Q: I have question regarding mutants, if they were to be turned in to vampires do they lose their powers or do they keep them? Or does it depend on the powers? If the changes are physically lets say like the Beast, they keep them but if is producing / creating something lets say lightning, as Storm would they lose them? When the powers are psychic we know from Sam and Speed that they keep them after the change.
A: In simplest terms, the Vampire Gene wraps itself around the already developed DNA. So if the Mutation is developed, say like Storm, the mutation will stay, she’ll still be able to control the weather. Now imagine for a moment a pissed off Storm, when someone goes after her Vampire Mate *leaves that thought there for everyone to think about*
Someone like Cas, who already has his Wings, they will also stay after he’s Turned. This comes from the fact the Vampire Gene sees his wings as normal and that it’s supposed to be part of the body. If someone was to chop a wing off, the Vampire Gene will grow it back. This is the same in a normal Vampire for limbs etc…
This also works in the opposite direction – if someone like Al already has an amputation, the Vampire Gene will not grow that leg back, as it reads that is normal for this body. Now Al will have less pain and irritation due to the Vampire strength and healing, but he would still being deal with the amputation.
Now if the Mutation hasn’t developed, and they are Turned, the Vampire Gene will hold the mutation in check. For example: Mystique was ‘cured’ then Turned so her Mutation at the moment is in check.
Q: Bones tv show characters exist in the clans, how come Booth and Bones are not mates? And Angela is not with Jack? Will they come to be in future stories?
A: Sylum never does what is expected. Not all ‘canon’ couples will stay the same in Sylum. And sometimes it comes down to personal preference of the writers working with the characters.
These characters were added when we had a slew of ‘new characters’ way way back in the day. When re-working Tallikut Clan I dumped Angela as the character was not relevant to anything going on in established or future stories. Booth is already established in story and with other characters. As I never liked Bones, I didn’t want her connected to Booth to deeply, he’s her Sire but that’s as far as it will go.
With the wiki being updated, ideas and bunnies have popped up dealing with variety of character and clans. There will be more of Booth in upcoming stories, as he’s one of Tallikut’s Hunters and he does have connections to Angel. Might not be in the next set of stories, but he’ll be around.