Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Advent: 2018</span>

Sylum Advent: Ode to Advent

Last Year we showcased ‘Ode to Advent’ in honor of ‘7 Characters in 7 Weeks’

Yeah well then it exploded into McFassi Fortnight.

So to celebrate this Christmas Eve, we wanted to re-post ‘Ode to Advant’.

And now for a fun challenge for everyone.

The first person who can name ‘the original Seven’ with added Eighth (from the poem) and then rest of the bastards! Old and Young.  We will send you an original Sylum Vault Greeting Card.  (make sure to reply  to this post only with your answers)

Ode to Advent

‘Twas the night before Advent, when all through the Manor
Not a writer was stirring, for nothing else mattered.
The bunnies were lying out snoozing away,
In hopes that their work was now done for the day.

The Vampires were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of naked Mates danced in their heads.
Evil Bob did the rounds on his victory lap,
While I settled down for my pre-Advent nap.

When out of the blue, there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the office I flew like a flash,
Tore open the door with a hell of a crash.

Bob 2 sat there smirking, all chuckling with glee,
He’s a fine sneaky bastard, that Evil Bunny,
For he’s been on a roll now, these past several weeks,
Adding new characters, giving them tweaks.

At first there were six, but it soon became seven,
Enough now!  I cried, with my eyes rolled to Heaven.
But lo!  On that night before Advent was go,
There were eight shiny Fassbenders all in a row.

“Now, Craterus!  Now, Quintus!  Now, Aguilar and Callum!
On, Erik  ! On, Harry!  On, David and Brandon!
To the Wiki!”  Bob 2 did the rally then call,
“To the plots!  To the plots!  To the plots away all!”

But the Greek and the Roman both sighed and sat down,
While the Cop stood there glaring and tried not to frown.
The Assassins made certain their blades were affixed,
As the Mutant made office pens dance and do tricks.

The Synthetic Lifeform hid something from sight,
And the Newbie just smiled, stepping into the light.
They are many and varied, this dangerous bunch,
But then here at Sylum, you should have a hunch,

That while eight men are settling in well and fine,
We soon could be dealing with dude number nine!
Bob spoke not a word when he saw us all there,
Just lit a cigar and jumped up on his chair.

So there’s plenty of work that is still left to do,
And the one who is known here as Evil Bob 2,
Will be keeping us busy, which just isn’t right.
Merry plotting to all!  And to all a goodnight!!

Sylum Advent 2018: Fanmix

We’re having a Technical glitch with today’s Advent Post.

The link to the fanmix goes to the image not the actual mix.  At the moment I can’t get into the servers to fix it.  Once I can get it fixed, I’ll put out a secondary post with the link.

It wouldn’t be Advent without one glitch 🙂