Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Character Introduction</span>

Sylum Inspiration: Jack Bauer

Sylum: Hunter

Jack was born in Santa Monica, CA, the oldest son of Phillip Bauer. Little is known of his mother – Jack rarely speaks of her.  Phillip intended for Jack to follow in his footsteps as head of his company BJX Technologies, but Jack chose a career in the military instead.

He joined the US Army, working his way up to the elite unit, Delta Force. While in the Army, Jack received several commendations for performance under fire. He left the Army with the rank of Captain, and made a career of working for various federal and state/local government agencies, including the Los Angeles Police Department’s Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit, and a stint as case officer in the clandestine service with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  He is now Lead Field Agent/Field Ops Director for the CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit).

He has demonstrated a high proficiency with firearms, explosives, electronic devices, resistance to torture (Dilios Note: After being kidnapped by Chinese agents, and tortured for almost two years, it is revealed he didn’t speak a single word for the whole time). He is fluent in German and has demonstrated ability to speak Spanish , Russian, Arabic, and Serbian.  He’s also shown to fly planes and helicopters.

His wife, Terri, was killed by a terrorist, J ack blames himself for her death. His daughter, Kim, worked with him at CTU, while dating Bauer’s partner Chase.

After a day from hell, Kim dumped Chase and disappeared.

Jack was left picking up the pieces.

Jack was Turned Without Consent and to this day doesn’t know who Turned him. The only one who does is Richard Riddick. Jack was taken to Nicolaus Valerius Meridius soon after Turning and swore loyalty to Sylum Clan, training as a Hunter. He had also visited Josiah Scurlock at The Border Clan learning about his history and family.

Sylum Inspiration: Nakano Takeko

Shogun: Hunter


Nakano, born in Edo, was the daughter of Nakano Heinai, an Aizu official. She was thoroughly trained in the martial and literary arts, and was adopted by her teacher Akaoka Daisuke. After working with her adoptive father as a martial arts instructor during the 1860s, Nakano entered Aizu for the first time in 1868.

During the Battle of Aizu, she fought with a naginata and was the leader of an ad hoc corps of female combatants who fought in the battle independently, as the senior Aizu retainers did not allow them to fight as an official part of the domain’s army. This unit was later retroactively called the Women’s Army (娘子隊 Jōshitai).

While leading a charge against Imperial Japanese Army troops of the Ōgaki Domain  she was fatally shot in the chest. Rather than let the enemy capture her head as a trophy, she asked her sister, Yūko, to cut it off and have it buried. It was taken to Hōkai Temple and buried under a pine tree.

For More Information contact the Vampire Council Library

She had caught the attention of Katsumoto, and he had sent Lady Blossom to find more about the woman warrior.  Through their meeting, Nakano learned about Vampires. She became intrigued and soon sought out Blossom to discuss being Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Niccolò Polo

Shogun: Member

Leaving Niccolò’s infant son Marco behind, Niccolò and Maffeo left Venice for Constantinople, where they resided for several years. The two brothers lived in the Venetian quarter of Constantinople, where they enjoyed diplomatic immunity, political chances and tax relief because of their country’s role in establishing the Latin Empire in the Fourth Crusade of 1204. However, the family judged the political situation of the city precarious, so they decided to transfer their business northeast to Soldaia, a city in Crimea, and left Constantinople in 1259 or 1260. Their decision proved wise. Constantinople was recaptured in 1261 by Michael Palaeologus, the ruler of the Empire of Nicaea, who promptly burned and razed the Venetian quarter and reestablished the Byzantine Empire. Captured Venetian citizens were blinded, while many of those who managed to escape perished aboard overloaded refugee ships fleeing to other Venetian colonies in the Aegean Sea.

While in Constantinople the two brothers were invited to Masyaf to hear the stories of Altaïr and Darim.

When Masyaf was attacked by Mongols and Altaïr ended up Turning Niccolò and then helped the explorers escape by using the Apple to fend off the attackers. He gave Niccolò some of his books and sent them to Lealta.

Sylum Inspiration: Lady Blossom

Shogun: Spy Liaison

Lady Blossom was trained from an early age to work as a courtesan. Her skill set got her into the high ranking levels of Kublai Khan’s ‘pleasure house’. She became one of his favorite courtesans.

It was there she learned information, made connections, and worked through the system to make sure she was protected along with a few girls she took under he wing. When she discovered a spy within the house she used her position to approach Kublai personally. He rewarded her loyalty with her freedom, she chose to stay with the house to protect her ‘girls’.

It was through this she met Sifu, Hundred Eyes. She knew something was different about him from the beginning, and just because he was blind didn’t mean she couldn’t seduce him. He chuckled as she took her own pleasure from him, then demanded answers.

Never a man to truly lie, he told her the truth. He was a Vampire, who was there to watch Khan. He had the added benefit of watching over the young Polo.

She continued her alliance with Sifu, and when the time came requested to be Turned. Pointing out he needed her. She had an inside to Khan, he countered with the fact so did he as did Marco. She also had an in with the Queen, and knew which girls could be useful to get information from other sources, he countered with the fact no one notices the blind man sitting near by.

She finally pulled a knife and demanded. Sifu laughed as he fought with her. At the end he had her pinned to the floor. ‘Now that is why I’ll Turn you’

Sylum Inspiration: Nathan Algren

Shogun: Co-Leader

Nathan doesn’t talk much about his life before Japan. He fought in the Civil War, was a decorated officer, that saw too many of his men killed.  After the war, he drank to stop the memories and barely held onto his rank and pension.

He was sent to Japan to help train the soldiers into an Imperial Army. Except they were kids and not even close to being ready to face battle. When they sent them anyway he rode in afterwards trying to save those he could.

He ended up taken by Takamori, the Shogun warrior holding back the Emperors advances. He hated the man instantly, yet felt a pull to him that made him want to do anything he asked. Takamori detoxed him, trained him, and then sent him to battle.

Nathan watched in horror as they were slaughted now under true military soldiers. He carried Takamori’s sword to the young emperor and told his story. All of it. Including what war does to a man. Showed him the honor of Takamori’s heritage.

He returned to the village only to discover Takamori was actually Katsumoto, a Vampire and his Mate.

He was Turned and Claimed that night.

Sylum Inspiration: T’Challa

Ghost/Darkness: Member

Note: I actually prepped this post back in July/August (prepping for the move).  Little did I know how eerie of a timing this was going to be.  Rest in Peace Chadwick Boseman – you’re an inspiration to us all #wakandaforever

The Black Panther is the ceremonial title given to the chief of the Panther Tribe of the advanced African nation of Wakanda. In addition to ruling the country, he is also chief of its various tribes (collectively referred to as the Wakandas). The Panther habit is a symbol of office (head of state) and is used even during diplomatic missions. The Panther is a hereditary title, but one must still earn it.

In the distant past, a meteorite made of the vibration-absorbing mineral vibranium crashed in Wakanda, and was unearthed. Reasoning that outsiders would exploit Wakanda for this valuable resource, the ruler, King T’Chaka, like his father and other Panthers before him, concealed his country from the outside world. T’Chaka’s first wife N’Yami died while in labor with T’Challa, and his second wife Ramonda was taken prisoner by Anton Pretorius during a visit to her homeland of South Africa, so for most of his childhood T’Challa was raised by his father alone.

The Wakanda’s had always known about the Ghost/Darkness Clan, and the two kept each other hidden, but where there for each other if needed.

T’Chaka was murdered by the adventurer Ulysses Klaw in an attempt to seize the vibranium. With his people still in danger, a young T’Challa transformed for the first time, giving away the secret that many had not known, and killed Klaw.

That the Black Panther was an actual Panther.

His uncle took over the throne until T’Challa was old enough to be a true leader.  T’Challa did everything he could to study his people’s history and culture.  He also took time to spend with Ghost/Darkness to learn more of the outside worlds.

He claimed back his throne, and became a good King to his people.  A few years afterwards, while traveling between Wakanda and Ghost/Darkness home base, he was ambushed by poachers.  He took a shot to the hip, but was able to escape them.

He thought himself ready to die, only to have Owen Grady smiling down at him – asking if the ‘kitty wanted to live’

He loved and hated him for that.

Sylum Inspiration: Bessie Coleman

Ghost/Darkness: Member

Coleman was born on January 26, 1892, in Atlanta, Texas, the tenth of thirteen children to sharecroppers George Coleman, who was mostly Cherokee and part African-American, and Susan, who was African-American. When Coleman was two years old, her family moved to Waxahachie, Texas, where she lived until age 23. Coleman began attending school in Waxahachie at the age of six. She had to walk four miles each day to her segregated, one-room school, where she loved to read and established herself as an outstanding math student. She completed all eight grades in that school. Every year, Coleman’s routine of school, chores, and church was interrupted by the cotton harvest. In 1901, George Coleman left his family. He returned to Oklahoma, or Indian Territory, as it was then called, to find better opportunities; but Susan and her family did not go along. At the age of 12, Bessie was accepted into the Missionary Baptist Church School on scholarship. When she turned eighteen, she took her savings and enrolled in the Oklahoma Colored Agricultural and Normal University (now called Langston University) in Langston, Oklahoma. She completed one term before her money ran out and she returned home.

n 1916 at the age of 23, she moved to Chicago, Illinois, where she lived with her brothers. In Chicago, she worked as a manicurist at the White Sox Barber Shop. There she heard stories from pilots returning home from World War I about flying during the war. She took a second job at a chili parlor to procure money faster to become a pilot. American flight schools admitted neither women nor blacks. Robert S. Abbott, founder and publisher of the Chicago Defender, encouraged her to study abroad. Coleman received financial backing from banker Jesse Binga and the Defender.

With the age of commercial flight still a decade or more in the future, Coleman quickly realized that in order to make a living as a civilian aviator she would have to become a “barnstorming” stunt flier, and perform for paying audiences. But to succeed in this highly competitive arena, she would need advanced lessons and a more extensive repertoire. Returning to Chicago, Coleman could not find anyone willing to teach her, so in February 1922, she sailed again for Europe. She spent the next two months in France completing an advanced course in aviation, then left for the Netherlands to meet with Anthony Fokker, one of the world’s most distinguished aircraft designers. She also traveled to Germany, where she visited the Fokker Corporation and received additional training from one of the company’s chief pilots. She then returned to the United States to launch her career in exhibition flying.

“Queen Bess,” as she was known, was a highly popular draw for the next five years. Invited to important events and often interviewed by newspapers, she was admired by both blacks and whites. She primarily flew Curtiss JN-4 “Jenny” biplanes and other aircraft which had been army surplus aircraft left over from the war. She made her first appearance in an American airshow on September 3, 1922, at an event honoring veterans of the all-black 369th Infantry Regiment of World War I. Held at Curtiss Field on Long Island near New York City and sponsored by her friend Abbott and the Chicago Defender newspaper, the show billed Coleman as “the world’s greatest woman flier”[12] and featured aerial displays by eight other American ace pilots, and a jump by black parachutist Hubert Julian. Six weeks later she returned to Chicago to deliver a stunning demonstration of daredevil maneuvers—including figure eights, loops, and near-ground dips to a large and enthusiastic crowd at the Checkerboard Airdrome (now the grounds of Hines Veterans Administration Medical Center, Hines, Illinois, Loyola Hospital, Maywood, and nearby Cook County Forest Preserve).

But the thrill of stunt flying and the admiration of cheering crowds were only part of Coleman’s dream. Coleman never lost sight of her childhood vow to one day “amount to something.” As a professional aviatrix, Coleman would often be criticized by the press for her opportunistic nature and the flamboyant style she brought to her exhibition flying. However, she also quickly gained a reputation as a skilled and daring pilot who would stop at nothing to complete a difficult stunt. In Los Angeles she broke a leg and three ribs when her plane stalled and crashed on February 22, 1923.

In the 1920s, in Orlando, Florida on a speaking tour, she met the Rev. Hezakiah Hill and his wife Viola, community activists who invited her to stay with them at the parsonage of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church on Washington Street in the neighborhood of Parramore. A local street was renamed “Bessie Coleman” Street in her honor in 2013. The couple, who treated her as a daughter, persuaded her to stay and Coleman opened a beauty shop in Orlando to earn extra money to buy her own plane.

Through her media contacts, she was offered a role in a feature-length film titled Shadow and Sunshine, to be financed by the African American Seminole Film Producing Company. She gladly accepted, hoping the publicity would help to advance her career and provide her with some of the money she needed to establish her own flying school. But upon learning that the first scene in the movie required her to appear in tattered clothes, with a walking stick and a pack on her back, she refused to proceed. “Clearly … [Bessie’s] walking off the movie set was a statement of principle. Opportunist though she was about her career, she was never an opportunist about race. She had no intention of perpetuating the derogatory image most whites had of most blacks” wrote Doris Rich.

Coleman would not live long enough to establish a school for young black aviators but her pioneering achievements served as an inspiration for a generation of African-American men and women. “Because of Bessie Coleman,” wrote Lieutenant William J. Powell in Black Wings (1934), dedicated to Coleman, “we have overcome that which was worse than racial barriers. We have overcome the barriers within ourselves and dared to dream.” Powell served in a segregated unit during World War I, and tirelessly promoted the cause of black aviation through his book, his journals, and the Bessie Coleman Aero Club, which he founded in 1929.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library.

It was during her time as a pilot she met Steve Trevor.  He liked her instantly, she reminded him of his own Mate … kicking ass and taking names.  He liked her idea of a school, but knew it wouldn’t be easy for her – yet knew she had already surpassed so many obstacles.

He told her about Vampires and gave her the opportunity.

She didn’t hesitate to take it.

Sylum Inspiration: Owen Grady

Ghost/Darkness: Scientist

Owen Grady grew up in London, raised by his mother and grandfather. He heard stories of his father, who had left the family for Africa. He entered into the British Military like his father and grandfather, but after seeing only a portion of battles he knew it wasn’t his place.

After his mother died, soon followed by his grandfather, he set out to Africa to find his father. He wasn’t impressed.

Though he understood why he stayed in Africa. He fell in love with the land, the animals, the people. It didn’t take long for him to figure out about Vampires, especially as he had seen and heard rumors when he had visited the West Country about Arthur and his Knights.

He wasn’t expecting to be Turned, but when one of the Clayton’s lions lashed out, he was in the wrong place. Muldoon didn’t give him much of a choice.

Sylum Inspiration: Okoyo

Ghost/Darkness: Hunter

Okoyo doesn’t talk about her childhood.  She lost her family to slavers, and when they came for her, she fought hoping for a quick death.

Only to be saved by Ababuo, who attacked the slavers killing them all.

She traveled for a few years with Ababuo, learning about Vampires, the Medjai, and how to fight.  In time she asked Ababuo to Turn her and be trained as a warrior.

Sylum Inspiration: Allan Quartermain

Ghost/Darkness Clan: Second-in-Command

Allan Quatermain doesn’t talk much about his life before he set foot in Africa.  He won’t even mention his real name.

What he will tell you, is this: Some strange little Shaman looked at him, yelled out some weird words, wiped paint across his cheeks and forehead and told him, ‘You have the Spirit of Africa in you.  As long as you stay on her soil you will be immortal.’

Two days later the tribe he was with were attacked, and he was Turned by Anok Sabe.

Sylum Inspiration: Robin Longstride

Camelot/Sylum: Member

Robin doesn’t remember much of his childhood.  He remembers his dad having strong hands, and working as a stone mason.

He spent most of his life in the army, his natural skills with a bow and arrow quickly moving up the ranks as an Archer.

As the Crusades moved on, he began to loose his faith.  And when he was abandoned by his superiors leaving him and a few friends alone on the battlefield at Damascus, he lost it completely.

He fought with his friends, until he was the last one standing.

Praying for the final blow to end his life, he closed his eyes in anticipation of going home.

Only to wake up in a filthy jail cell.

Robin could hear someone in the cell next to him, and soon the two talked and became friends.

Hearing the other prisoner say the Rosary daily helped restore his faith.

(Dilios Note: There are things that happened in those cells which neither of those men talk about)

He could hear defeat in his friend’s voice and was outraged that so fine a man should be reduced to such.  So they plotted an escape –  theory being to escape or die trying.

It was hell, but they did finally get out of that prison and onto the streets of Damascus, for chase to ensue until they were surrounded.  Ready to die with a sword in their hand, they stood together side by side, when men wearing black robes swarmed the area.

He was pulled away when one bent over his fallen friend, Antonio Crisafi, and begged for a chance to save his life.

Robin watched in horror and shock as the man grew fangs and bit Tony.

He struggled against the one who held him, only to be told he was safe.

They both were.

Robin blacked out from blood loss, and woke up in a comfortable bed, whereupon he swiftly rose and sought out those who had helped him and Antonio.  The man who had bitten his friend, introduced himself as Nicolaus, then explained what had happened.

Robin promptly demanded to be Turned, as there was no way Tony could survive without him.

Sylum Inspiration: Sir Hilary Bray

Camelot: Member


Hilary was the 2nd soon of the Lord Bray Family.  He was destined to marry Margaret, the oldest daughter of another high ranking family, who was considered a good match but difficult.

The two weren’t each others love of their lives, but they cared for each other dearly.

Margaret gave him 3 sons, only James survived into adulthood.

Hilary’s true love was the young servant girl, who had born him a daughter, who he made sure married into a good family from Scotland, the Bonds.

He was approached by Lamont who was recruiting him to the Vampire Council, said he had skills that would suit them.

Hilary laughed and said he should recruit his wife, M.

Little did he know, Lamont would do that and Turned them both.

Sylum Inspiration: Draco

Camelot: War Counsel


Draco was born into a small Viking village, Draco doesn’t remember much of his childhood, just that he was named after the Dragons.

It was Draco the Dragon who plucked him out of the sea one day and tossed him onto the shores beneath Tintagel in order to save him from drowning when his boat sank.  The dragon symbol on his leather breastplate had piqued the actual Dragon’s attention.

He settled, albeit with some effort on everyone’s part, into life at Tintagel, discovering that there were some gaps in his memory that could only be put down to having suffered a head injury while in the water.  He always wondered why Galahad would run from him whenever he was around, but he felt compelled to approach Arthur about staying and becoming one of his Knights. He could not deny feeling a comradeship toward the King, and was valuable to the Clan as a fierce fighter and excellent swordsman.

Arthur told him to go talk to Severus and Galahad before he swore his loyalty.

Draco’s stubborn attitude finally got the two men alone, and he demanded to know what the problem was, only to then discover that he was their Mate.

He stood for a few moments, taking in that particular information, before turning and walking away.

In his mind there was only one person he could talk to about being a Vampire.  So he went into the Dragon’s lair and asked his namesake why he had saved him. The Dragon simply answered, that it was because he should be part of the Clan.

Draco made his way back up to Tintagel Castle, and found Galahad, promptly shoving him against the nearest wall and kissing him in front of everyone.

Severus rolled his eyes, grabbed the ‘kids’ and dragged them off to their rooms.

Sylum Inspriation: Thracius Fulvius Severus

Camelot: Scientist


Thracius was the second son of a Senator. He did not have the patience for politics, and no head for the military life.

He was educated instead, in the art of medicine. His bedside manner left much desired, but his results were well appreciated.

Severus did not take to fools, and never had a problem saying as such, getting himself in to trouble on many occasions.

It was a Senator who introduced him to Imenand, following an enquiry about the doctor’s manner. Imenand, however, spoke up on behalf of the doctor, and took him in to have him work at the Council.

Within moments, Severus demanded to know what was really going on, berating Imenand that he was not to be treated as a common fool, whereupon he took the knowledge of Vampire existence in his stride, and continued to advance his skills as a doctor of medicine, learning everything he could from the Vampires, and how they healed themselves from the mere ingestion of blood.

Imenand eventually approached him about being Turned, and Severus just rolled his eyes, wondering why it had taken so long for anyone to ask.

Sylum Inspiration: Sir Galahad du Lac

Camelot: Second-in-Command

Galahad was born in France in the year 510AD (Dilios Note: Though there is some discrepancy of the date), the only child of the unmarried Elaine, herself the youngest daughter of Theodosis Meridius, he had no idea who fathered him.

He was singled out from a very early age for being a bright and noble young man with a quick wit and clever mind.

Determined to dedicate his existence to God, he was considered to be so pure of heart that his life was a gift from Heaven, but his lack of parental heritage meant he could not enter into a Monastic life.

Upon hearing of King Arthur’s Court he turned instead to thoughts of Knighthood and Chivalry, swearing himself to Arthur Pendragon and the pursuit of courage, dignity and honor.  Seeing his purity and decency, Arthur granted him Knighthood without question and had the young man of barely 14 years in age, trained to the highest standard in combat skills, horsemanship and all scholarly pursuits.

Galahad’s close personal friendship with Sir Gawain was thought to be that of two Mates who had yet to discover their Vampire destiny, but with the murder of Gawain, so Galahad became the first of Arthur’s Knights to step forward in the quest for the Holy Grail.

He returned two years later without the Sangreal but bearing with him tales of legend and miracle, having been visited in a vision by Joseph of Arimathea and been privileged to witness in a dream, the Rapture of Heaven.  His information proved the most reliable and trustworthy in the continuing hunt for the Cup of Christ.

Arthur took him into his total confidence upon this news and instructed him in the ways of the Vampire.