Title: Shifting Tides – Aftermath
Episode Order: 7
Author: Gil Grissom
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Summary: Dom and Brian both have to deal with the fallout both at home and at work.Read more“Sylum Advent 2022: December 29th”
Title: Shifting Tides – Aftermath
Episode Order: 7
Author: Gil Grissom
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Summary: Dom and Brian both have to deal with the fallout both at home and at work.Read more“Sylum Advent 2022: December 29th”
Title: Mission Impossible: Bonds
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: Nc-17
Summary: The Bonds Ethan has with his Mate, friends and family – make him stronger.
Author’s Note: This is the sequel for Mission Impossible: Origins
Sylum Timeline: 2013 with flashbacks to 1998 and 2011
Title: Shifting Tides: Race Wars
Episode Order: 6
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It’s time for Race Wars, during which everything comes to a head.Read more“Sylum Advent 2022: December 23rd”
Video: Lazarus
Vid Maker: Bj Jones
Vid Maker Notes: This is the rework of Lazarus – it’s got some new footage and characters. *cackles and grabs popcorn*