Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Coffee House Friday</span>

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image

Now that the comments feature has been fixed – I’m expecting comments!!

As we’re gearing up for the 10th Anniversary of Sylum… Still can’t believe it’s been 10 YEARS!

We’re looking for some fun Motto’s that can be used for banners/art celebrating the 10th Anniversary.

One we got going now: Sylum 10 Years of fixing Show Runners fuck ups.

So put those thinking caps on and give us what you got!


Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday

Sylum's Coffee House Image


It’s Summer Time here, and kids are out of school – which means Vacation!!

Ahh the memories of two-week road trip with your parents.

Seeing new things. Exploring.  The Adventures.

What was your favorite holiday vacation? Worse vacation?

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday


Some of you may have figured out that I’m kinda a gamer. Ish. In my spare time.

Watchdogs was just released this week, and yes I’m itching to play but I still have Assassins to deal with.

So today’s Coffee House question – Hackers.

Who is your favorite TV/Movie Hacker?

Do you have the skills of a Hacker or more of a Hitter? *see who gets the reference.

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday




To Do Lists.

We all have them.  Either for work or home.  For shopping, chores, fics to be written, projects to be finished etc…

How do you keep track of your To Do List?

  1. Paper.
  2. Computer.
  3. In your head.
  4. Any good programs you use?
  5. Do you write them and never follow them??
  6. Keep it online for all to see.

Coffee House Friday

Coffee House Friday


Sylum's Coffee House Image

Well it’s been a while since we had Coffee House Friday.

I was moving so everything else fail by the wayside.  On the brightside once things are settled should get back into the groove of things.

Today’s topic of discussion.


Give me your best and worst stories when dealing with a move.