Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Character Introduction</span>

Sylum Inspiration: Franklin Frost


Oceania: Spy Liaison


Franklin Frost would always say his only advantage was not being born a slave. He fought like hell to get his education, and then pushed even further to get noticed for his skill set.

He ended up working for the CIA.

While on one of his missions he ended up working with Frank Moses. The two bitched instantly. Moses had decided that Frost would make a good candidate working for the Vampire Council.


Franklin Frost is a mix of a few characters that Denzel has played.

Sylum Inspiration: Harry Lockhart


Integridad: Member


Most of Harry’s life has sucked. He was always told he kinda looked like Stark, but more messy and pathetic.

When trying to escape a burglary gone wrong he ended up in a casting session, winning over the producers who wanted to screen test him for a role.

At a Hollywood party he met Perry.

The rest of the story is a sad Hollywood plot that even he couldn’t get his head around. By the end of it, he discovered the role went to Kirk Lazarus. The bastard.

Perry showed up, kidnapped him, and took him to Spain to explain about past lives and Vampires. Harry wished he had told him before he lost his fingers! He agreed to be Turned and the two Mated soon after.

Sylum Inspiration: Urraca of Leon


Integridad: Council Member


Urraca was the eldest surviving child of Alfonso VI of León with his second wife Constance of Burgundy, and as eldest legitimate child of her father was heiress presumptive from her birth until 1107, when Alfonso recognized his illegitimate son Sancho as his heir. Urraca became heiress presumptive again after Sancho’s death the following year, when he was killed after the Battle of Uclés.

Urraca’s place in the line of succession made her the focus of dynastic politics, and she became a child bride at age eight to Raymond of Burgundy, a mercenary adventurer. Author Bernard F. Reilly suggests that, rather than a betrothal, the eight-year-old Urraca was fully wedded to Raymond of Burgundy, as he almost immediately appears in protocol documents as Alfonso VI’s son-in-law, a distinction that would not have been made without the marriage. Reilly doubts that the marriage was consummated until Urraca was 13, as she was placed under the protective guardianship of a trusted magnate. Her pregnancy and stillbirth at age 14 suggest that the marriage was indeed consummated when she was 13 or 14 years old.

Urraca’s marriage to Raymond was part of Alfonso VI’s diplomatic strategy to attract cross-Pyrenees alliances, and in 1105 she gave birth to a son, who would become Alfonso VII. However, after Raymond died in 1107, Urraca’s father contracted with Alfonso I of Aragon, known as the Battler, for a dynastic marriage with Urraca, opening the opportunity for uniting León-Castile with Aragon.

The marriage of Urraca and Alfonso I almost immediately sparked rebellions in Galicia and scheming by her illegitimate half-sister Theresa and brother-in-law Henry, the Countess and Count of Portugal.

As their relationship soured, Urraca accused Alfonso of physical abuse, and by May 1110 Urraca separated from Alfonso. In addition to her objections to Alfonso’s handling of rebels, the couple had a falling-out over his execution of one of the rebels who had surrendered to the queen, to whom the queen was inclined to be merciful. Additionally, as Urraca was married to someone many in the kingdom objected to, the queen’s son and heir became a rallying point for opponents to the marriage.

Estrangement between husband and wife escalated from discrete and simmering hostilities into open armed warfare between the Leonese-Castilians and the Aragonese. An alliance between Alfonso of Aragon and Henry of Portugal culminated in the 1111 Battle of Candespina in which Urraca’s lover and chief supporter Gómez González was killed. He was soon replaced in both roles by another count, Pedro González de Lara, who took up the fight and would father two of Urraca’s children. By the fall of 1112 a truce was brokered between Urraca and Alfonso with their marriage annulled. Though Urraca recovered Asturias, Leon, and Galicia, Alfonso occupied a significant portion of Castile (where Urraca enjoyed large support), while her half-sister Theresa and her husband Count Henry of Portugal occupied Zamora and Extremadura. Recovering these regions and expanding into Muslim lands would occupy much of Urraca’s foreign policy.

According to author Bernard F. Reilly, the measure of success for Urraca’s rule was her ability to restore and protect the integrity of her inheritance – that is, the kingdom of her father – and transmit that inheritance in full to her own heir. Policies and events pursued by Alfonso VI – namely legitimizing her brother and thereby providing an opportunity for her illegitimate half-sister to claim a portion of the patrimony, as well as the forced marriage with Alfonso I of Aragon – contributed in large part to the challenges Urraca faced upon her succession. Additionally, the circumstance of Urraca’s gender added a distinctive role-reversal dimension to diplomacy and politics, which Urraca used to her advantage.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library

It was during this time she met Rodrigo, they became lovers and when he told her about who he really was and the truth about Vampires, she agreed to be Turned and they were soon Mated. Though it had meant giving up her reign.

Sylum Inspiration: Javier Esposito

Integridad/Tallikut: Hunter


Javier doesn’t talk about his past.

He will only tell you, he made bad decisions and was given an opportunity to redeem himself, by working for Kiernan’s Order


Esposito share’s loyalty between two Clans, and at the moment is working with Mal in New York City.


Sylum Inspiration: Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (El Cid)

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Integridad: Second-in-Command


As we have moved to May’s Calendar highlight Integridad Kin Clan – we will be introducing a few of the new characters that were added to the Clan.

El Cid – also known as Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar was born circa 1043 AD in Vivar, also known as Castillona de Bivar, a small town about six miles north of Burgos, the capital of Castile. His father, Diego Laínez, was a courtier, bureaucrat, and cavalryman who had fought in several battles. Despite the fact that El Cid’s mother’s family was aristocratic, in later years the peasants would consider him one of their own. However, his relatives were not major court officials; documents show that El Cid’s paternal grandfather, Lain, confirmed only five documents of Ferdinand I’s, his maternal grandfather, Rodrigo Alvarez, certified only two of Sancho II’s, and El Cid’s own father confirmed only one.

As a young man in 1057, Rodrigo fought against the Moorish stronghold of Zaragoza, making its emir al-Muqtadir a vassal of Sancho. In the spring of 1063, Rodrigo fought in the Battle of Graus, where Ferdinand’s half-brother, Ramiro I of Aragon, was laying siege to the Moorish town of Cinca which was in Zaragozan lands. Al-Muqtadir, accompanied by Castilian troops including El Cid, fought against the Aragonese. The party would emerge victorious; Ramiro I was killed and the Aragonese fled the field. One legend has said that during the conflict, El Cid killed an Aragonese knight in single combat, thereby receiving the honorific title Campeador.

When Ferdinand died, Sancho continued to enlarge his territory, conquering both Christian and the Moorish cities of Zamora and Badajoz. When Sancho learned that Alfonso was planning on overthrowing him in order to gain his territory, Sancho sent Cid to bring Alfonso back so that Sancho could speak to him.

Sancho was assassinated in 1072, as the result of a pact between his brother Alfonso and his sister Urraca. Since Sancho died unmarried and childless, all of his power passed to his brother Alfonso.

Almost immediately, Alfonso returned from exile in Toledo and took his seat as king of Castile and León. He was deeply suspected in Castile, probably correctly, of having been involved in Sancho’s murder. According to the epic of El Cid, the Castilian nobility led by El Cid and a dozen “oath-helpers” forced Alfonso to swear publicly in front of Santa Gadea (Saint Agatha) Church in Burgos on holy relics multiple times that he did not participate in the plot to kill his brother. This is widely reported as truth, but contemporary documents on the lives of both Rodrigo Diaz and Alfonso VI of Castile and León do not mention any such event. Rodrigo’s position as armiger regis was taken away and given to Rodrigo’s enemy, Count García Ordóñez.

In 1079 Rodrigo was sent by Alfonso VI to Seville to the court of al-Mutamid to collect the parias owed by that taifa to León–Castile. While he was there Granada, assisted by other Castilean knights, attacked Seville, and Rodrigo and his forces repulsed the Christian and Grenadine attackers at the Battle of Cabra, in the (probably mistaken) belief that he was defending the king’s tributary. The Count García Ordóñez and the other Castilian leaders were taken captive and held for three days before being released.

While in Exile, and his ability to combine the Muslim and Christians together in one army, he caught the attention of Azeem. The Vampire traveled to see him and talk to him about a new opportunity.

El Cid took it without hesitation.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library

Sylum Inspiration: Lady Blossom


Shogun: Spy Liaison


Lady Blossom was trained from an early age to work as a courtesan. Her skill set got her into the high ranking levels of Kublai Khan’s ‘pleasure house’. She became one of his favorite courtesans.

It was there she learned information, made connections, and worked through the system to make sure she was protected along with a few girls she took under he wing. When she discovered a spy within the house she used her position to approach Kublai personally. He rewarded her loyalty with her freedom, she chose to stay with the house to protect her ‘girls’.

It was through this she met Sifu, Hundred Eyes. She knew something was different about him from the beginning, and just because he was blind didn’t mean she couldn’t seduce him. He chuckled as she took her own pleasure from him, then demanded answers.

Never a man to truly lie, he told her the truth. He was a Vampire, who was there to watch Khan. He had the added benefit of watching over the young Polo.

She continued her alliance with Sifu, and when the time came requested to be Turned. Pointing out he needed her. She had an inside to Khan, he countered with the fact so did he as did Marco. She also had an in with the Queen, and knew which girls could be useful to get information from other sources, he countered with the fact no one notices the blind man sitting near by.

She finally pulled a knife and demanded. Sifu laughed as he fought with her. At the end he had her pinned to the floor. ‘Now that is why I’ll Turn you’

Sylum Inspiration: Niccolò Polo


Shogun: Member


While in Constantinople Niccolò and Mafeo Polo the were invited to Masyaf to hear the stories of Altaïr and Darim.

When Masyaf was attacked by Mongols and Altaïr ended up Turning Niccolò and then helped the explorers escape by using the Apple to fend off the attackers. He gave Niccolò some of his books and sent them to Lealta.  Niccolò never told his brother about his Turning, instead continued on with life as if nothing had happened at Masyaf.

For a historical narrative of Niccolò – See Vampire Council Library

Marco was left behind with Kublai Khan as the brothers continued on their journeys. Maffeo was thrilled that they had left Marco behind, but Niccolò was contemplative and frustrated. After two years they returned to Kublai Khan, where Niccolò only wanted to grab his son and leave. When it was discovered that Maffeo was trying to smuggle out silk worms, Khan ordered the death of all of the Polos – Niccolò offered his own life, anything to save his son.

Kublai shocked by the outburst of the older man, sent Maffeo away, keeping Marco close by and demanded to know why he had even left Marco behind in the first place. Niccolò bowed low to the floor, forehead touching the ground, his soft words admitting because he had freaked out over what Kublai was to him.

When Niccolò looked up his eyes shown his true nature, along with his fangs. He explained that he was one of the undead, Turned by Khan’s enemies the Assassins. And his nature screamed at him to take what was his … the great Kublai Kahn. He panicked and knew that the Great Kahn would not hurt Marco and fled.

Hundred Eyes backed his story about Vampires, having snuck into the thrown room. Stating he himself was one. Kublai demand more information, gesturing for Niccolò to rise. Between the two, they explained the way of the Vampires. Hundred Eyes told him he worked for Shogun Clan, keeping an eye on the Khan’s. Kublai was impressed at a blind man being a spy, as it worked so well.

Kublai Khan was to be Niccolò’s Mate. But all knew what was not an option. Kublai set Maffeo out of China, and in time Niccolò learned of his brother’s Turning. The two do not talk to this day.

Niccolò began to train with Marco, the two growing close. He was happy when Marco and Hundred Eyes Bonded. Though he wasn’t sure which one he should give his condolences to.

He sat back and watched his Mate grow old and die. The two had talked for hours on a daily bases, Kublai always asking questions about his travels and being a Vampire. When the Great Kublai Khan died, Hundred Eyes grabbed the father and son and fled to Japan. Though it took them another decade before they would arrive.


Dilios Note:  Ernesto has no idea about his Ancestor or that his family line is descendant down from the famed Polos

Sylum Inspiration: Liang Hongyu


Shogun: Hunter


Liang Hongyu:  Liang’s father was an army commander at the frontier, from where the Song Dynasty was increasingly threatened by the Jurchen-ruled Jin Dynasty. He taught her martial skills. Liang’s feet were not bound. She was a master of martial arts. Several accounts stated she was a woman with incredible strength and a master of archery.

At certain point in her career, she met her husband Han Shizhong, though accounts differ on exactly how they met. The most believable version is that she met Han at a banquet where she was entertaining the troops that Han led. Han had led his men in crushing a rebellion in southern China, and Han had personally arrested the rebel leader Fang La. However, his superior stole his credit, much to Han’s displeasure. Liang knew the truth and admired Han’s victory. She saved enough money to pay her own redemption of slavery. After she was free, she became Han’s second wife.

The Jurchens soon started the total invasion on the Song Dynasty. Han formed an army to fight the Jurchens. Liang worked as a general in her husband’s army.

She is not sure how her history ended before her husbands, yet it continues in in the same way. She was devastated like him that their friend Yue Fei was ‘executed’ for treason. When he was the most loyal.

She was as shocked as her husband when Fei showed up and explained to them about how he was Turned. Her husband was Turned, and soon after he Turned her.

Sylum Inspiration: Nathan Algren



Nathan Algren is C0-Leader for Shogun Clan.  Nathan and Katsumoto have a unique relationship and the problems with arise with Nathan being from the West.  Because of his position in the Clan, Nathan’s bodyguard is Colonel Wales, though he drives him insane, Nathan has come to rely on the burly Meridius on many occasions.

The only true dark time Nathan had with his new home, was during World War 2, when he along with Kensei, Niccolo, Marco and Wales were betrayed and handed over the Japanese Military and taken to concentration camps. It’s something that bonded the five of them together, but they rarely talk about it. Though they did wish the destruction their Mates caused was recorded.


Sylum Inspiration: Jane Porter


Ghost and Darkness: Archivist/Librarian


Jane Porter was raised by her father, her mother died when she was young. Her dad took her with him, where ever he studied or taught. Also took her on expeditions around the world. He was criticized for not training a young lady eligible to get married.

His thought was she didn’t need to conform. Her husband had to be good enough for his daughter.

He always made sure she had a proper education and thought for herself.

When they traveled to Africa, she was thrilled to see a new place. When they had met John Clayton she felt a pull to him. When he told them his story, she was awed by his strength and courage. She didn’t want to return to America, but she wasn’t sure if she was welcome in Africa with him.

She was depressed when they got home, her father worried about her. She was about to tell him she was going back to Africa when John showed up looking for her. It was then he told her everything.

She traveled back to Africa, was introduced to the Clan and instantly overwhelmed. It was Tess that saved her and had a long conversation about what would be expected of her and what it was like to live in Africa.


Sylum Inspiration: The Caretaker


Ghost and Darkness: Caretaker


No one even knows his real name. Where he came from. Anything.

The Caretaker has always been behind the scenes, takes care of everything that needs to be done.  He’s always been loyal to his Sire, and when he left with Lock-Nah to start the new clan, he went along with them, knowing someone had to look after the crazy bunch of morons

Sylum Inspiration: Niobe


Ghost and Darkness: Member


Niobe was the daughter of the Shaman. She was considered beautiful and filled with a strong spirit. When Morpheus pursued her for his bride, no one was really shocked. They were shocked that two ruled together. After a while the tribe settled into the new idea, as Niobe was strong and caring, and helped looked over the woman and children of the tribe, as her own family.

Even after being Turned, Niobe has continued her quest to protect woman and children.  Though not a Hunter, she is not a woman to mess with.

Sylum Inspiration: Robert Muldoon


Ghost and Darkness: Head of Security


What better Head of Security in Ghost and Darkness Clan – than an ex Big Game Hunter.  Robert Muldoon patrols the wildlife refuge to keep an eye out on the animals, poachers and Rogues.  He a rough guy who doesn’t take peoples bullshit.  Very loyal to his Mate Dilios and despite the bristly attitude he has to his son, Owen, he cares very deeply for his boy – though he’ll never show it.

And he has no love for Raptors.

Unlike his boy.

Sylum Inspiration: Nikolai Orelov


сила: Hunter


Nikolai Orelov is part of the Assassin Order.

He’s trained to be an Assassin, and has worked with a few of the other though stays mostly in Russia area, as he feels they need more help than anyone can provide. He isn’t loyal to Catherine or Marco, but he at least has more respect for Marco. He does what he can to help the people during the Russian Revolution but nothing to help the Romanovs. He likes Anastasia and what she accomplishes in her life, not because of who she was.

Pop Quiz: We’ve met Nikolai recently – who do we have portraying him (or playing his part)?


Sylum Inspiration: Raisa Demidov

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сила: Member


Raisa Demidov is the wife of one of Sila’s Hunters – Leo Demidov.  She was hesitant at first to marry him, scared what would happen if she said no.  But as time goes on, she sees the man behind the one who works for the Government.  When all hell breaks loose over a case of missing children, she stands by him.  When he’s Turned, and they realize their Mates, the two embrace the Vampire and new life.