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Category: <span>Sylum Discord</span>

Discord Chat – Take Two

Already seeing some good response to the polls!  Thanks!  Plots are already afoot!

It would seem I was posting the wrong link to the Sylum Server *eyerolls at self* 

Considering I almost screwed up my posting schedule cause I forgot there was an August 31st – it’s been a rough couple of months 😀

Link to Sylum Server

I’ve also added the link to the Menu/Sylum Information.

Discord Poll


We’re still working on getting a better handle on how to use the discord.  

It’s open for Coffee House Fridays, and for random days – there will be a link to the discord to have an interesting discussion.

But we also are looking for everyone elses thoughts.

Please take the survey/poll below the cut.

Read more“Discord Poll”

Discord: Re-Open or at least dusted the place out

When the votes settled, it was pretty unanimous on the side of Yes to bring the Discord back up with the idea of adding events/times for people to get together.

I’ve got a few things set up – including every Coffee Friday to get people to chat more.

For those who already on Discord, go here for Sylum’s Page

For those who no idea about Discord, go here to read up on how to make an account and where to go.