Black Friday?
Who’s out shopping?
Who’s asleep because they were already been shopping?
Dude I’m still recovering from a food coma!
Black Friday?
Who’s out shopping?
Who’s asleep because they were already been shopping?
Dude I’m still recovering from a food coma!
American Thanksgiving is almost upon us.
Favorite food dish?
The one dish you pray Aunt Gertrude doesn’t bring?
Halloween is over.
Thanksgiving is coming soon.
Christmas is on the horizon.
How soon can the Christmas tree go up?
It’s Friday the 13th!
Anything spooky going on?
Black Cats?
Or don’t believe in that hokey superstitions?
So what is your favorite best movie adaptation from a book?
Which book was better than the movie?
Which movie was actually better than the book?
What book series would you love to see as a movie?
Fall approaches …
The smell of autumn is in the air …
Y’all know what this means!
The Pumpkin Spice Latte is coming!
Well for me it’s the Chestnut Praline …
So what are you looking forward to?
So anyone back to school? As student or teacher?
Kids out of the house?
Or is it ‘ah classes’ I remember those ….
It’s Labor Day Weekend in the US!
Which means 3 Day weekend!!
So what do you do when get a long weekend?
Do you have pets? Favorite childhood pet? Want one but can’t at the moment?
Dog, Cat, Hamster, Rabbit .. purple spaghetti Monster?
What is that one TV show that either inspired you or your career?
Or to this day you hear the theme song and your sitting down to watch?
Or the one that ruined you for any other show?