All the Artwork, Aesthetics, Fanmixs, and Videos can now be found in the Archive.
Also – I’ve updated the Snippets with everything posted up to end of March.
All the Artwork, Aesthetics, Fanmixs, and Videos can now be found in the Archive.
Also – I’ve updated the Snippets with everything posted up to end of March.
Napz Time!
I would say wake me when we start prepping Seven Days, but we’ve already done that.
*hits the snooze button*
Please let the artists know that you liked their work. It takes time and effort to put out so many different creations!
Artwork: Tutankhamun
Artist: Chinnowah
Artist Note: This artwork was done via watercolors
Artwork: Egypt
Artist: Chinnowah
Artist Note: One was done with just Watercolor, photo taken with different lighting. The second is Watercolor with added Color Pencils.
Title: Westen Series Trailer
Vidmaker: Bj Jones
Note: This is the new version. The old one had to be taken down, due to casting changes. Enjoy