Sanguen Vitae: Hunter
As a young girl, princess Tamina was trained to become a guardian as all of her ancestors did before her. She was trained to become a capable fighter but most of all, she was trained to protect the powerful relic, the Dagger of Time. It was her duty and that of Alamut’s royal family to protect this and the Sandglass of the Gods. She was taught that it was her sacred calling, her destiny to protect the dagger no matter the consequences, even if it required her death.
When the Persians attacked her holy city of Alamut, princess Tamina went to the high temple to pray and retrieve the Dagger of Time. As the Persians invaded the city, she entrusted the Dagger to Asoka, one of her soldiers to make sure it would be kept safe. However the Dagger fell into the hands of Prince Dastan who took it, thinking it is an ordinary knife. As the soldiers invade the chamber, she is captured and offered to be married to Tus. At first she refuses, but after noticing Dastan with the Dagger, she accepts. She is later presented to the King of Persia.
When Sharaman is killed by a poisoned robe given to Dastan by Tus from Nizam, Tamina helps Dastan escape after he is accused of murdering the King. Along the way, Dastan and Tamina make camp where she tries to seduce him into kissing her, thereby giving her a chance to steal the dagger. Dastan notices and they fight with one another until he accidentally presses the jewel hilt and reverses time to when she was trying to seduce him.
She once again is caught trying to steal the dagger but manages to wound Dastan with her sword. He reverses time once more and stops the fight prematurely, showing her how he knew it could reverse time. She refuses to answer him when asked if there was more sand, by saying there was no more of this sand.
They go through the Valley of Slaves in an attempt to get to the King’s funeral. She feigns death and knocks Dastan out with a large bone. Later, she is seen trying to pour sand hidden in a jewel around her neck into the dagger but is stopped by the Sheik and Dastan, who sold her into slavery.
They all travel back to the city where she mentions that Dastan is always leaping to assist her. He denies it but she mentions how he can never take his eyes off of her. She then is taken and made to serve water in the ostrich racing the Sheik has set up along the roads. After Dastan is caught and the Dagger is taken, she frees the Ostriches and the weapons cache, allowing Dastan to regain control of the Dagger and the both of them to escape.
They finally make it back to the royal city where Dastan gets Nizam, the King’s brother, alone with him to show him the Dagger and its powers. The Dagger is gone and Nizam arranged for Dastan to be killed, but failed. Dastan later catches up with Tamina who is travelling through the desert to the Dagger’s sanctuary in India. Before they get there, they are captured by the Sheik once more and have an encounter with the Hassansins.
They reach the sanctuary where Tamina asks Dastan for the Dagger so she can return it to the mountain, since she is the guardian of the Dagger. He does not return her the Dagger but goes with her. They are ambushed by Dastan’s brother but are forced to fight together when the Hassansins attack again. Tamina manages to slip into the mountain where she must pierce the rock with the Dagger, killing herself and sealing the Dagger away forever.
As she is about to do it and the two are about to kiss, a Hassansin attacks, knocking Tamina unconscious and the taking the Dagger away. It was taken by the chief Hassansin back to Nizam while the rest of the party decide to pursue him in Alamut. Tamina manages to slip away with Dastan into the palace after having regained control of the Dagger to show Tus its power.
Dastan, along with Tamina, confront Nizam about the dagger, that it’s only to fix one moment in time. It doesn’t go back further. He refuses to believe him, and holds down the mechanism only to be transported to the moment when the two entered the room.
He screams in fury and slams the dagger into Tamina, and as he turns to run, his hand is grabbed and the dagger pulled from him. Dastan demands they save Tamina. The man dressed in Medjai clothing shakes his head, saying Dastan has only the power to save her now.
Dastan holds her to him, not sure what he means but acts on instincts. Fangs he had no idea he had dropped, she smiled at him, stating she knew their destinies were intertwined.
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