It’s November.
No really, November.
When the hell did that happen?
Anyway, as we’re getting closer to Advent *evil smirk*
What is your go to story in the Sylum world?
It’s November.
No really, November.
When the hell did that happen?
Anyway, as we’re getting closer to Advent *evil smirk*
What is your go to story in the Sylum world?
Today is All Saints Day.
I know not everyone is Catholic, but those who are … who is your Patron Saint? Of course you don’t have to be Catholic to have a Saint you admire.
Mine: St. Lawrence and St. George
Archivist by Day. Dragonslayer by Night.
Today is Art Day!
Learn many new things when roaming the internet!
Anyway … Art Day. Favorite Artist? Painting? Sculpture?
Don’t forget Sylum Vault now carries Art
Today is Mammogram Day!
I can’t tell you enough how important it is to have one! If you’re of a certain age, contact your doctor. If there is breast cancer in your family, contact your doctor. You’re never to young to get one.
For those who use computers all the time. Do you have special keyboard or mouse? Do exercise for the hands & shoulders? Or just work where you can?
When reading your favorite book, story … what’s your favorite drink to go with it?
So recently I had to give up all Caffeine … so who’s got some good herbal tea recommendations?
So does anyone do that monthly subscribe thing?
Like geek box? or bark box for the dog? Fresh meals delivered? Or produce?
Keeping up with the theme for this month.
Spotfy? Apple Music? Pandora?
Dude I still have my CDs.
Come one who still has their old vinyls? Not the new versions the originals?
So today is also Book DAY!
Book Day is an awesome day if you ask me!
So do you have physical books? Kindle Books? Audio Books? All of the above?
I have my kindle and audible which I love both dearly. Both are great for the metro on way to work, or just a quiet break at lunch.
And as a quick reminder! If you haven’t, pick up my books at Amazon and put them on your kindle! If you have picked them up – please leave a review it’s very helpful to get the book seen by others.