Summary: Robert Langdon finds himself embroiled in the history and mythos of Washington.
Sylum Timeline: 2017 AD
Author’s Note: You’re getting the rough versions of Parts 1 & 2 during Advent … the completed story will be posted in 2021.
Category: Sylum Advent: 2020
Sylum Advent 2020: December 25th
I can hear the squees from here.
Happy Holidays! Even though this year went to shit and so much didn’t get done – I figured to give you at least the rework of the first chapter of Family.
Please at the moment do not ask when will the rest be finished.
Sylum Advent 2020: December 24th – Part Two
Sylum Aesthetic: Owen Grady and the Raptors
Artist: Bj Jones
Sylum Advent 2020: December 24th
This Advent there is a series of Snippets or Timestamps from a variety of stories & characters. Some of these will become larger stories, some will be as is.
Title: Wrapping
Author: Gil Grissom
Summary: Brian may have gotten a little overzealous for his first Christmas with the Clan and has to recruit some help.
Timeline: December 1999
Sylum Advent 2020: December 23rd
This Advent there is a series of Snippets or Timestamps from a variety of stories & characters. Some of these will become larger stories, some will be as is.
Title: Santa Never Had to Deal with This Shit
Author: Gil Grissom
Sylum Timeline: About 1997-ish
Summary: Gabe’s request for Dom leads to a few issues for Dom…namely cornering certain Clan Members and pinning them down.
Sylum Advent 2020: December 19th
This Advent there is a series of Snippets or Timestamps from a variety of stories & characters. Some of these will become larger stories, some will be as is.
Title: Express Riders
Author: Bj Jones
Sylum Timeline: 2017
Summary: The Pony Express Riders race in an annual competition
Author’s Note: This story was inspired by Run Free from the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron Score