Welcome to 2023!
So how’s it going so far 😀
So what is your favorite Christmas Movies? The ones you watch every year?
Today is also Christmas Card Day – who knew?
How do you display your cards? Did you participate in the Sylum Exchange?
As we’re approaching December just wanted to do a quick check in on everyone?
Surviving the Holidays?
Staying warm? For those in the colder climates?
Ready for Advent?
Am I ready for Advent?
Thanksgiving here in the US is just around the corner.
Favorite foods? Get togethers? Or avoid the whole thing?
And it’s November.
I heard a phrase recently: A day is slow a year is fast.
So how is everyone doing as we head into the last couple months of this year.
Halloween is just around the corner! Plans? House decorated?
Or going dark and watching movies?
*checks calendar*
Yeah it’s October … how?
Favorite Fall deserts – apple pie? Pecan Pie? Or something else.
It’s World Smile Day.
I figured a cute post with a bun drinking coffee.
This is why at 1:03 the buns will jump up and give random story ideas that make no sense, until five days later.
Which character in Sylum that hasn’t had a story written – would you like to see a story written for?
That made more sense in my head.