Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Coffee House Friday</span>

Coffee House Friday



Lately Bob seems to be off on a tear.  The amount of times I went to bed past midnight because the little bastard decided – lets work out this very complicated storyline RIGHT NOW!  *glares at evil bastard who looks so unrepentant*

In the long run this is good.  Stuff is getting done.

I’ve got ‘Afternoon Fics’ on my tumblr that is keep me occupied and entertaining Speed.

Sylum is being expanded and worked on … *glares at Pirate who decided it was his time to be annoying, he can’t let his Mate take all the limelight*

Prep work has started on the 2nd book … God help me … I’m still recovering from the 1st one.

And we won’t even mention Dragon Reese or the damn Sylum POI storyline *points up to the let’s stay up past midnight to work out complicated storyline*

Like I said this is good.  I just would like some sleep.  No really.  Sleep would be nice.


So Coffee House topic of the day.  

How’s that muse of yours doing?

Annoying?  Flaked out in the heat? Ran away from home? Be a good little muse?


Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image


*Drags into to room*

Is is the weekend?

No seriously?  Cause last weekend wasn’t a weekend.

I’ve got not one but two major projects at work… wait three.  Yes three.

What’s the worst ‘project’ that about killed you at the end of it.

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image


So I’ve been a bit slack on posts these past few weeks.  RL has been a bitch.  Between the major work project coming down the pipeline and other assorted goodies, everything else can pushed to the sidelines.

Working now back to work with Sylum: The blog, the Vault, and other goodies.

Expect some random posts coming up.   They will be hints and teases of future stuff.  Or just fun random Sylum moments.

And while we’re all here at the Coffee House … how’s everyone doing?

Coffee House Friday: Powerpuff Yourself

Sylum's Coffee House Image

Powerpuff Yourself


Over the weekend I gave everyone at Sylum a homework assignment!  We’ve gotten some awesome, fun, and adorable Sylum Powerpuff Characters.

I’m sending this out as a reminder – to take a moment and Powerpuff your RP Character or if you don’t have one … pick a character out of our very vast Sylum Wiki!!

Go to Powerpuff Yourself … make the character – email it to (as wordpress won’t let people reply with an image) and we’ll start posting these next week.  Deadline is Sunday!!


Coffee House Saturday



Yes I know it’s Saturday!

So what is everyone up to?

I’m prepping everything for Spring Fling which will start tomorrow.  Please make a note that you need the password to the Sylum Website to access some items that will be showcased in Spring Fling.  If you do not have it – click Sylum Security and follow the directions to join and get the password.

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image


Movies, TV, Books have always influenced our lives.  Sometimes we don’t realize how much.

*sips my Sencha Green Tea*

I had not heard of Sencha Green Tea before POI, and now it’s a staple in the house.

Ever see something, or hear about something from a movie, tv show, book and thought I have to try that?

Then fall in love with it, and can’t live without it?

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image

It’s Friday!! It’s been a long week.

So I found myself working on a fic that isn’t Sylum related – I know! I know!  Shocking!

The question for Coffee House discussion – looking back at older stories, is there that one you still would love to write but never did, or the one you would really like to finish but haven’t found time or that one that you loved but asshats annoyed you to such an extreme with it you just walked away from it.

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image



Still alive!! Ish.

Though I just realized it has been a while since I’ve done a Coffee House Friday *headdesk*

Despite the fact I’m back at work – I would rather be on my couch nesting like a good general – what does everyone do to get through an illness?  Special teas? Meds? Netflix?