Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Memorial/Remberances</span>

In Memoriam

As we come to the end of 2017, we take the moment for those we have lost.

*raises a glass*

Though you have gone from us

You will always be in our hearts

You will always be in our memories

And from that you are never truly gone

In Memoriam: Chester Bennington

In Memoriam: Chester Bennington

Linkin Park is practically the Soundtrack to Sylum Clan.  The amount of material their songs have inspired for vids, stories, and well their latest album One More Light – a whole series.

My heart broke hearing the news of Chester’s death.

His lyrics and voice were memorizing and heart filled.

Hearing them and knowing in the end he lost his battle with Mental Illness – it hurts.

So here at Sylum we do what we do best.

Raise a glass to those we’ve lost.

And immortalize them in Sylum.

Chester’s voice will live on in his music.  His music will live on in Sylum.

*lights a candle*


A Tribute Collection of Chester’s songs put together by Linkin Park

*Email subscribers you’ll need to see the post on the blog to see video



New Years Eve Memoriam



Sylum has always been the ‘fix-it’ when we lost those we care about …

This year we’ve worked over time!


On this day we take a moment to reflect back to those we’ve lost this year.

Though we may only want to light one candle for those gone or we’ll be burning down the house.

2016 has ripped our hearts out, taken our sanity, and yet individually we have had moments of blessings.

*holds up glass*

To those who we’ve lost.

To those who have touched our lives

We miss you and wish you peace.

In Memoriam: Carrie Fisher

In Memoriam: Carrie Fisher

I’m sure many have already heard that we’ve lost another great icon this year.

For many of us, Carrie Fisher has been part of our lives since childhood, while some of been recently introduced to her.

She’s been an inspiration to many.

We always strive in Sylum to immortalize our favorites within the stories.

We’ve been busy this year trying to incorporate a few!

So do not worry!  Leia will live on in Sylum … as we’ve already started developing the Star Wars storyline.

But in typical Sylum – not the way you think it’s going to be represented.

Remembrance/Veterans Day


Britain World War I Ceremony


On the 11th Day of 11th Month at the 11th Hour

Today we take 2 minutes at 11 am for a moment of silence for all those who have given their lives for our countries.

Let us never forget those we’ve lost.



And for those who came home


In Memoriam: David Bowie & Alan Rickman





We’ve lost two great legends in just a space of a few days.

Even if you didn’t like David Bowie’s music, you still knew who he was.  His influence on music will live on for generations.

Many kids were introduced to Alan Rickman as Severus Snape, the rest of us remember Hanz Gruber.  The vast career of Alan Rickman showcases over many films and has entertained us for decades.

Both will be greatly missed.

As for Sylum they both live on.

Severus is already an influential character in Camelot Clan, and we added Hanz Gruber to Sylum when we updated the Sylum Wiki Blog – except for the fact I forgot to put up his bio *eyeroll* *headdesk*.






We’ll be adding a character to Sylum for David Bowie.  In typical Sylum fashion we won’t be adding the one you’re thinking of but a small role he did that many don’t remember or never realized it was him.

Nikola Tesla



Let’s have moment of silence, raise our glasses and toast two legends.


Memorial: Paris Attacks


As many know yesterday Paris was attacked by Terrorists.

As the world stands with Paris, we felt the need to stand along side them.


Our thoughts and prayers go to Paris.  And to all of those who have experienced terrorism around the world.

Veterans/Remembrance Day


On the 11th Day of 11th Month at the 11th Hour

Today we take 2 minutes at 11 am for a moment of silence for all those who have given their lives for our countries.

Let us never forget those we’ve lost.


And embrace those who came home


Sylum Inspiration: Leonard Nimoy



I’m taking a step away from the series of Sylum Inspirations that discuss items and places that are inspiration in or for the Sylum Universe.

Though this is difficult to write – it’s only fitting to do a tribute to Leonard Nimoy.  A man who inspired all of us.   I’m pretty sure there is not one of us here that hasn’t been inspired by him either from his role as Spock, his dedication to society causes, or just the fact he was one of those genuine nice guys.

I actually had to avoid much of twitter and news for a few days because every time I would read something I would tear up, even now I’m choking up!  But while I’ll miss his work – I know his legacy lives on by the work and world he left behind.

Most of us knew him as Spock: ‘Live Long And Prosper’. If you didn’t grow up with the TV Show, then you were introduced to him from the movies.  Now honestly I have never been the big Star Trek Geek (more Star Wars geek).  But even I was inspired and influenced by Spock.



What a lot of people didn’t know was that Leonard Nimoy was also an accomplished musician.   He had an extensive Hollywood career, which included directing and guest staring in variety of movies and TV shows. He was also an advocate for Woman and Gay Rights.  In his later years he was pushed for people to Quit Smoking.


Zach-and-Leonard-Nimoy-zachary-quinto-6074580-400-300 leonard_nimoy_fringe_thumb-thumb-550x270-17240 leonard-nimoy-spock-quotes-saying-dead-died-death


But his most famous legacy was his kindness, generosity and friendships.  Those who were lucky to personally know him, will hold him in their hearts.  Those of us who knew him from the outside will forever be inspired by his greatness.


Shatner and Nimoy laugh during interview for 40th anniversary of 'Star Trek' in Los Angeles article-1290387-0A3D1E34000005DC-772_468x397 74cc28416b646ae6f87d5a502fbd03b7


As for Sylum.

Rest assured – there was no way at some point in the stories Spock and Kirk wouldn’t arrive.  And I’m not just referring to the vids showcasing the remake.  It’s Sylum, we never do things the way anyone expects it.

Leonard – we will miss you.  Thank you for your sharing your talents and inspiring us to be great things.



Veterans/Remembrance Day

Veterans/Remembrance Day

On the 11th Month, 11th Day at the 11th Hour – Peace.

Today we take 2 minutes at 11 am for a moment of silence for all those who have given their lives for our countries.

At the Tower of London in England there is a beautiful display of red poppies surrounding the historical building.  Each Poppy represents an English soldier that died in World War One. The display is breathtaking and at the same time horrifying at the realization of how many.  It’s a visual representation of the loss war brings.


Today of all days. Is a day to Remember.

Britain World War I Ceremony

Those who died.


And those who lived.