Fanmix: Murder Birds
Mix Creator: Bj Jones
Notes: Songs that are inspiration for the Murder Birds!!!
Fanmix: Murder Birds
Mix Creator: Bj Jones
Notes: Songs that are inspiration for the Murder Birds!!!
Music Video: Murder Birds
VideoMaker: Bj Jones
Video Note: This series is going to take some explaining. So read this before you click the read more. A long time ago – before 2024 became the year from hell (Side note: taibhrigh we have 6 days). I sent out a request to send in some of the most bad ass characters y’all could think of. We got some great suggestions, plus we had a few on our own list. The reason for this is for future storyline (at the moment the foundation of it is being laid down). So these set of aesthetics and video will be showcasing these character – who got the nickname Murder Birds by me – which totally means that will be their nickname in Sylum. Hints of their storyline and where they come from are in this video!
Okay now for the fun part – I’m not going to tell you who these characters are. Some of them you will recognize, some you may not, some are very old school, some are very recent. So for each aesthetic – I challenge you to see if you can name off the character if not the actor. Now remember the character could be removed from the movie that is showcased (we just need the image) and they maybe exactly the character from the show. *cackles evily*
I built a Birthday Playlist last year!
Added more songs to i! These are my latest inspiraitons and just fun playlist!
And the last of my favorites! Paula does some great fanmixes actually stolen many songs! So far have made 1 video and have 4 stories inspired!
Check out all the fanmixes and the stories that a few of them connect to!
*Reminder you need to have the password to download this. Hope you have the new one!
PS: Still working to build Spotify Playlists for the variety of fanmixes!
Yes I know it’s November! But wanted to finish up the fun Birthday activities.
For this post – I’m listing out my favorite videos
Note: You’ll need the password to view the videos. Also as there is a possibility that many people who will hit the link there could be connection issues.
If can’t view ‘online’ try downloading the video by right click and save as is.
On to my favorite vids! And let me know which ones are you favorite.
Video: Dragon Song
Vid Maker: Bj Jones
Vid Maker Notes: There’s two new Dragons being introduced in this video! Also, just to make the note since Mushu isn’t as tiny as the one in the cartoon – please take in account the Asian Dragons shown are representative of what Mushu could look like. (As I don’t actually have real footage of Mushu as he’s shy :D). Also there’s hints of future members of the Dragon ‘family’. PS – watch all the way to the end!