Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Advent: 2021</span>

Sylum Advent 2021: Reaction Post

Reaction Post!

So first off I would like to thank Gil for all the hard work this Advent.  It took a lot of stress off me, this year and I greatly appreciate it.

Also many thanks to taibhrigh for all the banners and last minute wiki images.

This post is a good time to say thanks to all those who participated this year.   There was some great stories, awesome artwork and fun aesthetics!

Sylum Advent 2021: December 27th


Title: Interlude – Consoled

Author: Gil Grissom

Series: Shifting Tides

Pairing: Jason/James/Han

Rating: NC-17

Summary: With Dom having found his new Mate, Jason and James decide Han needs some consoling with their dicks. Han’s not mad at it.

Note: This takes place during episode four of Shifting Tides but didn’t fit the flow of the episode, so I tucked it into its own interlude.

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Sylum Advent 2021: December 25th (Snippet #4)

Title: Future Afternoon Fics

Author: Bj Jones

Author’s Note: Normally, we don’t put anything that isn’t Sylum related, but it’s Christmas and I’m either Naughty or Nice – take your pick 🙂

2nd Author’s Note: These are from two AU stories I’m working on for Cody/Obi-Wan that will showcase next year as Afternoon Fics

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