What is everyone reading at the moment?
Category: Coffee House Friday
Coffee House Friday
So we’re working on fixing up the patio and garden for the summer.
What plans do you have for the weekend?
Coffee House Friday
Okay what’s everyone’s plans for Memorial Weekend?
If you don’t live in the US – just plans for the weekend?
Coffee House Friday
Anyone learning a new language? If so which one?
For another question, how many languages do you speak?
Coffee House Friday
Wanted to put our a reminder about the Discord.
I apologize I’ve sucked at setting up Sylum’s Saturday Discord Day, it’s been a hectic few months.
So how about a random Friday Discord Afternoon!
Sylum Discord
Coffee House Friday
An actual picture of my bunnies right now.
Hence the insanity that is the stories being worked on!
For the writers out there – how’s the bunnies?
Coffee House Friday
As I totally just realized I hadn’t done – Discord Saturday …
It’s Discord FRIDAY!!
Stop by the Sylum Discord and meet some fellow Sylum Clan Members!
Coffee House Friday
Favorite Snack?
You know that one thing that is always in the cupboard, and when it’s not you wonder why it’s gone.
Coffee House Friday
In the US – it’s Tax Season (groans)
Done? Thank you for reminding me? Oh Dear God Why?
Coffee House Friday
If there was one person in history that you would like to sit down and have a conversation with – who would it be?
For me … I have a list, a long list.
Coffee House Friday
As Spring Fling is coming up and it’s the time to showcase Videos, Fanmixes and Artwork.
And I have a brand new computer and updated editing software. Which characters would you like Videos of.
Okay guys before you start listing all the stories you want to see – I’m asking about Fanmixes or Videos!!
Believe me I have the list of stories y’all want!!
So any particular song you would think would make a good video? Or just want to see a Video made for a specific character/pairing.
(Please note that not all character have good footage we can pull from!)