Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Aesthetics</span>

McFassy Fortnight: Jacob Peter Quill

Jacob Peter Quill Aesthetic

(You’re probably wondering … wait why is he on this day – well you’re just going to have to wait and see *smirks wickedly*)

He was wet, muddy, wet and did he mention muddy?  He bent his knees, and leaned against the makeshift wall, which was getting him wet and muddy.  

Jacob Peter Quill wondered if he would ever see home again.  He left the green hills of Wales, over three years ago, not long after his mother died.  He had volunteered for the army, and was soon shipped out to the Front, where he stayed.

He had seen death and destruction.

Survived battles his friends didn’t.

Yet he hadn’t moved from this spot, or at least it didn’t seem like it.

The armies were in a stalemate, stuck across a mile of No Man’s Land, taking pot shots at each other.  

His tall frame made for good target practice for the Germans.  He’s learned over the years to either walk slumped, or bend his knees more.

A commotion caught his attention, Chief was handing out goodies to some of the soldiers.  They gave him smiles and sincere thanks, it was these small things that made life in the trenches bearable.

“How does a bear like you survive in this small cave?”  Chief smiled at him, handing a small wrapped gift, he could smell the fresh meat.

“Hibernating.”  He answered with a smile.

“I am glad to see you Quill.”  He patted his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.  “I send prayers to the gods that I will see you after this.”

“What brings you back to the Front?”  He asked, seeing Sammy and Charlie coming up the rear.

“Steve has a plan to end the war.”  Sammy leaned forward, with a shrug. “Life isn’t boring with him.”

He was about to answer, when he saw the last member of their party.  A woman, wrapped in furs, looking around in shock, horror, and honest to God righteous anger.  Quill watched as she touched and soothed villagers, speaking in their native language.

The woman turned Steve around, arguing with him, which was a sight to see in itself.  Quill at one point had good hearing, but years at the Front had done damage. He glanced at Chief, then Sammy who both shrugged.

When she dropped the fur coat, stepping up to the ladder, wearing a uniform he had only read about.  It looked a mix of Greek and Roman armour. The metal was nothing like had seen, and the boots were obviously hand crafted.  If he didn’t know better he would say she was a Greek Goddess come to life.

“Diana it’s No Man’s Land.”  Steve tried to stop her.

“I’m no man.”

She moved up the ladder and stepped out onto No Man’s Land.

He was watching history take place, but knew it would never make the books.  

He looked left, then right and with a nod they followed her over the wall.


McFassy Fortnight: Aguilar de Nehra

Aguilar de Nerha Aesthetic

The call came from the Santa Maria della Vittoria.

There had been a man, who had been on his knees praying for over five hours.  

The Parish Priest had called Kiernan, who was in a budget meeting, so contacted Ernesto.  

The Inspector sent a very rude message back, but found himself driving to the one Church he still wasn’t comfortable with, despite it being his home Parish.

He walked in to see a well dressed man, kneeling in front of the Ecstasy of St. Teresa.  This wasn’t a homeless man, nor did he look like someone who was in desperate straights that would make Kiernan’s recruitment requirements.

His dark auburn hair was pulled back in a old fashion black velvet tie, his suit was at least five grand if not more, and the shoes were hand crafted.  He held a rosary in his hand, as he prayed, and in the twenty minutes, Ernesto watched him, he didn’t move.

Not even a flinch.

It sadly took him those twenty minutes to realize how quiet the church was, so quiet he wasn’t hearing a heartbeat.  

The man praying was a Vampire.

Now that he was paying closer attention, the Vampire was heavily armed.  Ernesto stepped back, hands loose at his side, waiting.

The man crossed himself, put the rosary in the inside suit pocket, and with ease, for someone who had been kneeling for hours, stood.  He reached up touching the marble, and bowed his head for a few moments.

He turned giving Ernesto a small smile.  “Inspector.”

The man was Spanish, accent was subtle but still there, though is Italian was perfect.  He had a feeling he should know him, but the memory was elusive.

“Do I know you?”

“You knew me as an annoying teenager, Giovanni.”  

He blinked, looked around the church then back at the man.  “Aguilar. Where’s your brother? Where there is one the other is not far away.”

He laughed, the grin on his face wide, almost shark like.  “He’s back at the hotel. He knows I like to spend time with Teresa when we’re in Rome.  I’ve been gone for too long, but I hadn’t wanted to come during the renovations.” He glanced around, then back at Ernesto.  “They did an amazing job, if you didn’t know what happened here, you would have no idea.”

Ernesto blinked a few times, focusing back on the now.  “An odd devotion for an Assassin.”

“Says an Assassin who guards the Pope.”  Aguilar grinned. “I knew Teresa personally.  The only person I knew who walked into the Inquisitor’s Office and walked out, without me leaving a trail of bodies.

“You knew her?  As in knew her?”  The Inspector rolled his eyes at himself.

“She was feisty, talked a mile a minute, wrote just as quickly, and was devoted to God.  The fact it took so long to make her a Saint only shows that the Church still has aways to go in showcasing equality.”  Aguilar reached up and squeezed his shoulder. “Come on let’s get some coffee. Make sure your boy sees you’re okay. He’s perched across the street.”

“Give me a moment.”

Aguilar watched as the Inspector went to the memorial, touched it revelantly, and said a prayer for his men and those who died.  Neither said a word as they walked out into the late afternoon sun. Aguilar slipped on his sunglasses, holding his hand up to shield his eyes as he waved up at the Florentine.

“So what’s it like to know a Saint?”  Ernesto asked as they made their way across the plaza to his waiting car.

“You tell me, considering you know St. Patrick.”  He paused as he stepped up to the passenger side. “Both of them.”

His eyes narrowed.  

Aguilar smirked.  “Come on Giovanni, lets get some food and catch you up on the gossip and drama of the Assassin Order.”


McFassy Fortnight: David Percival

David Percival Aesthetic

“You fucking bitch!  You shot me in the fucking head!!”

Lorraine was on her feet, gun in hand so very fast, that if he hadn’t already been expecting such a move, she would’ve shot him again.

As it was, he neatly sidestepped the bullet that zinged past him and embedded itself in the doorframe where he’d just been standing by the pilot’s cabin.

“How are you still alive?” she demanded, her natural American accent kicking in when she realized she was wasting ammunition trying to hit him.  His suddenly inexplicable speed and agility were both intense and apparently impossible to counter in such a small space.

Not once, however, did he pull a weapon on her.

“Y’know, I ask myself the same thing, love,” he retorted.  “But you just gotta go with the mystery.”

She glanced at her Handler, but Emmett remained entirely focused on M, who’d sat down opposite him, being all business and no amusement.

Despite her every belief in the man, Lorraine knew she’d find no help there.  It wasn’t shocking, but it felt rather disgusting, no matter which way she chose to interpret his slightly sardonic expression.

“I killed you!” she hissed, gun still raised at David’s head.  “I killed you!”

He shrugged.  “Actually, I’d forgotten how much that shit really fucking hurts!!”

She expected him to do something

Make a move.

Start toward her.


But, no.

He just stood there.

Starting at her.  

Like the Ghost of Christmas Past.

M sighed.  “Could you two either go fuck this tension out between you, or sit down and let the grown ups talk?”

David snorted rudely.  “I’m not getting my dick out for this bitch!”

“Guess I shot you in the wrong head then…”  She lowered her gun to his crotch.

“Go right at it.  Stuff’ll just grow back anyway.”  He felt the strange temptation to wiggle his hips lewdly in her direction, but the confused gleam in her eyes offset the otherwise utterly professional expression she was wearing.  “Want a drink yet?” he asked, mocking her despite the imminent threat to his manhood.

“You should be dead!”

“Already am, love.  You’re just having a nervous breakdown before you’re dragged out of here in cuffs.”

She laughed out loud.  “I don’t believe in ghosts!”

He licked his lips.  “You should, or one of ’em’ll kill you.”

When confronted by elements she knew she was missing in any given situation, the best option was to let others talk, then piece together whatever snippets of information she’d been able to glean, and go from there.  Which usually worked well enough, except in dealing with fellow spies.

And David was one of the best.

She’d give him that.

You’ll kill me?” she mocked right back.  “When I’m the one who’s been cleaning up behind your mess, Comrade Satchel?”

“Oh, please,” M interjected.  “Your set up was excellent.  If you’d tried it on anyone else you might just have gotten away with it, but when you put the blame on those who aren’t really as dead as you’d like them to be, they do rather put a crimp in things.”

David blinked.  “Well, that was rude!”

“Honey, you were never smooth enough for the Double O Programme, but then again you were never dumb enough to play both ends against the middle.  You get that from your Sire at least.”

“How very charming of you to say so,” George said quietly, coming into the plane through the still open main door.

Lorraine turned her gun to the new threat in her vicinity.  “Do put that down, madam,” he replied, sounding thoroughly bored.  “I can assure you I’m as dead as my protege over there, so don’t waste your time on futilities.”

David really wanted to know who’d called his Vampire ‘father’ into the situation, but he’d already figured out that it could only have been Smiley who’d disentangled the clever set up Lorraine had been hoping to frame him with.

She was immensely smart, and he’d admit to having some begrudging respect for her in that.  Still, he’d rather put a bullet between her eyes than admit it out loud, given what she’d tried to turn him into.

“Young man, you should be lying down.”  George gave his Childe the benefit of a concerned stare.  “Who exactly let you come here to do this?”

David’s mouth fell open.  “Are you seriously being all ‘parental’ right now?” he demanded, even making air quotes to enhance his opinion.

M rolled her eyes, but then again she knew only too well what it was like having boys who were ‘special’.

“Without me, you’d be branded a traitor right now, young fellow.  You could at least show a little more appreciation.”

Lorraine wanted to laugh at the farcical nature of what was happening, but still her Handler just sat there in seemingly stoic silence.

She’d done far too good a job of covering her tracks and laying blame elsewhere, for some creaky old fart that MI6 had clearly dug up from the earliest years of the Cold War, to come pull it all apart like he’d been faced with nothing more than a particularly tough question courtesy of the Times Crossword Puzzle.

She needed an out.

She just wasn’t sure how to get it yet.

David grinned at her cheekily despite the gesture making his still healing face ache.  “Might wanna sit down for this, love.  Dad gets a bit of a rambler when he starts lecturing.”

George Smiley pushed his glasses up his nose more firmly.  There were no notes or folders in his hands to call on as she spoke.  He didn’t need them.  He knew all the details, every last convoluted one of them.

And as his name was cleared of all wrongdoing, David remarkably felt the urge to hug him.

His own information on the real identity of the agent known as ‘Satchel’, was then icing on the cake.

With a cherry.

One of those nice juicy ones soaked in alcohol.

“Had you been working with any one but David, my dear, you would likely have succeeded, but as it is, I already knew there could be no way the Head of Berlin Station was a traitor.  He’s too much like his actual father to ever be more than who he really is,” Smiley concluded.

“Hey!!” David growled, not quite ready to appreciate so obtuse a compliment.

George chuckled softly.  “I shall, of course, do my best to stop Karla from making you his next target, Agent Satchel, but I can in no way guarantee success…”

Lorraine paled just a tiny bit.

“…given that he doesn’t take too kindly to people who try and kill his son.”

David sighed.  “Tell me you didn’t call him yet?  Please, tell me you didn’t call him…”

Smiley had the most irritating little grin occasionally.

McFassy Fortnight: Stelios

Stelios Aesthetic

He was about to close the laptop, and go take care of his Mate, who had been wiggling his ass for about an hour now to get attention, when he saw something flash across the screen.  

“What the hell?”  He opened up a secondary browser, dove into the backend of the system he was digging through to see if he could find what the hell flashed across his screen.


He ignored his Mate, instead pulling up tab after tab, diving further into the darker networks to see what the hell was going on.

“I totally got myself off, since ya’ abandoned me for coding.”  David paused, watching his Mate for a few seconds, noticing instantly the difference between getting lost and searching.  “Hey…” He made his way into the office, and sat his bare ass down on the desk. “Whatcha chasing?”

“I saw something.”  Stelios looked up, gaze raking over his Mate’s naked body.  It was a strong muscular body, with a few too many scars for his liking.  “Not sure what it is, but it flashed across some coding I was digging around in.”

Percival looked at the laptop, then at one of the many screens around him.  “Is this bad?” There were times he still marveled that his Spartan Mate was such a geek boy.  His body screamed warrior, his mind was all numbers and coding. It was hot in so many ways. He understood half of what Stelios said, and even less of what he did.

“Not sure.”  He turned the laptop around.  “See this.”

“It’s a bunch of numbers, the ones and zeros you go on about.”  He looked over at him, now worrying at the look on Stelios face.

“See the odd ones out?” He put a hand on his naked thigh, then pointed at a section of the screen.

“That tiny thing in the corner, is it supposed to be different?”  David shifted until he looked at all the tabs and windows that were open. “Should we call M, I doubt Smiley could help.”

“Not yet.  Let me see if I can find out what this is first.”  He took some screenshots, then closed down the computer.  

“Well it come bite us in the arse?”

“Likely.”  He leaned back in his chair smiling at his naked Mate.  “Did you still need a hand?”

“I need ya’ cock.”  David smirked sliding down into his lap.  “I want ya to fuck me, geek boy.”

He pulled him into a open mouth heated kiss, hands sliding up the bare back.   “I can bend you over my desk, or you can ride me.” Stelios nipped along the elegant neck, enjoying the sounds he was pulling from his Mate.  

They had met at a club in Berlin, fucked in the back alley, then started a short yet interesting courtship.  In all his years, he had wondered if he would find someone to settle down with, he never expected David Percival, but then the gods (and he knew a few) had a sense of humor.


McFassy Fortnight: Charles Xavier & Max Eisenhardt

The Professor & Magneto Aesthetic

Charles Xavier stared across his desk at the one person, he thought would never be sitting on his couch.  He had to block out everyone at the school, or his head would be buzzing with gossip, ranting, and he’s pretty sure the maniacal laughter was coming from Alex … maybe Brisco.

“Erik.”  He said after the five minutes of silence.

“It’s actually Max, well that’s the name my mother gave me before the Nazis ripped it from me.”  His gaze was steady, but his tone held a slight bitterness yet openness.

“What would you prefer I call you?”  Charles asked sincerely.

“I’m actually not sure.”  The answer was painful in it’s honesty.  “I’ve been so many people Charles, but the only time I was happy was as Max, when I was with Magda and Erik when I was with you.  And I lost both.”

“I’m still here my friend.”  He moved out from behind his desk, sliding his chair up next to the couch.  “I’ve always been here.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about Vampires?”  Charles was surprised there was no malice in the question.  “Were you afraid I would turn against you? I’ve always stood for our people, being a Vampire is no different than being a Mutant.  I’m sure the humans hat the idea of either species being mixed in with them.”

“I was afraid.”  Charles looked over to the far wall, where he had pictures of his three boys.  “It’s not an easy concept to accept, even for a Mutant. Especially, with the added of past lives and connecting souls.”

“Your children accept you?”  He looked behind him to the closed door, he could feel Logan lurking nearby.

“They only learned recently.  Alex has stood by me, all these years, as has Sean.”

“He’s loyal, I can admire that.”  Erik gave him a smirk. “I’m sure uptight Scott took the news well.”

“They’ve all taken it well, which I should’ve known they would.  Now with Storm, one of us, it’s easing others into the idea.”

“We’ve known each other once before?”  Magneto reached over and took his hand.

“Actually three times.”  Charles held onto him. “We lost everything, then had a beautiful family, and lastly societies perceptions pulled us apart.”

“The Roman, the one who confronted me, let you talk to me.”  He nodded towards the pictures. “Our middle boy?”

“Youngest, the last one, Sherlock was born after you died, my darling wife.”

“You bastard!  Cheating on me after my death!”  Magneto always had a flare for the dramatic. “They are handsome.”

“So’s yours.”

“He’s powerful.”  He sighed. “Even more than me.  He’s also very loyal to his Mate.  I saw his look Charles, he would’ve destroyed the earth at that moment to protect him.  It made me realize there was still love in this world, and now I know I could have it.”

“You could, but things have to change.”  Charles gave him a small smile. “I’ve been a Vampire over a hundred years, our son Nicolaus has been over 1600 years – it’s not an easy life, but you learn to blend.”

“One day we all will be out and proud.”  Erik stood from the couch. “I want to be there for that, and I’m sure at least once I’ll be able to say I told you so about the humans.”

“I’m sure you will.”  He looked up his friend, it was his move.

“I’m going to do something I should’ve done fifty years ago.”  He leaned over and kissed Charles softly. “I’ll be back to formally court you, Mr. Xavier.  Do make sure the children don’t try to lock me out, it will be pointless if they did.”

“I like flowers.”  Charles grinned up at him.

“Then I shall bring you some, Liebling.”  

And with that Magneto put on his fedora, slipped on his coat, and walked out of the room.  He pushed Logan out of his way, gave Scott a nod, a smile to Jean, and left the mansion.

He had a date to plan.

A future, a real one, finally awaited him.


McFassy Fortnight: Charles Deacon

Charles Deacon Aesthetic

He wasn’t quite sure what to do.

In all of his years, he knew exactly what he wanted, how to go about it, and followed through.  

Throughout his childhood, he felt others pain and would reach out to help anyway he could.   He studied Psychology and Sociology in college, and after That Night, he entered the Seminary, feeling it was his calling to truly help others.

Then he met Erik.

Erik who challenged him, made him think outside his sphere of privilege.  Erik who argued and pushed, who demanded Charles fight his cause not give platitudes.  Erik who made him see the world outside the Cathedral.

He learned a lot about himself, in the years they’ve been friends.  For once he felt as if he was truly living and helping. He became involved in the Los Angeles community – helped those on Spring Street, visited the families in the projects just not at Christmas, and started working with Boyz in the Hood.

As he got closer to his graduation, to being ordained – Charles had noticed Erik was quieter, became more distant.  He learned early in their relationship, that it was better to confront him, then let it fester.

‘What is wrong?’  Charles demanded as they walked back to the Cathedral from a late lunch in Grant Park.


Not taking the abrupt answer, he stepped in front of him, stopping his forward momentum.  ‘Erik, I can tell you’re upset, and I’m pretty sure I’m the cause of it.’

‘I’m fine Charles, let’s just get you back and I’ll see you next week.’  He gave him a half smile, and pushed past him, only to have his arm grabbed.  ‘Charles, please just don’t.’

‘Tell me, what I’ve done to upset you, my friend.’

He turned shrugging off his hand, and looked at him.  ‘It’s not you Charles, it’s the Church.’

‘I don’t understand,’ he frowned.

‘In six months I’m going to lose you.’  Erik ran a hand through his hair, looking a bit lost.  ‘I should just walk away, but I can’t.’

Charles reached out and took his arm again.  ‘My friend, you aren’t going to lose me. I’m likely to be assigned to the Cathedral, if not I’ve asked to stay in the area especially considering my commitments.’

‘No, Charles.  I’m going to lose you to the Church.  Fuck. I should’ve walked away a while ago.  This was never going to end in my favor.’ He stepped back, turning away.  ‘As much as this is clichique in all the wrong ways – it’s not you it’s me.  I’m sorry, but I have to leave or I’m going to do something that I can’t take back.’

‘Erik … ‘ He once again moved in front of him, not willing to let him just leave.  ‘I don’t understand. I thought our friendship meant something, how can you walk away.’

‘Cause I want more!’  He snapped. ‘I’m not Catholic, but I understand the vows you’ll take.  Your life will be His, and I’m not getting in the way, but I can’t watch either.’

‘I’m not being cloistered…’

Erik suddenly reached out and took his mouth into a heated kiss.  The kiss was on the edge of desperation, passion, and the one thing under all of it was a devotion that Charles had never felt from anyone.

It was over before he could even wrap his mind around it, and Erik was gone.

It wasn’t as if he had been kissed before, he wasn’t even a virgin, but there was something inside of him that snapped into place, something he was sure wasn’t there the five seconds before.  

He stumbled back to the Cathedral, and found himself kneeling in front the Crucifix.  He just sat there and stared, wasn’t even sure what to pray.


He startled, then tried to stand only to stumble not realizing how numb his legs were.  “Cardinal.”

“Come sit down.”  He helped the young soon to be priest into one of the seats next to the cross.  “Tell me why you’ve been here for four hours. Matthew was quite worried.”

Charles looked over to see the Head of Security standing near the side steps, watching intently.  He was a good man, very devoted and loyal to the Cardinal. He teased him about being the LA version of the famed Inspector back in Italy.  

“I was just thinking.”

“You seem like a man lost.”  Malone gave him an encouraging smile.  “Tell me. It will go no further than the cross.”

Before he could question himself, he told him everything.  And as he talked, he realized his feelings for Erik, were deeper than he even realized.  That the very thought of not seeing him again, hurt.

“Are you gay?”  He asked without condemnation in his tone.

“It never really mattered.  I mean I had girlfriends in high school, and some hookups in college, but I felt as if I was meant for something else, and after That Night …”

“Ever thought it wasn’t God you were meant for?”  

Charles looked at him in shock. “I’ve always felt the need to help …”

“You can help without the collar, your friend Erik does, and he’s not even Catholic.”  

He had met the young man a few times, and had wondered about the two men’s relationship.  He might be old, but over the years he stopped seeing the wrongness between same-sex couples and looked at the love.  Pope Pius XVII has been advocating about God’s Love in all relationships. Unfortunately, not all his fellow US Bishops agree.

“Whatever you decide you need to talk to Erik.  You can’t take vows to God, when you have this much doubt.”  He stood, giving him a small smile. “Seek Him, and follow your heart.  God will not steer you wrong.”

“And if it is with Erik? Will the Church still accept me?”  Charles asked, tears in his eyes.

“Son.  God will always love you.  Man will always make mistakes.”  He gave him a true smile. “Now go on … ”

Charles stood, took his hand.  “Thank You for your honesty.” Then in a flash, he was out of the sanctuary, and across the plaza.  He pulled out his phone, texting Erik that they needed to talk. Of course the bastard was ignoring him, so he was going to be sneaky and texted his mother, well his adopted one.  A few quick exchanges, he knew exactly where Erik was located.

He knew those next few hours were going to change his life, what he hadn’t know was how much.



McFassy Fortnight: Erik Lehnsherr

Erik Lehnsherr Aesthetic

Erik stood in front of the burly man, waiting. He was hungry and desperate, so he propositioned him $50 for a blowjob, and he was willing to let him cum in his mouth. The outrage he received, was enough to realize that he was likely going to get a beating and his body dumped in the side alley.

“How old are you?”

“Old enough.” He answered with a shrug. “Look you want it or not, I got other clients.”

“That didn’t answer my question.” He crossed his arms over his chest, showing off his tattoos.

“Seventeen.” Erik licked his lips, he knew he was a looker. Maybe not cute, but he had a hard edge most men liked. “I can be younger if you need me to be.”

“How did you end up here?” It was the tone that startled him. It wasn’t the self-righteous pity that some of the churchgoers gave him. It was true concern. He had only heard that from that Priest who was trying to build up some organization to help gang kids, and those at the LA Mission, they actually gave a shit.

“Why do you care?”

“Because someone sure as fuck needs to.” He nodded towards his truck. “Come on, get in.”

Erik hesitated for a moment, but he was desperate for money. He hadn’t eaten in days, and the kids on 5th were even hungrier. Besides it wasn’t like he didn’t have unique skills that could crush the truck if need be. “You want to fuck me? I can do that, but it will cost you more.”

“Fuck no. I got a wife who gives better blowjobs than you punk.” He opened the door, and practically dragged Erik into the cab. “Look God sent me down here tonight for a reason. You’re that reason.”

“You believe that.” He gave the guy a disbelieving expression.

“You believe in that?” He pointed at the Star of David around his throat.

“I shouldn’t.”

“Well then, boy it’s time you experience some Faith.” He closed the door, went around the front of the truck and got into the drivers side. “I’m Jorge Oscar, and you are?”

“Erik.” Jorge gave him a look. “Erik Lehnsherr.”

“So Erik, why are you on the streets?” He started the car and headed out of the neighborhood, leading not necessarily to the good area, but better than where he was at.

“You want the truth or some sob story.”


“My stepdad hated my guts, kicked me out of the house when I was twelve.” He knew it sounded like a sob story, and most didn’t believe him.

“Asshole. Let me ask you Erik, are you gay?”

“Sex is a job not a pleasure.”

“Didn’t answer my question.” He gave him the side-eye.

“It doesn’t matter, I mean if it’s good its good. I doubt there’s a loving relationship in my future so why limit oneself when it comes to getting money for food.” He pulled up his legs, letting his threadbare shoes settle on the seat, arms wrapped around his legs. “Why do you even care?”

“Are you Jewish?” Jorge glanced back at the small Star of David, it looked old and worn. Erik would’ve had to fight to keep it over all these years.

“Yes.” He answered, giving him a glare. “You anti-semitic?”

“Far from it, just curious. Where did you get it?”

Erik glared at him, not sure what the guy wanted, but if got something out of this whole mess it would be worth it. Even if he ended up dead, at least it would be over. “It’s the one thing I have from my birth father. Supposedly he gave it to my mom, but she didn’t want it when he left, so she gave it to me.”

Jorge nodded, then stayed silent as they drove. It was another ten minutes before he pulled into a auto shop yard. Erik could see that the building was old, but well maintained. He reached out feeling all the metal on the property.

It was how he realized there was a house in the back. He wondered if that was where the family lived.

Jorge turned off the truck and turned to look at Erik. “Twenty-five years ago a good man, gave me an opportunity. I wasn’t in your situation, I was a stupid punk kid who thought he was rockin’ his gangster ways.”

Erik snorted slightly, but continued to listen.

“I was seventeen, and was one drug deal away from jail time. He gave it to me straight and offered me a job, a real one. I learned to be a mechanic, and in time built my own shop. Got married, and have four kids. The oldest is thirteen, the youngest barely two.”

“Why are you telling me this?” He demanded.

“He died a few days ago, matter of fact his funeral was today. I stood there looking at his coffin and thinking did I do enough? And I realized despite the fact I was thankful for what he gave me, I never passed it on. Paid it forward.” He looked back out the front of the windscreen, and was quiet for a few moments. “So I prayed. I said Lord show me what I’m supposed to do. After the party we had in his honor, I started driving just driving. Saw you on the street corner, the light was coming down onto you and I knew. When you offered to blow me, I knew God sent me to you.”

Erik wanted to scoff, wanted to hate him, wanted to get out of the truck and leave, but something kept him sitting there.

“So Erik, I’m offering you a job. I’ll teach you everything you need to know about Mechanics. You can live above the garage, and I’m sure once my wife takes one look at you, you’ll be adopted.”

“I’m Jewish.”


“Your Catholic.” Erik pointed out the rosary tattoo on Jorge’s forearm. “The two usually don’t mix.”

“Helping your neighbor shouldn’t stop at religious borders. Might need a dummies guide to Judaism, but I’m willing to learn.”

He held out his hand.

Erik reached out and took it.


McFassy Fortnight: David

David Aesthetic


(Note: If you haven’t seen the Alien series – I would highly recommend you do – it will scare the shit out of you.  Watch in Sequence: Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 (Do NOT Repeat Do NOT – watch Alien: Resurrection) instead go straight to: Prometheus and Covenant.)

The next snippet and these Aesthetic will make more sense.

(Second Note: This is way in the Sylum Future … just sayin’)

McFassy Fortnight: Charles Evan

Dr. Charles Evan Aesthetic

Dr. Charles Evan stepped off the plane into a wall of humidity.  He should be used to it as much as he travelled, but there were moments his Scottish blood cringed at the heat.  Plus the humidity did odd things to his hair. Though after a clump got pulled out by a curious monkey, he started keeping it short.  

When he told Paul, that he was heading out to South America to look into a study at the world famed Sloth Sanctuary, his only response was not to bring a sloth home.  Which is why he ordered a stuffed sloth and had it shipped to the house, just waiting for his friend to come back home from one of his missions.

He still wasn’t sure how he ended up best friends with a Double O, seriously he thought that was only in the movies.   He had been eighteen and desperate for a place to stay after the one he organized for university fell through. He saw the tiny add on the back page, in the smallest newspaper, and ran out of the coffee shop.

Luckily Paul took one look at his big blue eyes, the sad state of patheticness, and not only let him in, but rented him the room.  For months he was suspicious, who the hell rented a room in an old Victorian house for 200 pounds, including utilities. He didn’t even complain about the random animals.

Even after he graduated, he stayed in his upstairs room, paying the same rent.  It gave him the opportunity to travel, and study abroad. The two of them had become best friends, and for a moment he wondered if it would go further, but Paul was never interested.

His life changed when he was hunting Reginald, the snake.   It had snuck into Paul’s front bedroom. Normally he wouldn’t invade his friends privacy, but he didn’t think he wouldn’t want to come home to a snake in his bed.

Charles had found the snake, wrapped around a grenade.  A grenade that was in a kit under the bed filled with weapons.  He sat there for a few moments, wondering why there was a kit of weapons under Paul’s bed, and how was he going to grab the snake without setting off said grenades.  

The door opened, startling him, he turned to see Paul with another tall man.  He scrambled up, to explain what he was doing in his bedroom, when suddenly his friend was on him.  He felt a sharp pain in his neck, yet felt nothing but warmth.

He woke up in Paul’s bed a bit vague on what happened.   Bond, James Bond … told him he had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Paul had just been Turned and taken too much blood, the only chose he had was to Turn Charles.

He was okay with it.

Bond, James Bond … that never gets old … taught him how to defend himself.  

M adopted him, and stole his Cockatoo.

Paul became his brother, one he would do anything to protect, despite the fact the guy was an International Spy.  He’s seen him pissed and it’s hot as fuck, as long as it wasn’t directed at him, and even then it was still hot. Charles also knew Paul would do anything for him, the fact he had a ‘bug out’ bag before he was Turned said a lot about their relationship.

Thirteen years later, he’s now a qualified Wildlife Veterinarian, who can use a variety of weapons, take out poachers with his bare hands, and has a family of spies.

Life hadn’t been boring.

So when he mentioned travelling to Rio, James contacted the local Clan for Dr. Evan to stay with, since they had a few Sloth specialists.  The irony was he hadn’t even met his own Clan Leader, Arthur Pendragon … M had supposedly given him her word that Charles and Paul were good guys.  

He dropped his bag at his feet, and smiled at the Vampire in front of him, who was holding a sign with his name on it.  “I’m Dr. Charles Evan.”

“Jack Harkness, welcome to Sanctuary.”  He motioned towards the exit. “Did you know that the job you applied for was a Sloth Sanctuary owned and operated by Vampires?”

“Actually I didn’t!”  He chuckled, remembering when he had discovered that piece of information.  “I’m sorry to say that I never got to meet Dr. Stephen Maturin, his papers were exceptional and I read every book he wrote.”

“It’s been six years since we lost him, and we still feel it every day.”  He opened the trunk tossing in Dr. Evan’s luggage. “If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”

“Technically I would be in my forties, but I’m still a very young, twelvish.”  He settled into the passenger side of the vehicle resisting the instinct to reach for the wheel.  “I’m still getting used to Clans, I’ve spent time in South Africa with Ghost/Darkness Clan. Trained with Tarzan, and boy was that a shock.  Learned a lot under Muldoon and Owen.”

“They speak highly of you.”  Jack gave him a smile, as he pulled out into the traffic barely missing at least three cars.  “We figured you can stay at Sanctuary, we usually have at least one full grown Sloth, a baby in care, and a strappy teenager.”  

He went on to explain, that the grown sloth was usually one that’s rehabilitated but couldn’t go back into the wild.  The babies were taken care of by Brandon, who took his job very seriously. And Harkness took care of the strappy teenagers.  He also warned, that Charles should be prepared to have a sloth on him at any given moment.

“I have to admit, I’m more comfortable with animals.  I’ve not had a lot of association with Camelot, so living within a Clan might take some adjustments.  Even while I was in Africa I was out on the tundra studying, barely spent time with the Clan itself.”

It was the one thing he was worried about, he lived alone most of his life.  His mother, loved him and made sure he had every opportunity she could provide, but it was just them.  Then when he moved in with Paul, he was rarely around, he had more family and friends now than he had in his entire life, and that was still limited to a few people.

“The only thing you have to understand…”  He pulled the car up to the front of the house.  “We’re all insane.”

“Okay.”  He got out of the car and was introduced instantly to an actual English Butler.  Even in England, he had never met one. Before he could blink, he was escorted into the house, getting a running commentary on everything Sanctuary.

“Let the poor guy breath!”  The man pushed through a few of the other Vampires, giving Charles  a smile. “I’m Angel, ignore these idiots.”

“Charles.”  He held out his hand.  “Irish?”

“My birth country, but I’ve been here long enough to be a native, though the accent never goes away.”  He pulled Charles through the crowd into the sunroom. “Figured you would want to meet the reason your here.”

Charles smiled at the sight of the Sloth hanging on it’s branch.  He walked over to it carefully, hand brushing across the fur, shocked at the softness.  “What’s his name?”

“That’s Velcro.”  Jack popped back next to him. “He sticks to you.”   He threw open his coat and held out his arms … instantly Velcro was crawling onto him.

It was the most adorable thing Charles had ever seen, until they introduced him Brandon.

Brandon who was tall, had the most amazing eyes, and a soft almost shy smile.  Who was wearing a nice suit, with a cashmere blue scarf that had a tiny adorable baby sloth within its folds.

Brandon who looked just like Paul.

Brandon who was his Mate.


McFassy Fortnight: Brandon Sullivan

Brandon Sullivan Aesthetic

(This is a teaser from the reworking of Sylum Story: Proof of Life)

Memories gradually filtered forward through the cotton wool his brain had been trying so valiantly to shrug off.

After the Baptism, he’d gone back to the hotel with the full intention of relaxing, ordering room service, getting some sleep, and heading back to London the next morning.  He’d even made arrangements to spend a little time with Henry, then pick up Dino and head over to New York, where a big Wall Street firm called ‘Finlay and Sullivan’ had been putting out feelers about K&R Insurance for their foreign offices and representatives.

In the hotel lobby, where he’d been trying to organize a wake up call on an antiquated phone system that worked only when there was a full moon, he ran into Mendoza, and they’d wound up in the hotel bar, drinking far too many neon colored concoctions and reliving old adventures.

At some point, they’d been joined by a little blonde haired slip of a girl who reminded him a bit of Alice.

What the hell was her name…?

She’d looked like a good stiff breeze would blow her off her feet, but she’d been chatty and cute.

When she’d tried luring him out of there with the promise of a night worth remembering, Mendoza had buggered off, telling him to go for it and not give a damn about the consequences for once.

Seriously, what the fuck was her name?

She’d sounded American.

Not fake American, like the local hookers sometimes used on the tourists.

Real American.

He could remember Mendoza paying their tab with the bar tender, then nothing.

At all.



Her name was Sissy!

She’d probably put some shit in his drink when he wasn’t looking.

Fucking bitch!

A low moan from his right hand side had Terry suddenly aware that he wasn’t quite as alone as he’d imagined.

Pain shot down his arms in trying to turn and see who else was in there with him, yet he forced himself to move, feeling a lot like a worm on a fishing hook.

To his astonishment, he found another guy strung up much like he was himself, but with two notable exceptions.

One, the bloke was bollock naked.

And two, his feet were almost flat on the ground, though not quite low enough for him to take his own weight.

Terry had naturally seen a whole load of shit in his life, the great majority of which he could never, ever find adequate words for, or wish to reiterate in polite company.  Much of it no one would ever understand anyway, unless they’d been there or they’d endured it for themselves.

So he knew full well what rape looked and smelled like.

The female and the male variety.

He also knew what repeated beatings did to a body.

And what it took to inflict pain and humiliation at various intervals, until the victim was broken and longing for death.

If the guy hadn’t made a sound, he’d probably have though him dead.

“Mate!  You awake?” Terry hissed.  Not that he’d wanted to deliberately force the poor bastard into consciousness, but maybe the guy could at least tell him where the hell they were at.

A slightly louder groan was his only reply at that point.

“Mate!” he hissed again, fighting like a bitch not to dwell on whether he’d personally end up the same way before Dino found him.  “C’mon, Mate!  You still alive there?”

How his unfortunate companion in captivity went from being slumped in defeat, chin on chest one moment, to fully alert and awake the next, complete with a snarl of defiance and what appeared to be an ungodly light in his eyes, was nothing if not terrifying.

And for a split second, Terry was convinced he’d been shackled alone with a monster, until he realized his still mushy brain was playing tricks on him and forcing adrenaline through his system when it should’ve been conserving the stuff for later.

Preferably his first opportunity to escape.

“Who the fuck are you?”

It wasn’t, typically speaking, how most kidnap victims greeted their fellow hostages, but Terry knew he couldn’t be choosy.  “I was about to ask you the same.”


“Got a last name too?”

“Sullivan.”  He coughed.  Winced.  Coughed again.

“I’m Terry.”

“You my rescue?  ’cause you suck at it.”

He sounded remarkably good for someone who’d clearly been through hell.  “Sullivan?  Wait, like in ‘Finlay and Sullivan’?”

“Guess you were my rescue.”

Terry thought him fair dinkum for not freaking out.  “Didn’t know your friend Finlay had a full on situation in progress.  He made it sound like all he wanted was a chat and some information on insurance.”

“Fucking asshole!”

Brandon said it like it was old news, and Terry knew he’d obviously missed something else that had been going on.  “Is he why you’re here?”

A gentle shake of the head.  “I came for my sister.  Found her and Finlay fucking in my bed.  She got upset and ran away with this rich piece of Eurotrash who brought her down here.  Calls himself a Roman.  Says he’s from the Caesars, or some bullshit like that.  Aurelius, I think.  Not sure that’s his name.  Richer than God.  Said he didn’t want money for Sissy’s life.”

Terry’s stomach hit the floor with a squelch.  “Your sister is Sissy?”

“Was.  He killed her right in front of me here, just before you were dragged in.  Guess he used her to get you here.  She was so naive.  Always thought sex meant someone cared enough about her to give a damn.”  He snorted and cringed in pain.  That was when the tears began to fall.  “Death gets him going.  Mister Eurotrash.  Fucked me over her body while you were being prepped for him.”

It was hard to know precisely who Brandon was crying for, but in the end Terry realized it probably didn’t matter.  It was all the same thing really.  Part of him wanted to see the bloke’s face better, figure out what that light was making his eyes shine.  If they could look at each other properly, there was chance they could connect like men and not like victims.