelot: Member


Joshua was raised in the Wild West.  His father was a Union Soldier, and had installed in him the values of being a good man.  He learned to ride, shoot and herd cattle since he was a wee child.

He watched as the Wilderness closed.

Towns began to flourish as Ranches began to decrease.  He sold the family ranch, took the money and decided to travel.

A year later he found himself in London, where he was befriend by a real English Lord who was fascinated with Cowboys.  He took him to ‘David’s House’ where his life changed drastically.

Coming down the steps was the cutest boy he’d seen, who promptly tripped and landed in his arms.

The rest they say was history.

Sylum Inspiration: Patrick McKenna

Camelot: Member


Patrick was born in 1966AD, in Armagh, Northern Ireland to Mary Ann McKenna, a former Nun.  His biological father is unknown.

She raised him to be a devout Catholic, attending Mass every day of his life, and teaching him that God loved him, and He had a destiny waiting for him.

When he was six years old, he lost his mother in a UVF bombing at Armagh Cathedral – a protest against the visit by a Titular Archbishop on an Apostolic Mission from the Vatican, who had come to Ireland to try and broker peace.  The boy’s survival saw him labelled as ‘The Little Miracle of Saint Patrick’.

The Archbishop took Patrick back with him to Italy, formally adopting him, stating that he would raise the boy in God’s Church.

Patrick had the Vatican as his playground and school yard.  He remembered most fondly the Vatican Police officer who usually caught him running from the Nuns and dragged him back to his studies.

As he got older, he found himself talking with that same officer for hours, looking to him for wisdom and companionship.

Though he didn’t have to, when he was 18 he demanded that he follow through with his National Service to the Italian Military.  Though he never learned to use a gun, he excelled at flying helicopters.  Patrick never told the Vatican Police Officer, that he knew it was him who had made sure Patrick was safe during those two years.

When he returned, he dedicated his life to the Church, going through Seminary and becoming a Priest.  When his ‘father’ became Pope, he took the position as Camerlengo – much to the dismay of many older men in the Church who had sought the position for themselves.

He was proud to see his friend go on to become Inspector General of Vatican Police.

When his father suddenly died, he was devastated.

The night of Conclave 2006AD, everything changed.