Sylum Advent is fast approaching. Fast.
*eyes fics that need to be done*
So with that in mine I figured it was time to do an update of where things are.
Evolution is on it’s final Chapter. *woohoo* So far the Arc looks to be surpassing 400 + pages. It’s got some great new characters, wraps up some storyline, and sets whole new ones. This one has been long in coming mainly to do with RL and it being a bitch. But now that I’m close to the end I really like how it turned out.
Damn Italian – you’ve probably heard this curse a few times. Well it started off with Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons…. then worked it’s way from there. These two stories plus the next Fast Furious Story that Gil is working on – is soon to be debuted. The post-production on these guys are taking longer than anticipated but they are coming. And I will say you’re in for a treat. Demons and Angels will introduce whole new characters and clans, while its counter part Roads Untraveled will continue with the story and bring in variety of characters and histories. The next Fast/Furious will bring the gang closer as they pursuit an enemy.
All three of these are tied together – which is the beauty of Sylum. The stories interconnect. For this particular group – to understand Roads Untraveled you have to read Demons and Angels. And if you want to know what some of the F/F Guys are discussing in their fic – you must read Demons and Angels. Plus all three of these tie into major storyline down the road – some of which will come out in Advent.
Ah Advent.
It’s that time of year.
Lots of good things heading your way. Next installment of The Fisherman. The circumstance behind Jim Longworth’s turning. New H50 Fic. An introduction to the Annoying Englishman. Then there’s the Frenchman who snuck into storyline. More stories about Border, Tallikut, and Serenity Clans.
So as you can see many good things to look forward to!
Quick Note: During Advent we post links to the Advent Calender on the list – this year we’ll also be posting them here. We’re prepping to make this blog the main source of information for Sylum so if you haven’t please click the subscribe button on your left.