Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Character Introduction</span>

Sylum Inspiration: Thomas Efford

Sylum: Caretaker

Thomas Efford was raised in the countryside of Norfork, the youngest son of a small noble family. When he was of age he married and settled down at his family’s Manor. The couple had four children, and were content with their lives.

After Elizabeth the First disbanded Catholicism, he began to shelter and protect the local Priests. He hid them in his home, giving them a place to conduct Mass and minister to the people. The family and local village were always on guard, keeping an eye out for any of Elizabeth’s soldiers.

Thomas’ life would change when he met Nicolaus Valerius Meridius and his two sons, Antonio Crisafi and Timothy Quinn, while riding back from London, with his manservant.  He stated they could stay at his home for the night. As they approached the small Manor, Tony smelt burning and they spurred their horses onwards.

They came upon the house burning, the family dead, and the Captain of the Guard ready to throw the infant into the raging fire.  Nicolaus rides head long into the middle, grabs the baby and kills the guard, while Tony and Timothy take out the rest of the soldiers.

They proceed to get Thomas, his daughter and manservant out of the area.  The manservant who has family in Ireland, takes the baby so she can be raised properly and hidden away from the Queen’s Guards.  Timothy tells him to contact Boru and he would help him.

Thomas takes on the role of manservant to Lord Leavy, since the Baron Efford had died in the fire. As the months progress he learns how to meet the three’s needs.  In time he asked Nicolaus to Turn him.

Sylum Inspiration: Timothy Quinn

Sylum: Timothy Quinn

Born Timothy Quinn in 1312 AD, near Donegal, Eire, the youngest son of Callum and Lavena Quinn.

His two older brothers, Gregory and Aaron, followed their father into a living on the land and developing their farm. His older sister Lorain was betrothed to Fearghus O’Niel, eldest son of a neighboring family.

At a young age his curiosity and inquisitive nature got the best of him when he stole the local Priest’s Bible trying to understand what was being said in the pages. The Priest taught him to read, a rarity for someone of his social class during that time, and with a thirst for knowledge he learned quickly from local wisdoms, soon becoming the clan’s Healer.

At the age of sixteen, British soldiers attacked outlying farms near Donegal, killing Timothy’s entire family. Lord Sean, the Clan’s Leader took him into the O’Gairmledaig family, and for the next few years Timothy helped with the household, and repaid their kindness by teaching Lord Sean’s children, Aden and Collin, to read and write.

Timothy and Eleina – wife to Lord Sean – were attacked while traveling to another Clan. The subsequent chase caused her to go into early labor. The baby was born safely but at the cost of his mother’s life. Before her death, she named the child Quinn to make sure he had a strong start in life.

Six years later, Timothy found his place in the family when he became Sean’s lover. Tragically, Timothy and his Lord only had six months together before the O’Gairmledaig Clan was destroyed by a rival. Timothy escaped with Quinn, fleeing to Lord Caine’s Castle near Derry. The young Quinn was taken in, to be raised as a Caine.

Timothy rode away, prepared to die from the wounds he had sustained, and grief stricken at Lord Sean’s death, only to then be offered a new life by Nick Maoilriain.

Sylum Inspiration: Antonio Crisafi


Sylum: Second-In-Command


Born Antonio Crisafi in 1115 AD, Turin – Italy, he was the youngest son of the Crisafi family.

Intending a career in the priesthood, he was inspired by the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux, and in 1129 set out to find the Templar Knights, finally tracking down Hugues de Payens in 1131. At only 16 years of age he began his service as a Squire due to the influence of his family name, and his considerable education from the Benedictine Monastery in his home town.

As a Prior he found his true calling, serving God in the austere environment of the Holy Land, and as he grew in both years and experience, Antonio rose with seeming effortless speed to the rank of Preceptor by the year 1148, serving his Master, Captain Alexis de Chateauneuf.

Attacked while on escort for Benedictine Monks heading to Pilgrimage in Jerusalem during the time of the Second Crusade, he was captured along with his Master, and three other Priors, having distracted the enemy long enough for the Brothers to escape danger. Antonio watched his beloved Templar Brethren die at the hands of their captors, and found an unlikely ally in a Crusader who occupied the jail cell next to his own – Robin Longstride. An undying friendship was forged between the two men as they endured the physical abuses of their situation, and encouraged one another to remain strong that they might one day escape.

Their affection would last them forever.

After the death of his Master, tortured into a lingering agony until he finally succumbed to his injuries, Antonio escaped from prison with Robin and despite a desperate situation as they fought their way free, salvation came for them both at the hands of Nicholas Dupre.

Before Antonio left home to complete his education, he had unknowingly fathered a son by his sister’s handmaiden, Constance. She had been sent away to a Nunnery in shame, dying in childbirth to bring William Crisafi into the world. The child was given to the Papera Family as they journeyed out of Italy to make a new life for themselves, finally settling in Northern England.

Sylum Inspiration: Warrick Calhoun

Sylum: Co-Leader

Born Warrick Calhoun in 1687 AD, in Port Royal, the third child in a family of seven. His father, William Calhoun a free black man, took his family to the small island of Jamaica to keep them free from the risk of slavery, but his hopes for his family were not to last long. William died from an unknown illness when Warrick was nine years old, leaving the family vulnerable.

Warrick watched as his older brother and sister were captured and sold into slavery, whilst he protected the youngsters, and saved his mother.

To avoid that fate himself, Warrick ran off and became a cabin boy on a Pirate ship, taking a berth on the Red Stallion on the eve of his tenth birthday.

He grew up to become a feared Pirate, under the tutelage of Captain Jericho Brown, for whom he became a valued and trusted First Mate. Upon tiring of the Pirate life, Brown ran off with a merchant’s daughter to settle down in Spain, leaving the ship to Warrick.

As Captain, Warrick became a well known Pirate Hunter, and a true gentleman of the sea. If a Pirate needed to be caught, Warrick was the one usually contracted for the job. He brought in every man he set out to claim bounty on. His friend and Quartermaster was James Brass, who would tell anyone he knew the Red Stallion better than her Captain.

While boarding a small merchant vessel in 1723, he found himself with more than mere treasure, for Fate had brought him face to face with Nicolaus Valerius Meridius.

(Dilios Note: recently rumors have started that the story of who Warrick is, has started to adjust and change … it would seem the pirate was hiding more than we all knew)

Sylum Inspiration: Nicolaus Meridius

Sylum: Clan Leader

Yes I think everyone pretty much knows who Nico is :).  As we’re approaching Advent and the final of Clan War and intro of the rework of ‘Grave Danger’.  We thought be fun to highlight … those who started it all.

Born Nicolaus Valerius Meridius in 399 AD, Rome, Italy, youngest son of Vitus Crescentius Meridius, he was the younger brother to Artorius Flavius Meridius.

He followed in his brother’s footsteps and entered the Army, where his dedication and strategic mind moved him quickly up the ranks. At the age of eighteen he bought a Persian slave, Sofya, from the market and made her his wife. His father had at first forbid the match, but Sofya’s sweet nature and charming smile won him over. Julia, wife to his brother Artorius, took her in and taught her how to be a proper Roman wife. On their wedding night she became with child, much to the delight to the Meridius household since Julia had not yet been able to conceive.

Meridia was the first born daughter of Nicolaus Valerius Meridius and she was the apple of her father’s eye. She had her mother’s olive skin and eyes that would pierce your very soul. She had the household wrapped around her little finger and knew it.

Nico had gone to visit his father, leaving Sofya and Meridia at their villa in the city of Rome. As Nico and Artorius made the way back to Nico’s home, they heard shouts and saw smoke billowing into the sky. Fear clutching their hearts, they ran the rest of the way only to find the building engulfed in flames. Nico and Artorius moved to the back of the house, but the fire was hot and the smoke thick, but through it he could make out his wife’s body lying on the floor, and he could hear Meridia’s screams. It took all his brother’s strength to keep him from running into the burning home. He collapsed to his knees when his child’s cries stopped, and his own scream echoed through the surrounding buildings as the roof of the villa collapsed.

No one knew who had attacked his young wife. Rumors spread that people were angered that Nico had taken a Persian slave as a wife. Others said it was retribution for perceived past injustices.

Nico left Rome and returned to the Army with his brother, throwing himself into his career, hoping to forget the screams of his little girl, but it wasn’t long before tragedy struck the Meridius family again. Artorius was killed in battle, and upon hearing of his oldest son’s death, their father’s heart gave out and he followed his son and grandchild to Elysium.

Nico found himself Patriarch of the family Meridii, and he took Julia as his wife to maintain her ties with the Meridius line. They had a good, strong marriage. She gave him four children: Elena, Antonio, Gloria, and Theodosis. He lost Julia in childbirth with Theo, her loss a further devastation to him, for she had become a good wife and faithful friend. It was the companionship of his lover Razi, a former Gladiator, and his handful of children that made life joyous.

Two years later devastation hit the Meridius family once again. His military Second in Command, Marcus, consumed by anger and jealousy of Nico’s position and power, rode straight into the villa with troops. Razi fought by his Master’s side, only to be cut down along with the family tutor, Cyrus. Marcus slit Antonio and Gloria’s throats in front of Nico. As the soldiers Nico had once commanded beat him to the ground, he was forced to listen to Elena’s screams as she was beaten and raped. A young soldier, who was himself betrothed to Elena, died trying to save her. Their blood mingled as they laid dead at Nico’s feet.

Nico was stripped and crucified, with the bodies of his family laid out at his feet, and in one final act of defiance, Marcus stole Theo from his family to raise him as his own son.


Sylum Inspiration: Benji Dunn

Sanctuary: Member

There’s not much on Benji’s childhood. He will tell you it was standard one, with no great memories.  He was born in London to a middle class family.  He fell in love with computers as a kid, and followed a career path that had him recruited by MI:6.

He was poached by IMF

(Dilios Note: M is still pissed about that particular situation)

He started as a tech analyst at IMF working exclusively with Ethan Hunt. When he finally made it out to the field everything had gone to shit.

Benji knew Ethan needed the information and took the materials to him directly, only to end up in a crossfire and shot.  When Ethan asked if he wanted to be Turned, he rolled his eyes and demanded he do it.

Sylum Inspiration: Wilhelm Brandtenstein

Ehre: Lead Hunter


Wilhelm was Cinderella’s Head Guard, and loyal to her, even to the point of his own death.

He had not hesitated pushing her away from a runaway carriage, taking the impact.   He knew there was no way he would survive his injuries and had requested she take care of his wife and daughter.

She Turned him instead.

Sylum Inspiration: Luther Stickell

Sanctuary: War Counsel

As far as records indicated, Luther appeared in the world when he was in his twenties. He was recruited out of MIT by IMF for his skills in computers and quick thinking. He is ‘disavowed’ ten years later when he confronted his Agent in Charge over information he had uncovered about an assassination attempt.

He may have gone quietly from the building but not from IMF. He continued researching and hacking into variety of programs, sometimes siphoning off money others and exposing bad business to the world.

He is recruited by Ethan Hunt to help him find the Mole within the department, playing up on his ego to hack into the one place you’re not supposed to be able to hack.

The mission was a success and Luther was reinstated into IMF, working on the same team with Ethan. He had a suspicion that something was different with Ethan, besides the manic he gets into while working.

It wasn’t until an OP went wrong that he discovered what Ethan was hiding. He watched on the monitors as everything went to shit; the Mark pulled a gun and shot Ethan before Luther could call in back up.

Then he watched as Ethan struggled to get up and attack the Mark. Clear as day on the screens were fangs and bright eyes. When Ethan returned to the room, Luther pulled his gun and demanded the truth. Faster than anything he had ever seen, the gun was gone and he was pinned to the bed, with Ethan straddling him.

Sylum Inspiration: Ethan Hunt

Sanctuary: Lead Hunter

Last month I posted Inspiration for Oceania as I was working on a story for Advent.  This month I’m finishing up the MI storyline which I teased a bit back.  So this month thought be fun to showcase the characters.

Authors Note: As I am working on this story, I can’t guarantee these bios will be the same once the story is finished!  So keep an eye on out and see if can spot the difference.

Ethan grew up during the American Civil War, and had heard the stories of his Uncle who fought gallantly during the war, and then disappeared into the Far East.  Never to be seen again.

He followed in his Uncle’s footsteps and joined the Army. He was quickly recruited out of the Army Military Units and into the Military Intelligence Division.

Where he met James Phelps.

Ethan was good at espionage. He was fast on his feet and thought three steps ahead of everyone else. James used him for many operations through Europe, including to help steal top secrets from Intelligence sources in Britain.

It was at during one of these missions, that Ethan began to realize Phelps was playing a double sided game. When he confronted the man, he found himself in a far worse situation.

Sylum Inspiration: Mason Weaver

Oceania: Member


Mason Anne Weaver was named after her grandfather. And since her first roll call most people think she’s going to be a boy. Now she mostly uses that to her advantage. She grew-up in the suburbs of Chicago during the late 1940s and early 1950s. Her fascination with photography began in her teens when she borrowed her father’s old Leica III camera. She began taking photos of the her neighborhood, kids riding bicycles, local pets and the animals at the zoo, the “L” train, and the city. She entered several of her photos in local contest and even managed to win a few.

In 1963, her future prospects, according to her mother, were to find a husband or go to college to find a husband. She opted for college but omitted the plans to find a husband. She decided that her hobby was a good start for a degree in either photography or journalism and pursued it along with a degree English. She began working for the college paper and in her senior year earned a spot to travel to New York City to hear Martin Luther King speak at Riverside Church.

After listening to the “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” speech Mason began taking photos at Civil Rights gatherings; as well as the protests in D.C. A few of her photos appeared in newspapers and magazines.

By 1970 she found herself in Vietnam as an investigative photojournalist or, as some would call her depending on what was on the other side of her lens, an “anti-war” photographer. She believes (and still does) that pictures speak for themselves and she always tries to stay out of the politics of it all.

She was embedded with the MAC V-SOG (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group). And, by the end of the war in 1973 Mason had one of her photos on the cover of Time magazine.

Her last excursion before leaving Vietnam was to take one more trip into the jungle following a former SAS Captain who was reportedly looking for a down helicopter and it’s pilot. The little adventure was more harrowing than being embedded with the MAC V-SOG. After all, she had been right, there was something very suspicious about the story of the downed craft and the pilot. There were chases, gunfire, vampires, dying, and James.

By the end only four people walked out of the jungle. No one talks about it.

Sylum Inspiration: Michael Dundee

Oceania: Scientist

Michael Dundee has no idea who his father was. He was raised on the edge of town by his mother, who had been shipped to Australia because she was pregnant. She worked hard and he will always remember her smile.

She taught him to read and write. But mostly taught him to value himself and everyone. When she died, he set out to find where his place was in the world.

He traveled out to the Outback and found himself.

Dundee came back into town, and ended up meeting Max Cadbury. He liked the guy instantly, trusted him. Max returned the trust by letting him know about the truth of what he was and along with his companions.

It was this Michael knew he was destined for.


Sylum Inspiration: Emma Frost

Oceania: Member

Emma was one of three daughters of a wealthy land owning family in Australia.  Her suave and no nonsense attitude had her inheriting the family business and creating a small empire.  Her ability to move ahead of the market or get competitors to do her well had caught a few people’s attention.  Including Franklin Frost, who knew a potential asset when he saw one.

He wined and dined her, trying to find more information, but was caught off guard when she asked how his husband felt about their ‘date’.  Even more curious, he gave her the straight answer that he was recruiting her.

It was then he discovered there was more to Emma than a sophisticated brain and gorgeous looks.  After months of meetings, and having dinner with Frankie and Richie, she started to work for Oceania Clan, specifically Frankie.

In time they discovered her abilities. It wasn’t the weirdest thing Frankie had seen, but they kept it under wraps.  So when Emma asked to be Turned, he did it himself.

Sylum Inspiration: Thomas Jefferson

Oceania: Legal Advisor


As I’m working on a story set in Oceania thought it would be good to showcase some of the characters!

Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and the third President of the United States (1801–1809). He was an ardent proponent of democracy and embraced the principles of republicanism and the rights of the individual with worldwide influence. At the beginning of the American Revolution, he served in the Continental Congress, representing Virginia, and then served as a wartime Governor of Virginia (1779–1781). In May 1785, he became the United States Minister to France and later the first United States Secretary of State (1790–1793) serving under President George Washington. In opposition to Alexander Hamilton’s Federalism, Jefferson and his close friend, James Madison, organized the Democratic-Republican Party, and later resigned from Washington’s cabinet. Elected Vice President in 1796 in the administration of John Adams, Jefferson opposed Adams, and with Madison secretly wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which attempted to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Elected president in what Jefferson called the “Revolution of 1800”, he oversaw acquisition of the vast Louisiana Territory from France (1803), and sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806), and later three others, to explore the new west. Jefferson doubled the size of the United States during his presidency. His second term was beset with troubles at home, such as the failed treason trial of his former Vice President Aaron Burr. When Britain threatened American shipping challenging U.S. neutrality during its war with Napoleon, he tried economic warfare with his embargo laws, which only impeded American foreign trade. In 1803, President Jefferson initiated a process of Indian tribal removal to the Louisiana Territory west of the Mississippi River, having opened lands for eventual American settlers. In 1807 Jefferson drafted and signed into law a bill that banned slave importation into the United States.

A leader in the Enlightenment, Jefferson was a polymath in the arts, sciences, and politics. Considered an important architect in the classical tradition, he designed his home Monticello and other notable buildings. Jefferson was keenly interested in science, invention, architecture, religion, and philosophy; he was an active member and eventual president of the American Philosophical Society. He was conversant in French, Greek, Italian, and Latin, read Spanish, and studied other languages and linguistics, interests which led him to found the University of Virginia after his presidency. Although not a notable orator, Jefferson was a skilled writer and corresponded with many influential people in America and Europe throughout his adult life.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library

During his time in the White House, Thomas Jefferson became good friends with Henry Sturges. The two would talk philosophy, history, politics for hours. When he discovered his friend was a Vampire, and was the one that helped Washington during the Revolutionary War, he requested to be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Donald Flack Jr.

Sylum: Member

Born into a Chosen Family, Don has grown up around Vampires. He’s had a heavy responsibility on him all his life, between being the son of a decorated Police Officer and a respected Chosen One. He followed in his father’s footsteps and became a Detective for the NYPD.

Though always a Chosen One, he hasn’t had full contact with either Sylum Clan and/or Tallikut Clan. It wasn’t until his friend and colleague Daniel Messer was attacked and Turned Without Consent that he was pulled into the inner workings of a Vampire Clan. Soon after Danny’s Turning Don was reunited with Hannibal King and informed he was the Hunter’s Mate.

Sylum Inspiration: Hannibal King

Sylum: Hunter

The King family had a small farm just outside Lawrence, Kansas.   Hannibal’s father died when he was barely twelve, leaving him with his mother to run the farm.   It wasn’t a life he wanted, but he wouldn’t leave his mom.

When the war broke out, he stayed put despite the fact he wanted to fight for the Union.  He had never liked slavery, seeing some of the horror of it first hand, and even worse he despised traitors and as far as he was concerned the Confederates were traitors.

His mother begged him not to go, that she needed him there at the farm.  And also pointed out the fighting between the sections was bad enough at home.   So he stayed and worked to protect not only his mother’s farm, but those around him.

He watched in horror as Quantrill destroyed the town and killing all men of every age.  The only reason he had survived, was because a young black man had tossed him into a hay pile and ended up taking the shot meant for him.  The Raider shot at him, wounding him in the shoulder and leg, he played dead until they Raiders left the area.

Hannibal crawled out of the hay pile to find a young man with long hair, help the black man up, telling him they would get help from Lucinda.  He was happy to see that he was okay, later learning that the long haired man was James Hickok, Lucinda’s brother.  He had always like the Hickok’s, the woman had been good to his mother.

He recovered from his wounds, and fought more battles to protect the area.  When the war ended, he felt a sense of relief, only to tragically lose his mother a few years later.

Hannibal headed West, drifting from town to town, his skills with a gun improving over time.   He found himself facing off with some cattle rustlers, protecting the small ranches that were trying to survived.  He confronted them, and they attacked, and the only difference was they got back up after Hannibal shot them. Hannibal wasn’t sure if he was going to get out of the situation alive, and as he moved towards the back door he ran into another man. Surprised to see a well armed black man, he paused and watched as he took on the rustles, who turned to dust after their head was taken clean off.

That was new.

Afterwards Hannibal demanded to know what the hell was going on. Eric Brooks explained to him about Vampires and that he Hunted them. Hannibal just took it at face value and ended up travelling with the Hunter to hunt down the rest of the Rogues. During a Hunt, when Hannibal was mortally wounded, there was no question. Eric Turned him.