Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Information</span>

Ipod Day? So …


So a few months ago (felt like years ago) there was Ipod Day – where had Wade building playlists for Serenity members.

I’ve actually started a playlist on spotify (there’s not many songs – but will add one for Ben Wade).

Call out to everyone here – got any good songs that would represent characters from Serenity?  I’ll take suggestions and work up a Fanmix (Spring Fling is coming up)




Sylum Casting Update!

So we’ve made another casting change!  The character has been hinted at, but won’t show up for a while yet in Sylum.

We had been keeping an eye on the situation, watching and analyzing until we could be sure to either dump the actor or go with it.

Recently – it was decided to not go with the original actor ’cause they just slid over that line and kept on going.

So – today we’re introducing the new Sam Witwicky! 

Check under the link to see who it is! What?  Let me have my dramatic moment!!

Read more“Sylum Casting Update!”

Sylum Update: Twitter


I mentioned this a few months back that we’ll be shutting down our Twitter account.

We can no longer support or be a part of the whole shitshow that Twitter has become.

So this is the only warning you’ll get.  If you follow us on Twitter to get updates, this would be the time to join the blog and get the posts via email.

The only social media platform we’re still posting to is Tumblr – if you have Tumblr you can follow me: Here

(Please Note: At the moment jetpack is being twitchy with the social posting.  We’re supposed to get 30 free posts a month – yet here we are in January and it’s still not posting to any social media accounts.  We’re working to figure this out.  So seriously guys – subscribe to the blog!  It will be easier)

We’ll be shutting down the Twitter account on: January 31st

Sylum Update: Important Information


This is an important message.

I’m sure many of you have read about what’s going on with Twitter.   It’s basically a shit show of epic proportions.  

Social Media hasn’t really been a big thing for Sylum, for many different reasons, but we always had a couple so people could receive notifications of posts.

Through Advent we’ll be leaving things as they are, but in January of 2023 we’ll be shutting down the Twitter account.   Just can’t be part of ‘waves hand around’ all of that.  

(Edit: That is if Twitter doesn’t actually implode in the next few weeks.  Personally, I had thought it would take at least six months … I’m wondering if it will last six days at this moment.)

The best option to be notified of posts is to actually subscribe to the Blog, and then you’ll get the daily blog post in your email! 

To subscribe, go to the front page – on the right hand column and you’ll see ‘Subscribe to this Blog’ put in your email and walla (hopefully everything will work and you’ll get daily emails)

Sign up now and get all Advent in your inbox!!  I will post a reminder in January, when we’ll be shutting down the twitter account.


Sylum Inspiration: Ashoka

Sanguen: Council Member (India)


Ashoka was born to the Mauryan emperor Bindusara and a relatively lower ranked wife of his, Dharma. He was the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, founder of Mauryan dynasty. The Avadana texts mention that his mother was queen Subhadrangi. According to Ashokavadana, she was the daughter of a Brahmin from the city of Champa. Empress Subhadrangi was a Brahmin of the Ajivika sect, and was found to be a suitable match for Emperor Bindusara. Though a palace intrigue kept her away from the emperor, this eventually ended, and she bore a son. It is from her exclamation “I am now without sorrow”, that Ashoka got his name. The Divyavadana tells a similar story, but gives the name of the queen as Janapadakalyani.

Ashoka had several elder siblings, all of whom were his half-brothers from other wives of Bindusara. His fighting qualities were apparent from an early age and he was given royal military training. He was known as a fearsome hunter, and according to a legend, killed a lion with just a wooden rod. Because of his reputation as a frightening warrior and a heartless general, he was sent to curb the riots in the Avanti province of the Mauryan empire.

The Buddhist text “Divyavadana” describes Ashoka putting down a revolt due to activities of wicked ministers. This may have been an incident in Bindusara’s times. Taranatha’s account states that Achare Chanakya, Bindusara’s chief advisor, destroyed the nobles and kings of 16 towns and made himself the master of all territory between the eastern and the western seas. Some historians consider this as an indication of Bindusara’s conquest of the Deccan while others consider it as suppression of a revolt. Following this, Ashoka was stationed at Ujjayini as governor.

Bindusara’s death in 272 BCE led to a war over succession. According to Divyavandana, Bindusara wanted his son Sushim to succeed him but Ashoka was supported by his father’s ministers, who found Sushim to be arrogant and disrespectful towards them. A minister named Radhagupta seems to have played an important role in Ashoka’s rise to the throne. The Ashokavadana recounts Radhagupta’s offering of an old royal elephant to Ashoka for him to ride to the Garden of the Gold Pavilion where King Bindusara would determine his successor. Ashoka later got rid of the legitimate heir to the throne by tricking him into entering a pit filled with live coals. Radhagupta, according to the Ashokavadana, would later be appointed prime minister by Ashoka once he had gained the throne. The Dipavansa and Mahavansa refer to Ashoka’s killing 99 of his brothers, sparing only one, named Vitashoka or Tissa, although there is no clear proof about this incident (many such accounts are saturated with mythological elements). The coronation happened in 269 BCE, four years after his succession to the throne.

Buddhist legends state that Ashoka was bad-tempered and of a wicked nature. He built Ashoka’s Hell, an elaborate torture chamber described as a “Paradisal Hell” due to the contrast between its beautiful exterior and the acts carried out within by his appointed executioner, Girikaa. This earned him the name of Chanda Ashoka (Canda Asoka) meaning “Ashoka the Fierce” in Sanskrit. Professor Charles Drekmeier cautions that the Buddhist legends tend to dramatise the change that Buddhism brought in him, and therefore, exaggerate Ashoka’s past wickedness and his piousness after the conversion.

Ascending the throne, Ashoka expanded his empire over the next eight years, from the present-day boundaries Assam in the East to Balochistan in the West; from the Pamir Knot in Afghanistan in the north to the peninsula of southern India except for present day Tamil Nadu and Kerala which were ruled by the three ancient Tamil kingdoms.

While the early part of Ashoka’s reign was apparently quite bloodthirsty, he became a follower of the Buddha’s teachings after his conquest of Kalinga on the east coast of India in the present-day states of Odisha and North Coastal Andhra Pradesh. Kalinga was a state that prided itself on its sovereignty and democracy. With its monarchical parliamentary democracy it was quite an exception in ancient Bharata where there existed the concept of Rajdharma. Rajdharma means the duty of the rulers, which was intrinsically entwined with the concept of bravery and dharma. The Kalinga War happened eight years after his coronation. From his 13th inscription, we come to know that the battle was a massive one and caused the deaths of more than 100,000 soldiers and many civilians who rose up in defence; over 150,000 were deported. When he was walking through the grounds of Kalinga after his conquest, rejoicing in his victory, he was moved by the number of bodies strewn there and the wails of the kith and kin of the dead.

His victories and ability to unit all of India, caught Alexander’s attention. He made his way back to India, to talk to Ashoka. He was there to witness Ashoka convert to Buddasm and changing his ways. Seeing the man grow and change, he offered him immortality.

For More Information Contact the Vampire Council Library

Reminder: New Password

Reminder!  November 1st we’re changing the password to the site.

We’ve announced the new password on the Sylum Security Group.  You must be part of that group to get the monthly emails with the password.

We’ve set up reminders over the next two months, but as of November 1st the old password will stop working and we’ll only be using the new one.