Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Character Introduction</span>

Sylum Inspiration: Thracius Fulvius Severus

Camelot: Scientist


Thracius was the second son of a Senator. He did not have the patience for politics, and no head for the military life.

He was educated instead, in the art of medicine. His bedside manner left much desired, but his results were well appreciated.

Severus did not take to fools, and never had a problem saying as such, getting himself in to trouble on many occasions.

It was a Senator who introduced him to Imenand, following an enquiry about the doctor’s manner. Imenand, however, spoke up on behalf of the doctor, and took him in to have him work at the Council.

Within moments, Severus demanded to know what was really going on, berating Imenand that he was not to be treated as a common fool, whereupon he took the knowledge of Vampire existence in his stride, and continued to advance his skills as a doctor of medicine, learning everything he could from the Vampires, and how they healed themselves from the mere ingestion of blood.

Imenand eventually approached him about being Turned, and Severus just rolled his eyes, wondering why it had taken so long for anyone to ask.

Sylum Inspiration: Azazel

Oceania: Hunter


The tales around who Azazel is and where he comes from is legendary.

Some say he was a fallen angel from heaven.  Others say he was part of the Neyaphem, and was at war with the Cheyarafim, who banished his people to another dimension.  Only Azazel escaped due to his teleporting capabilities.

When asked how old he really is, and where he comes from he only smiles.

There are legends through history that talk about the ‘red devil’ or a demon who just appears in front of you seeking your soul.

But the first time recorded history of Azazel is in the Caribbean, and Captain Jack Sparrow.

Sylum Inspiration: Roland Deschain

Oceania: Hunter


Roland was born into slavery, on a plantation in South Carolina.  When the war broke out between the states, his father took the advantage and fled with him and his mother.  He found himself out west, moving from town to town.  His mother had taught him how to read, and his father taught him how to survive.

He learned quickly to use a gun, became known for his natural skills.

And when a posse came for him, he ran.

Roland ended up in Australia, if you ask him how, he really couldn’t tell you.  He used his skills to help those he could, and in time found himself protecting the aborigines and those who were being pushed out of their lands by wealthy men with power.

He kept to his father’s code:

I do not aim with my hand;
He who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye.

I do not shoot with my hand;
He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.

I do not kill with my gun;
He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.

It was Jake who finally caught up with him, along with Dundee and Quigley.  They sat him down to explain about Vampires.  He was intrigued by the way they lived their lives, and protection they gave.

So he agreed to be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Mason Weaver

Oceania: Member


Mason Anne Weaver was named after her grandfather. And since her first roll call most people think she’s going to be a boy. Now she mostly uses that to her advantage. She grew-up in the suburbs of Chicago during the late 1940s and early 1950s. Her fascination with photography began in her teens when she borrowed her father’s old Leica III camera. She began taking photos of the her neighborhood, kids riding bicycles, local pets and the animals at the zoo, the “L” train, and the city. She entered several of her photos in local contest and even managed to win a few.

In 1963, her future prospects, according to her mother, were to find a husband or go to college to find a husband. She opted for college but omitted the plans to find a husband. She decided that her hobby was a good start for a degree in either photography or journalism and pursued it along with a degree English. She began working for the college paper and in her senior year earned a spot to travel to New York City to hear Martin Luther King speak at Riverside Church.

After listening to the “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” speech Mason began taking photos at Civil Rights gatherings; as well as the protests in D.C. A few of her photos appeared in newspapers and magazines.

By 1970 she found herself in Vietnam as an investigative photojournalist or, as some would call her depending on what was on the other side of her lens, an “anti-war” photographer. She believes (and still does) that pictures speak for themselves and she always tries to stay out of the politics of it all.

She was embedded with the MAC V-SOG (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group). And, by the end of the war in 1973 Mason had one of her photos on the cover of Time magazine.

Her last excursion before leaving Vietnam was to take one more trip into the jungle following a former SAS Captain who was reportedly looking for a down helicopter and its pilot. The little adventure was more harrowing than being embedded with the MAC V-SOG. After all, she had been right, there was something very suspicious about the story of the downed craft and the pilot. There were chases, gunfire, vampires, dying, and James.

By the end only four people walked out of the jungle. No one talks about it.

Sylum Inspiration: Thomas Magnum

Oceania: Hunter


Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV was born 1944. Both his father and grandfather were naval officers.

He was born in Detroit, but raised in the region of Tidewater, Virginia. In high school, his football team won a Virginia State football championship. Some members of his family, including his mother and her second husband, still reside there.

Magnum attended the United States Naval Academy then served ten or more years as an officer in the United States Navy, rising to the rank of Lieutenant before resigning from the service in disillusionment in 1979.

Magnum was a Vietnam War veteran and a former POW who believed his wife Michelle died in bombing during the final pull-out from Saigon. He served in both the SEALs and Naval Intelligence during his Navy years, and as such maintained many contacts in both communities.

After he retired he moved to Hawaii where he became a Private Investigator. He ended up working for Robin Nest as security personnel, in exchange of room and board, and use of his Ferrari. His boss was Higgins, who he suspected of being Nest, but could never prove it.

When he was shot defending Higgins, he found out at least some of Higgins’ secrets and accepted being Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Lyca

Vampire Council: Member


Dilios Note: What we do know is they started life as wolves – well what Humans would call wolves, I’m not sure what the term for them was where they came from. They were protectors of ‘The Diplomat’ and first experiments of the ‘Wraith Cure’ from The Doctor. When the Wraith attacked Atlantis, they escaped through the Stargate along with Viduus to Earth.

The first time they lived as Human was the beginning of Ancient Rome. Rumors have it that it was Lyca, the she-wolf, that raised Remus and Romulus.

Sometime in AD, Lyca gave birth to three boys. This is when they state, they were fully Human, with the wolf heritage under the skins.

Dilios Note: The werewolf legend is likely to have come from them. Though they don’t have to turn at the full moon, it does bring more animal instincts out.

Sylum Inspiration: Perseus

Vampire Council: Hunter


There is a lot of myth and legend surrounding Perseus life.

Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danaë, who by her very name, was the archetype of all the Danaans. Danaë was the daughter of Acrisius, King of Argos. Disappointed by his lack of luck in having a son, Acrisius consulted the oracle at Delphi, who warned him that he would one day be killed by his daughter’s son with Zeus. In order to keep Danaë childless, Acrisius imprisoned her in a bronze chamber, open to the sky, in the courtyard of his palace:   This mytheme is also connected to Ares, Oenopion, Eurystheus, etc. Zeus came to her in the form of a shower of gold, and impregnated her. Soon after, their child was born; Perseus—”Perseus Eurymedon, for his mother gave him this name as well” (Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica IV).

Fearful for his future, but unwilling to provoke the wrath of the gods by killing the offspring of Zeus and his daughter, Acrisius cast the two into the sea in a wooden chest. Danaë’s fearful prayer, made while afloat in the darkness, has been expressed by the poet Simonides of Ceos. Mother and child washed ashore on the island of Serifos, where they were taken in by the fisherman Dictys (“fishing net”), who raised the boy to manhood. The brother of Dictys was Polydectes (“he who receives/welcomes many”), the king of the island.

More on the Myth see the

Some of the myth is true, his mother was Danaë; his father though is unknown.  Her husband Acrisius threw mother and son into the sea, and they were found by Dictys, and only Perseus survived.  He was raised to be a fisherman, content with life, until the war between two kingdoms destroyed his home, killing his family.

He made his way to Aethiopia, where he fell in love with Andromeda.  The king offered his daughter’s hand if he was to slay the rival king, and bring back the queen’s head.  The journey faced many challenges, but when he returned he discovered that Andromeda had married another.  Legend has it he tossed the queen’s head at the family’s feet, turning them to stone.<

The truth is he pretty much destroyed the city on his way out.

He set out to take up his father’s craft when he met Methos, who offered him another opportunity.

Sylum Inspiration: Hetshepsu

Vampire Council: Legal Counsel


Hetshepsu is the fraternal twin of Shepsit Hemet Amun-Ra.  A rare occurrence and considered a blessing to all.  They were removed from the home, and taken to the city and raised in the Temple of Ra.  Both equal in beauty, and admired by all.

Shepsit became a Priestess of Ra, while Hetshepsu was taken in by Ra’s Al Ghul and trained in the Courts.  He married Al Ghul’s oldest daughter Talia, and had four children.   He and his sister stayed extremely close, despite the fact she was isolated in the Temple.  When he discovered she was pregnant, he confronted her on her stupidity.  She assured him she was safe, and no one knew who the father was, and all assumed it was Ra.

Despite the fact he still didn’t like the situation he was devoted to his nephew Nekau, and was devastated when he was killed.

He watched in horror along with everyone else when Ra slit the young boy’s throat.  He knew at that moment the war had begun.  He made his way back to his home, to find his wife dying next to his children.  A warrior leveled his sword against the youngest when Hetshepsu attacked.  He disarmed and killed the guard, then scooped his child up and ran for his father-in-laws home.  Ra’s Al Ghul pulled him off the street and hid him away from passing guards.  They barely made it out of the city and towards the Medjai camp.

It was once they stopped he realized he had been wounded, collapsing into Ra’s Al Ghul’s arms, and he apologized for not saving Talia.  Ra’s Al Ghul Turned him, later telling him his penance was to wait with him until their family returned home.

Sylum Inspiration: Hua Mulan

Vampire Council: Council Member


Hua Mulans story is a well known legend in Japan, but the actual facts of the story are still in debate.

The poem starts with Mulan worried, as one male from each family is called to serve in the army. Her father is old and weak and her younger brother is too young, so she decides to take his place and bids farewell to her parents. After twelve years of fighting, the army returns and the warriors are rewarded. Mulan turns down an official post, and asks only for a swift horse to carry her home. She is greeted with joy by her family. Mulan dons her old clothes and meets her comrades, who are shocked that in their years traveling together, they did not realize that she was a woman.

She will tell you that most of it is true.

The story that continues is not as heroic to state that when the Emperor discovered one of his best warriors was a woman, he offered her to be his concubine or a death sentence.  She refused stating that when she dressed as a man, she was good enough to die in honor, and the Emperor should respect that.  On the eve of her execution, an older gentleman came into her room, and offered her a new life of freedom.

She took it.

Sylum Inspiration: Hector

Vampire Council: Second-in-Command


Hector was a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War. As the first-born son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, a descendant of Dardanus, who lived under Mount Ida, and of Tros, the founder of Troy, he was a prince of the royal house and the heir apparent to his father’s throne. He was married to Andromache, with whom he had an infant son, Scamandrius (whom the people of Troy called Astyanax). He acted as leader of the Trojans and their allies in the defense of Troy, killing 31,000 Greek fighters in all.

In the European Middle Ages, Hector figures as one of the Nine Worthies noted by Jacques de Longuyon, known not only for his courage but also for his noble and courtly nature. Indeed Homer places Hector as peace-loving, thoughtful as well as bold, a good son, husband and father, and without darker motives. When the Trojans are disputing whether the omens are favorable, he retorts: “One omen is best: defending the fatherland.”

According to the Iliad, Hector did not approve of war between the Greeks and the Trojans.

For ten years, the Achaeans besieged Troy and their allies in the east. Hector commanded the Trojan army, with a number of subordinates including Polydamas, and his brothers Deiphobus, Helenus, and Paris. By all accounts, Hector was the best warrior the Trojans and all their allies could field, and his fighting powers were admired by Greeks and his own people alike.

Diomedes and Odysseus, when faced with his attack, described him as what was translated as an ‘invincible headlong terror’, and a ‘maniac’.

In the Iliad, Hector’s exploits in the war prior to the events of the book are recapitulated. He had fought the Greek champion Protesilaus in single combat at the start of the war and killed him. A prophecy had stated that the first Greek to land on Trojan soil would die. Thus, Protesilaus, Ajax, and Odysseus would not land. Finally, Odysseus threw his shield out and landed on that, and Protesilaus jumped next from his own ship. In the ensuing fight, Hector killed him, fulfilling the prophecy.

At the advice of his brother, Helenus (who also is divinely inspired), and being told by him that he is not destined to die yet, Hector managed to get both armies seated and challenges any one of the Greek warriors to single combat. The Argives were initially reluctant to accept the challenge. However, after Nestor’s chiding, nine Greek heroes stepped up to the challenge and drew by lot to see who was to face Hector. Ajax wins and fights Hector to a stalemate for the entire day. With neither able to achieve victory, they express admiration for each other’s courage, skill, and strength. Hector gave Ajax his sword, which Ajax later uses to kill himself. Ajax gives Hector his girdle, which later was used to attach Hector’s corpse to Achilles’ chariot by which he is dragged around the walls of Troy.

Another mention of Hector’s exploits in the early years of war was given in the Iliad book 9. During the embassy to Achilles, Odysseus, Phoenix and Ajax all try to persuade Achilles to rejoin the fight. In his response, Achilles points out that while Hector was terrorizing the Greek forces now, and that while he himself had fought in their front lines, Hector had ‘no wish’ to take his force far beyond the walls and out from the Skiaian Gate and nearby oak tree. He then claims, ‘There he stood up to me alone one day, and he barely escaped my onslaught.’ A 2004 film version of Troy has Achilles slaying Hector following a duel, whereas in the Iliad it is rather different. Hector remains outside the walls, while his army flees into the city. As Achilles approaches, Hector stands his ground, fights and dies upon looking up at Troy. The film version of his death more resembles the single combat between the champions mentioned by Achilles in the Iliad, book 9.

In the tenth year of the war, observing Paris avoiding combat with Menelaus, Hector upbraids him with having brought trouble on his whole country and now refusing to fight. Paris therefore proposes single combat between himself and Menelaus, with Helen to go to the victor, ending the war. The duel, however, leads to inconclusive results due to intervention by Aphrodite who leads Paris off the field. After Pandarus wounds Menelaus with an arrow the fight begins again.

The Greeks attack and drive the Trojans back. Hector must now go out to lead a counter-attack. His wife, Andromache, carrying in her arms their son Astyanax, intercepts him at the gate, pleading with him not to go out for her sake as well as his son’s. Hector knows that Troy and the house of Priam are doomed to fall and that the gloomy fate of his wife and infant son will be to die or go into slavery in a foreign land. With understanding, compassion, and tenderness he explains that he cannot personally refuse to fight, and comforts her with the idea that no one can take him until it is his time to go. The gleaming bronze helmet frightens Astyanax and makes him cry. Hector takes it off, embraces his wife and son, and for her sake prays aloud to Zeus that his son might be chief after him and become more glorious in battle than he.

Hector and Paris pass through the gate and rally the Trojans, raising havoc among the Greeks.

Hector chooses to remain outside the gates of Troy to face Achilles, partly because had he listened to Polydamas and retreated with his troops the previous night, Achilles would not have killed so many Trojans. However, when he sees Achilles Hector is seized by fear and turns to flee. Achilles chases to him around the city three times before Hector masters his fear and turns to face Achilles. But Athena, in the disguise of Hector’s brother Deiphobus, has deluded Hector. He requests from Achilles that the victor should return the other’s body after the duel, but Achilles refuses. Achilles hurls his spear at Hector, who dodges it, but Athena brings it back to Achilles’ hands without Hector noticing. Hector then throws his own spear at Achilles; it hits his shield and does no injury. When Hector turns to face his supposed brother to retrieve another spear, he sees no one there. At that moment he realizes that he is doomed.

Hector decides that he will go down fighting and that men will talk about his bravery in years to come. The desire to achieve ever-lasting honor was one of the most fierce for soldiers living in the timocratic (honor based) society of the age.

Hector pulls out his sword, now his only weapon, and charges. A raging duel ensues, and eventually Achilles finishes it. He slices at Hector’s armor, throwing him off guard and spinning him around. Achilles spins around too, and when Hector turns around completely, Achilles grapples him, stabbing him through the belly with his sword and throwing him a short way over his shoulder. Hector, in his final moments, begs Achilles for an honorable funeral, but Achilles replies that he will let the dogs and vultures devour Hector’s flesh. Hector dies, prophesying that Achilles’ death will follow soon.

Triumphant Achilles dragging Hector’s lifeless body in front of the Gates of Troy.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library

Sylum Inspiration: William Lennox

Camelot/Sylum: Member


William was the only child of Keith and Sarah Lennox.  He was raised on a ranch, learning family values and the meaning in a good day’s hard labor.  From an early age he wanted to be a soldier, and at 18 years old he enlisted in the Army.  Tragically, just after he finished boot camp he received word that his parents were killed in a car accident, on the way to his graduation.

The Army became his family.

He met his wife Mary Ann, while on leave from Afghanistan.  The two fell in love instantly, and she could hold her own against his hardened military attitudes.  It was her love that softened him and made him a better man.

He was due to be shipped out for a second tour in Afghanistan under the command of Hiram Ulysses Grant, when she informed him she was pregnant.  He married her that very day, leaving for Afghanistan the next morning.  His main focus and single goal was to get back home to his wife and child.

When his Commander asked for volunteers for a secret mission, he didn’t hesitate.  Grant and Sherman had always been good to his men and they had earned his respect and loyalty.

Will was thrown unexpectedly into the world of Vampires, but took the challenge head on.  When wounded in battle, he accepted being Turned – all so he could see his baby girl.

Sylum Inspiration: William Clark

Tallikut: Member


William Clark was born in Caroline County, Virginia, on August 1, 1770, the ninth of ten children of John and Ann Rogers Clark. His parents were natives of King and Queen County, and were of English and possibly Scots ancestry. The Clarks were common planters in Virginia, owners of modest estates and a few slaves, and members of the Anglican Church.

Clark did not have any formal education; like many of his contemporaries, he was tutored at home. In later years, he was self-conscious about his convoluted grammar and inconsistent spelling—he spelled “Sioux” 27 different ways in his journals of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition—and sought to have his journals corrected before publication. The spelling of American English was not standardized in Clark’s youth, but his vocabulary suggests he was well read.

Clark’s five older brothers fought in Virginia units during the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), but William was too young.His oldest brother, Jonathan Clark, served as a colonel during the war, rising to the rank of brigadier general in the Virginia militia years
afterward. His second-oldest brother, George Rogers Clark, rose to the rank of general, spending most of the war in Kentucky fighting against British-allied American Indians. After the war, the two oldest Clark brothers made arrangements for their parents and family to
relocate to Kentucky.

William, his parents, his three sisters, and the Clark family’s slaves arrived in Kentucky in March 1785, having first traveled overland to Redstone Landing in present-day Brownsville, Pennsylvania. They completed the journey down the Ohio River by flatboat. The Clark family settled at “Mulberry Hill”, a plantation along Beargrass Creek near Louisville. This was William Clark’s primary home until 1803. In Kentucky, his older brother George Rogers Clark taught William wilderness survival skills.

William Clark resigned his commission on July 4, 1796 and retired due to poor health, although he was only 26 years old. He returned to Mulberry Hill, his family’s plantation near Louisville.

In 1803, Meriwether Lewis recruited Clark, then age 33, to share command of the newly formed Corps of Discovery, whose mission was to explore the territory of the Louisiana Purchase, establish trade with Native Americans and the sovereignty of the US. They were to find a
waterway from the US to the Pacific Ocean and claim the Oregon territory for the United States before European nations did. Clark spent three years on the expedition to the Pacific Coast. A slave owner known to deal harshly with his slaves, he brought York, one of his slaves, with him. York did manual labor in extreme weather and received no compensation. The indigenous nations treated York with respect, and many of the Native Americans were interested in his appearance, which “played a key role in diplomatic relations”.

Although Clark was refused a promotion to the rank of captain when Jefferson asked the Senate to appoint him, at Lewis’ insistence, he exercised equal authority, and continued the mission. Clark concentrated chiefly on the drawing of maps, the management of the expedition’s supplies, and leading hunting expeditions for game.

Fore more information see the Vampire Council Library

He had always suspected something was unique about Meriwether Lewis. But it wasn’t until their guide Sacawgea was injured in a mudslide that he found the truth. He demanded more information from Lewis, then demanded why he wasn’t told.

When Lewis told him they were Mates. He kissed him. Saying he had wanted to do that for years.

He was Turned and Mated with in days.

Sylum Inspiration: Meriwether Lewis

Tallikut: Spy Liaison


Meriwether Lewis was born in Albemarle County, Virginia. He was the son of Lt. William Lewis of Locust Hill, who was of Welsh ancestry, and Lucy Meriwether, daughter of Thomas Meriwether and Elizabeth Thornton, who were both of English ancestry. After his father died of pneumonia, he moved with his mother and stepfather Captain John Marks to Georgia in May 1780. They settled along the Broad River in the Goosepond Community within the Broad River Valley in Wilkes County.

Lewis had no formal education until he was 13 years of age, but during his time in Georgia he enhanced his skills as a hunter and outdoorsman. He would often venture out in the middle of the night in the dead of winter with only his dog to go hunting. Even at an early age, he was interested in natural history, which would develop into a lifelong passion. His mother taught him how to gather wild herbs for medicinal purposes. In the Broad River Valley, Lewis first dealt with American Indians. This was the traditional territory of the Cherokee, who resented encroachment by the colonists. Lewis seems to have been a champion for them among his own people. While in Georgia, he met Eric Parker, who encouraged him to travel. At thirteen, Lewis was sent back to Virginia for education by private tutors. His father’s older brother Nicholas Lewis became his guardian. One of his tutors was Parson Matthew Maury, an uncle of Matthew Fontaine Maury. In 1793, Lewis graduated from Liberty Hall (now Washington and Lee University).

That year he joined the Virginia militia, and in 1794 he was sent as part of a detachment involved in putting down the Whiskey Rebellion. In 1795 Lewis joined the U.S. Army, commissioned as an Ensign (an Army rank that was later abolished and was equivalent to a modern Lieutenant). By 1800 he rose to Captain, and ended his service there in 1801. Among his commanding officers was William Clark, who would later become his companion in the Corps of Discovery.

On April 1, 1801, Lewis was appointed as an aide by President Thomas Jefferson, whom he knew through Virginia society in Albemarle County. Lewis resided in the presidential mansion, and frequently conversed with various prominent figures in politics, the arts and other circles. He compiled information on the personnel and politics of the United States Army, which had seen an influx of Federalist officers as a result of John Adams’s “midnight appointments”.

When Jefferson began to plan for an expedition across the continent, he chose Lewis to lead the expedition. Meriwether Lewis recruited Clark, then age 33, to share command of the expedition.

Before he left Jefferson sat him down and told him about Vampires and their society. He gave the man the option to be Turned before he left.


Sylum Inspiration: Danny McCoy

Border: Member


Danny was born Daniel Michael McCoy in 1905. He was the oldest of three children and his father was the owner of a profitable construction company, who always wanted young Danny to follow in his footsteps and eventually become a powerful businessman. Danny however, is closer to his mother, who encourages him to do what he wants from an early age. His mother does what she can to shield him until she becomes ill when he’s fifteen. She passes away when he is sixteen and he and his father immediately butt heads, his younger siblings having been sent to live with relatives on his mother’s side. The one thing he and his father agree on is to take in his best friend Mary when it turns out that her father is abusing her. Danny goes to their home after he hears yelling, only to find her father beating her. He immediately steps in and fights her father off. Danny and Mary eventually enter a relationship that lasts until Danny turns 18.

Despite influence from his father and with not many other options available to him, Danny joins the military. Mary lost Danny’s protection, is forced to move to escape her father’s influence. A friend, who loves and cares dearly for her, offers marriage in order for her to escape.  She knows despite the fact, she cares for him, but doesn’t love him, Mary realizes he does love her, and accepts his proposal.

In 1929, after he completed his time with the military, Danny left the Marines to pursue other business ventures. When those do not pan out, he decides to use his training and enter the private security field. During this time he tries to convince Mary to leave her husband and come back to him. Mary wants to but feels that she owes it to her husband to stay with him after all he’s done for her. Danny is heartbroken and makes the decision to move.

In 1935 Danny is hired by Edward Deline to work at his Private Investigation Firm. The two quickly form a strong friendship.

Danny has several relationships through the years but never settles down. After working with Ed for years, while leaving the office one night, someone shoots at Ed. Danny shoves him away and takes the shot himself. Ed, knowing his protégé has little time, asks for Danny’s permission to Turn him.

Sylum Inspiration: Dastan



Dastan doesn’t remember much of his parents. His strongest memory of his father was of him telling him to stay hidden. He watched from a hiding place as his father was struck down. The face of the man who killed him – ingrained into his memory.

As was the red sash that was always tied around his father’s waist. He had taken it when the villagers had came for him. It was the only thing he had left.

One day, when the Sharaman visited the market square, he saw the young Dastan risking his life to save his childhood friend and fellow urchin, Bis, from the guards, he saw the “Spirit of a Noble King” inside him and  decided to adopt him as a son.

Dastan grew up as one of Sharaman’s sons. He shied away from the courts and focused on training his military skills. He was quick on his feet, and had abilities to get into places most never even thought about.

Dastan and his brothers, under the advisement of their uncle, Nizam, set out to the Persian borders near the sacred city of Alamut. It was said that Alamut has been selling weapons to the Persian enemies in “Koschkan”. Dastan led the strike force into the city to open the main gates, giving the Persian soldiers the victory. Shortly thereafter, Dastan encounters a man on horseback and defeats him, discovering the Dagger of Time in the process. Alamut’s princess, Tamina, is captured and agrees to marry Tus in order to achieve peace after noticing the dagger in Dastan’s possession. Their father, Sharaman, was angry with them, saying that their “adventure” would not sit well with their allies.

Sharaman reproaches Tus for attacking the city and suggests that Dastan, instead of Tus, should marry Tamina. At the victory banquet, Dastan unknowingly presents a poisoned robe, given to him by Tus, to his father, who dies shortly after donning it. Dastan is blamed for the king’s murder and flees Alamut with Tamina. Together they venture into the wilderness.

In their first camp, Tamina attempts to kill the prince and recover the dagger. During their fight Dastan hits the dagger out of Tamina’s hand, and when he grabs it from the sand, accidentally presses the jewel button on the hilt that activates its rewinding power. Dastan is transported back to just before Tamina tries to kill him. Shocked at what has just transpired, Dastan hesitates, allowing Tamina to slash him across the chest with his sword. Collapsing to the ground, Dastan pulls the dagger from his belt and activates it again, to Tamina’s obvious horror. Again he is taken back to just before the princess tries to kill him.

Dastan realizes that the dagger can turn back time, and that only the one who holds it is aware of this. After this the two continue on into the desert. During their journey, the duo meets a shady ostrich racing-organizer and tax-averse entrepreneur, Sheik Amar, and his knife-throwing friend, Seso. Dastan offers Tamina up as a slave in return for supplies; however, Amar betrays him because he recognizes him as the murderer of the king, for whom there is an “obscene” reward being offered.

Dastan and Tamina escape and return to Persia for Sharaman’s funeral. Dastan attempts to convince Nizam that he did not kill his father. Dastan discovers that Tamina has taken the Dagger; however, he then notices Nizam’s hands are burned by the same poison put on the robe that killed his father. Nizam claims that his hands got burnt by his trying to pull the robe off his brother at the time, but Dastan does not remember Nizam ever touching it, realizing that Nizam must have been the one who poisoned the robe. Garsiv and the city guards appear and attack Dastan, and he is forced to escape.

Dastan catches up with Tamina and explains that Nizam was behind the murder. Once Tamina finally explains everything about the Dagger, Dastan realizes why Nizam wants the Dagger of Time: to use it to go back in time and undo saving Sharaman from a lion so he could become king. He fabricated the false allegations that Alamut had been dealing weapons to Persia’s enemies so that he would have the opportunity to search the city for it. Not knowing its power is only to fix an instant mistake.

Dastan manages to persuade his brother that he is innocent, only for Garsiv to be fatally wounded by a member of the Hassassin’s. The group attacks, killing most of the group, while Dastan and Tamina sneak away to the secret cave where they can hide the Dagger. Tamina says she is ready to give up her life to protect the Dagger, but Dastan stops her and tells her that he is not ready for her to die. They are found and attacked and Zolm manages to snatch the Dagger of Time from Tamina.

Dastan stands in front of The Hassassin, recognizing him as the man who killed his father. The man laughs and calls him child playing Assassin, pointing at the red sash around his waist. Tells him his father was the last of the great Assassins, and with Dastan’s death there will be no more.