Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Stories</span>

Sylum Advent 2024: Day Twenty-Nine

Sylum Snippet: Matt & Murder Bird (Joel)

Writer: Bj Jones

Note: This is a small snippet I’ve had in my head for a while … it’s in the Yet to Come and so very out of context 🙂 Just enjoy the moment.  Music that inspired it is listed after the snippet.

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Sylum Announcement: Old Archive


There was a reason we moved to the new archive a few years ago, because the old one was no longer supported and was on it’s way out.

I kept it open because some of the old stories were still on there, that weren’t going to be moved to the new archive.   This included Family & Evolution.

Well it’s finally died.   The link will not take you to it anymore.

Yes we are still working on Family.   Honestly guys it’s been a round 4 years, and the last one and this year hasn’t been the greatest.   We’re working on the edits, slowly but as said hasn’t been a good few years.  So please be patient, but at this moment – Family & Evolution are no longer available.

If someone has a copy – you can ask for it.