Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sanguen Clan</span>

Sylum Inspiration: Kili Durin

Mod Kin Clan: Hunter


Kili was the second born son of Thorin Durin.   He was born 15 mins after his brother, and is the reason his mother didn’t survive.   His father never held it against him, never made him feel anything but love.   But when some of the older lords didn’t like what Thorin was doing they made sure to hit home on Kili.  Though usually it didn’t end well for them.

As he wasn’t the first born, he had a tiny bit of leeway.  And used every inch he could get, including getting his brother into trouble and always out of it.  He took up archery, and became a hunter after a while, able to track reindeer for miles and drag it back home for the village.

He met Tauriel when he was sixteen, everyone considered it fate as Thorin had married their mother at the same age.   They had waited for a couple of years, before getting married.  It was a cause of celebration for the village, and one of the happiest days of his life.

Six months later his world was destroyed when a Warload came into Erebor demanding tribute.   Kili was sure he screamed when his father fell,  and hadn’t stopped until Gloin dragged him out of the throne room.   He pulled away from the warrior and ran down the corridors not wanting to believe his father was gone.

It was Fili who found him stating their dad was alive but something was different.  Kili was the one who had no doubts that the man in front of them was their father.  His eyes were warm and filled with love when he looked at his sons, it was their father and he would face off with anyone who didn’t believe him.

And just when he thought his world was righted, the warlord attacked the village.   One of the first to fall was Tauriel, she fought like the warrior she was, trying to save as many woman and children as she could.   Fili pulled Kili away when she fell, but it was Thorin who lifted him up and fled the village.

There were thirteen of them who survived.   Eleven by the time they met Bilbo.   Kili thought maybe they would finally find rest when got to Builwyf but they were followed.  In the end, there was five left.   He had thought to embrace death, but while lying there next to his brother, he realized he didn’t want to leave his family behind.   So when his father asked – he said yes.

Sylum Inspiration: Fili Durin

Mod Kin Clan: Hunter


Fili is the first born son of Thorin, he’s older than his brother by 15 mins.   He knows his mother died when they were born, and that he has her coloring and smile.   His father also says her temperament, slow to anger but get out of the way when it happens.

He remembers always following their father around, learning about taking care of the people.   He was told stories of his great grandfather, and knew that he never wanted to be like him.

As he was the oldest he was expected to take over, it wasn’t something he wanted but knew his duty.  Kili teased him but always supported him, even backed him when he argued with Thorin about finding a wife.   Fili had figured out early on that he wasn’t interested in woman, but knew at one point he was going to have to marry.  He just hoped Kili popped out grandkids first.

Then one day a warlord came through demanded tribute.   Thorin had refused,  the warlord attacked, but was shocked at how well Thorin fought.  His father was a formidable warrior, and well huge.

Fili watched in horror when the warlord killed his father.   Fili was held back by Dwalin as he screamed and lurched for the murdering bastard.   They moved their father’s body to his chambers, Fili refused to leave his side.  He was the first to notice that the wound was healing and his father was waking up.

Fili was relieved and terrified.  They soon figured out that Thorin wasn’t different just well ‘dead’.   They didn’t have time to contemplate it when the village was attacked and they barely escaped the destruction.

There were thirteen of them who survived, and that was the first time Fili was introduced to Smaug, and had first idea of what his father had become.

They travelled south, coming onto a small village when they asked for help they were denied, but Bilbo Baggins still took them in, it was obvious the farmer had been smitten with their father.   What had shocked Fili & Kili was that their father was smitten in return.

Once they arrived at the sanctuary, they learned about Vampires.   Fili wasn’t surprised Bilbo was his father’s Mate.  It gave him hope that his father wouldn’t be upset about his own inclinations.   Then the warlord showed up and everything went to shit.

Sylum Inspiration: Aguilar de Nerha

Integridad: Hunter


Aguilar and his twin brother Callum were born October 21st in the year of our lord 1460 AD and was in Masyaf.

They’re parents were Assassins, the little they knew of them, was that their father, Sebastiano was from Spain and their mother, Brigit, who was from Ireland.  Their father was trained at Masyaf, who on a mission, fell in love with Brigit, brought her back and trained her.  The two had been killed during the Spanish Inquisition, a year after the boys had been born.  They ended up raised by the Assassin Order, and trained to follow in their parents footsteps.

When they set out on their own missions, Aguilar went to Spain, while Callum went to Ireland.

Aguilar took over the missions their parents had been killed.  Hunting down Templars that were using the Spanish Inquisition for their own goals.

He ended up meeting Maria, saving her from a local ‘Inquisitor’.  She had made it clear that she wouldn’t bow to the the false church, and become their whore.  Aguilar fell for her instantly, the two ended up married six months later – solidify his cover as a Silk Merchant.

She knew about his Assassin work, and patched him up when he would return home.   Over the years she bore him three daughters – but refused to let him train any of them.

While working on a mission with Maximus, Aguilar was mortally wounded.  There was no doubt in his mind, he would be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Javert

Passion: Head of Security


Javert was born in prison, and learned to defend himself quickly. One of the Prison Guards took him under his wing, taught him how to read through the Bible. He got him released and under his authority. He made sure Javert was raised with morality and honor. Leading him into become a Police Inspector.

His life will change drastically when he stumbles over Jean Valjean again after twenty years. In the end it leads him to questioning everything he knew and thought about morality and justice.

In the end it was taken from his hands.

(Dilios Note: Javert comments if anyone wants the story they can read the damn book Westley worked so hard to get published)

Sylum Inspiration: Hansel

Ehre/Weisheit: Advisor


Hansel remembers his parents as kind and brave. His dad got Hansel and his sister, Gretel, out of the house to safety then went back for his wife.

Only to have them both tragically die for ‘worshipping’ Satan.

Hansel and Gretel, alone in the woods, wandered towards the big house that their parent always said was safe. While in the woods, they were confronted by the ‘big bad wolf’. Hansel protected his sister, who ran off and ended up finding William Tell, the Hunter who was looking for them.

He scared off the ‘wolf’ and took them to the Von Trapps.

They were raised with the knowledge of Vampires, and excelled in Georg and Maria’s care. As they got older, the two siblings became close, neither really interested in finding a husband or a wife. Georg trained Hansel in his business, teaching him to read and write. He traveled to other villages to check on families and their crops.

On the way back he ran into ‘the big bad wolf,’ and this time there was no Hunter. He held his own fighting him off, only to go down with one good blow. It was his sister’s yell that had the wolf run off.

Georg found him and he just smiled. Hansel always knew he would end up Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Alp-Oehi

Weisheit: Caretaker


Alp-Oehi always lived in the mountains.

He took care of the area, herded sheep, and worked the land for its resources.  His wife gave him two sons, and they lived a long life together.  She’s buried further up in the mountain always watching over him.

His sons moved away, making lives for themselves and never came back to see their father.

He had seen The Von Trapps travel through the passes many times, and when a snow storm came in early, he set out to make sure they got through.

It was the next winter he felt the cough settle in. When Georg invited him into the family home, he sensed the illness in Alp and asked him if he wanted to be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Jacob Grimm

Ehre/Weisheit: Researcher

Wilhelm and Jacob were born exactly 2 years apart. Jacob still hates that he was the youngest. Their father ran a pub in the village, and their mother worked the bar. They grew up hearing tales of adventure and far distant lands.

They always knew when ‘Hansel and Gretel’ came through (Dilios Note: Later they discovered it was Wilhelm and Tamara), so it was a shock to see them come with two others. Especially one that looked like Wilhelm.

Wilhelm always good with dealing with the drunks and Jacob good with the gossip around town; they always provided good information.

When Wilhelm followed the Hunters, Jacob went with to keep his brother out of trouble. Only to end up on the wrong end of a Rogue’s sword. When Brandt asked if he wanted to be saved, he said only if his brother was to follow.

Sylum Inspiration: Wilhelm Grimm

Ehre/Weisheit: Head of Security


Wilhelm and Jacob were born exactly 2 years apart. Jacob still hates that he was the youngest. Their father ran a pub in the village, and their mother worked the bar. They grew up hearing tales of adventure and far distant lands.

They always knew when ‘Hansel and Gretel’ came through (Dilios Note: Later they discovered it was Wilhelm and Tamara), so it was a shock to see them come with two others. Especially one that looked like Wilhelm.

Wilhelm always good with dealing with the drunks and Jacob good with the gossip around town; they always provided good information.

Curious that the new guy had to be a family member, he followed them, ending up in the middle of a Rogue nest. Surprisingly Wilhelm and Jacob held their own in the fight, and it was only to the end that Wilhelm was badly injured.

As he died he found his look alike was a Vampire! He was pissed he would die not hearing the greatest story ….

Sylum Inspiration: Constanza Ramos

Integridad: Member

(Note: Here are some of the characters mentioned in stories during Advent!)


Constanza was the only child, and loved dearly by her parents.  She lost her mother to illness when she was a young child, her father though devastated from the loss of his wife, made sure his girl was loved and raised well.

He encouraged her to try new things, let her be what she wanted to be.

Constanza loved the outdoors, testing her limits, and soon found her running parkour around the city.

She met Ysabel one of her more trickier runs, that ended up bring the police into the situation.   The two ended up becoming friends, and it upset her greatly when Ysabel disappeared for a few years.   During that time she lost her father, and with the money he left, she was able to open her own Parkour School.

Her life changed when Ysabel came back into her life.

Sylum Inspiration: Hippocrates

Sanguen Vitae: Doctor


Hippocrates was born around the year 460 BC.

Soranus of Ephesus, a 2nd-century Greek gynecologist, was Hippocrates’ first biographer and is the source of most personal information about him. Later biographies are in the Suda of the 10th century AD, and in the works of John Tzetzes, which date from the 12th century AD. Hippocrates is mentioned in passing in the writings of two contemporaries: Plato, in “Protagoras” and “Phaedrus”, and, Aristotle’s “Politics”, which date from the 4th century BC Soranus wrote that Hippocrates’ father was Heraclides, a physician, and his mother was Praxitela, daughter of Tizane. The two sons of Hippocrates, Thessalus and Draco, and his son-in-law, Polybus, were his students. According to Galen, a later physician, Polybus was Hippocrates’ true successor, while Thessalus and Draco each had a son named Hippocrates.

Soranus said that Hippocrates learned medicine from his father and grandfather, and studied other subjects with Democritus and Gorgias. Hippocrates was probably trained at the asklepieion of Kos, and took lessons from the Thracian physician Herodicus of Selymbria. Plato mentions Hippocrates in two of his dialogues: in Protagoras, Plato describes Hippocrates as “Hippocrates of Kos, the Asclepiad”; while in Phaedrus, Plato suggests that “Hippocrates the Asclepiad” thought that a complete knowledge of the nature of the body was necessary for medicine. Hippocrates taught and practiced medicine throughout his life, traveling at least as far as Thessaly, Thrace, and the Sea of Marmara. Several different accounts of his death exist. He died, probably in Larissa, at the age of 83, 85 or 90, though some say he lived to be well over 100.

Hippocrates is credited with being the first person to believe that diseases were caused naturally, not because of superstition and gods. Hippocrates was credited by the disciples of Pythagoras of allying philosophy and medicine. He separated the discipline of medicine from religion, believing and arguing that disease was not a punishment inflicted by the gods but rather the product of environmental factors, diet, and living habits. Indeed there is not a single mention of a mystical illness in the entirety of the Hippocratic Corpus. However, Hippocrates did work with many convictions that were based on what is now known to be incorrect anatomy and physiology, such as Humorism.

Ancient Greek schools of medicine were split (into the Knidian and Koan) on how to deal with disease. The Knidian school of medicine focused on diagnosis. Medicine at the time of Hippocrates knew almost nothing of human anatomy and physiology because of the Greek taboo forbidding the dissection of humans. The Knidian school consequently failed to distinguish when one disease caused many possible series of symptoms. The Hippocratic school or Koan school achieved greater success by applying general diagnoses and passive treatments. Its focus was on patient care and prognosis, not diagnosis. It could effectively treat diseases and allowed for a great development in clinical practice.

Hippocratic medicine and its philosophy are far removed from that of modern medicine. Now, the physician focuses on specific diagnosis and specialized treatment, both of which were espoused by the Knidian school. This shift in medical thought since Hippocrates’ day has caused serious criticism over the past two millennia, with the passivity of Hippocratic treatment being the subject of particularly strong denunciations; for example, the French doctor M. S. Houdart called the Hippocratic treatment a “meditation upon death”.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library

His research caught the attention Immutef, who traveled to Greece to visit him. Liking the man’s ideas and philosophies, he told him about Vampires. Hippocrates agreed instantly to be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Eowyn

Lealta: Doctor


Éowyn was a daughter of the House of Eorl and the niece of Chieftain Theoden; the daughter of Theodwyn (sister to Theoden) and Eomund, and the twin sister of Éomer. When she was only seven years old,when her father was killed in battle and her mother died of grief.

Éowyn and Éomer were raised in her uncle’s household as if they were his own children.

Morgana sent her spies to Theoden’s court, the most famous of them only known as Wormtongue, who tried to persuade Theoden not to send his famed Horsemen to Arthur’s aid. Éowyn exposed his lies and accused of him of inappropriate behavior. Éomer threw him off the castle battlements, killing him instantly.

When Chieftain Theoden discovered the deception, he sent the famed Riders of Rohan under the leadership of his nephew Éomer, to help Arthur Pendragon in his struggle with Mordred. Not be left behind, Éowyn disguised herself as a soldier and rode with her brother into the fight at the Battle of Camlann.

During the battle, she killed Morgana for crimes against her family. When Mordred saw his mother’s death he attacked Éowyn, only to be slain by Éomer in defense of his sister.

After the battle and the subsequent ‘Death of Arthur’, Éomer encourages Éowyn to go to the Queen’s side, to help her with the loss of the King, only to discover Severus attending Arthur’s wound. She was taken into Guinevere’s confidence and becomes one of her trusted servants.

A year later, she was Turned on the same day as her brother.

Sylum Inspiration: Leonardo

Lealta: Advisor


Leonardo was youngest son of a small Patrician family. He was educated by the finest tutors, and had shown his gift in art and mathematics. His father encouraged his inventions and artistic endeavors.

He was apprenticed to an architect who worked for Caesar to build new buildings for the glory of Rome. He watched in horror as many of them burned in 64 AD. In the following years he started to work on rebuilding areas that were destroyed.

It wasn’t until he started working on the Colosseum that he felt for once he was helping something grand for Rome.

He met Archimedes during this time, who had come to see the new constructions. The two became friends easily, though Leonardo’s frantic work and inability to rest had the older Greek worried. When he found Leonardo collapsed on his workshop floor, he nursed him back to health then gave him an option to be Turned.

Sylum Inspiration: Jack Ryan

сила: Advisor


Jack is the son of Emmet William Ryan, a Baltimore Police Department homicide lieutenant, and World War II veteran. The elder Ryan had served with the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division at the Battle of the Bulge. His mother, Catherine Burke Ryan, was a nurse.

After graduating from Loyola Blakefield prep school in Towson, Maryland, Ryan attended Boston College, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics with a strong minor in history and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps via NROTC. While waiting for the Corps to assign him, he passed the Certified Public Accountant exam.

After officer training at Marine Corps Base Quantico, he went on to serve as a platoon commander. However, his military career was cut short at the age of 23 when his platoon’s helicopter, a CH-46 Sea Knight, crashed during a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) exercise over the Greek island of Crete. The crash badly injured Ryan’s back. U.S. Navy surgeons, at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, inadequately repaired his back. This led to a lengthy recovery process, complete with a permanent disability and wearing a back brace, he left the Marines. He passed his stockbroker’s exam and took a position with Wall Street investment firm Merrill Lynch’s Baltimore office.

His parents died in a plane crash at Chicago Midway International Airport, 19 months after his crash in Crete. He developed a fear of flying that persisted for years.

While managing clients’ portfolios, he began to invest his own money, banking on a tip he had received from an uncle about the workers’ takeover of the Chicago and North Western Railway, making approximately $6 million off his $100,000 initial investment. He did so well that one of Merrill Lynch’s senior vice presidents, Joe Muller, came to Baltimore to have dinner with him, with the objective of inviting him to the firm’s New York City headquarters. Also present is Muller’s daughter Caroline, nicknamed Cathy, then a senior medical student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. They immediately fall in love and get engaged. One night, while having dinner with his fiancé, Ryan throws out his back. Cathy takes him directly to Doctor Stanley Rabinowitz, professor of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, to be evaluated. Rabinowitz later operates on Ryan’s back and cures his chronic pain in relatively short order. Ryan subsequently persuades the government to terminate his disability checks. Cathy later becomes an ophthalmic surgeon at the Wilmer Eye Institute of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a Professor of Surgery at Johns Hopkins.

After creating a net worth of $8 million, Ryan left the firm after four years and enrolled at Georgetown University for doctorate courses in history. He does a brief stint at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, then accepts a position at the U.S. Naval Academy as a civilian professor of history.

Following a recommendation from Father Tim O’Riley, a Jesuit priest and Georgetown University professor, to a Central Intelligence Agency contact, Ryan is asked to work as a consultant for the Agency, although officially employed by MITRE Corporation. He agrees and spends several months at Langley, Virginia, where he writes a paper entitled “Agents and Agencies”, in which he maintains that state-sponsored terrorism is an act of war. He also invents the canary trap, a method for exposing an information leak, which involves giving different versions of a sensitive document to each of a group of suspects and seeing which version is leaked. By ensuring that each copy of the document differs slightly in its wording, if any copy is leaked then it’s possible to determine the informant’s identity.

These accomplishments come to the attention of U.S. Navy Vice Admiral James Greer, the CIA’s Deputy Director for Intelligence. The expertise of Ryan’s report, plus the application, persuades Greer to offer him a permanent job in the CIA, but Ryan declines. They soon convince him to join and his first assignment is to London as a member of a liaison group to the British Secret Intelligence Service.

It’s there he gets the information about the Red October and realizes that the captain is going to defect. He works himself onto the ship.

Little did he know how much his life would change.

While dealing with a Soviet Intelligent Agent on board, Jack is shot in the back. He laughed and cursed as he lay dying in a Russian submarine. Only to be offered another opportunity.

Sylum Inspiration: Ysabel Lomelin

Integridad: Hunter


Ysabel was the third daughter of a Merchant family.   She was nothing like her sisters, had no interest in being a wife or mother.  She spoke her mind, drank with the boys, and had no problem finding a solution to her problems.

Which was what led her to Nerha Silks looking for Máximo, trying to make a deal with him to marry her, as she wasn’t happy her father promised her hand in marriage to an Don, whose granddaughter was five years younger than Ysabel.   Instead Aguilar offered her the title of widow.

She instantly forced her way into the small family.   It didn’t take her long to learn about Assassins, which she demanded to be trained, and when she learned about Vampires she just gave Máximo a look.  He sighed and Turned her.

Sylum Inspiration: Trevor Hanaway

Ehre/Weisheit: Hunter

Trevor was born into an upper middle class family, and raised just outside San Francisco, California.   Had a good education, played baseball in high school, got a scholarship to attended Berkley.

It was from there he was recruited into IMF.

He was an exceptional agent, his knowledge and language skills made him an expert in Eastern Europe.

No one knows for sure when his relationship with Jane Carter started, but the two were an exceptional team despite being lovers.

It was a mission in Budapest, when everything went south.

As Trevor laid on the cold ground dying he regretted his fuck up was going to put his love in harms way.

When Benji offered him a chance to live, he took it.