Category: Clan War – 10th Anniversary Edition
Read: Clan War – 10th Anniversary Edition!
Now would be a good time to start catching up on Clan War as we’re getting closer to Advent!
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Coming Soon: 10th Anniversary Clan War (Finale)
For those who clicked on this – thinking OMG it’s the Final Chapter – sorry about that.
Yes as mentioned earlier, Clan War has been finished! It will be posted during Advent, along with the video and fanmix that will go with it.
Now for a few things about the finale.
This wasn’t an easy chapter. Every word was painfully put down onto paper.
Matter of fact the final version, you’ll read at Advent, was the 4th version of this story!
Some of you are going – wait what about Going Home and Loved One Lost?
As the 10th Anniversary worked it’s way through the story, a lot of things were changed. We took out many of the ‘fanfiction’ moments, and worked to incorporate the storyline that was built over the past ten years. By removing some of these elements, much of Going Home became void, which contributed to the difficultly on how to wrap up the series.
As for Loved One Lost, it was decided early on that it would be pulled from Clan War as in fact it’s a separate story and will center on ‘Grave Danger’.
Aftermath is not quite what you’ll expect, but it’s the perfect wrap up of Clan War: 10th Anniversary Edition.
Sylum Advent 2017: December 25th
Title: Clan War
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: Nc-17
Summary: War had arrived at the gates…
Artwork: Taibhrigh
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Sneak Peek: Clan War – 10th Anniversary
Exciting scene from the next installment of Clan War: 10th Anniversary … coming this Advent!
The parlor clock chimed five with solemn intent.
“Thomas? Do let the lady in, and offer her a seat,” he said briskly, admiring her startling if somewhat slightly dated fashion sense. “She is in no condition to be left standing at the door like a vagrant.”
The smile she bestowed upon him as she stepped into the Manor, was one of immense gratitude. “I have come all the way from Hill Valley, California, sir,” she explained. “And I must say, you are very much as has been described to me. A noble Roman General indeed!”
She refused the chair to which he gestured, and instead reached to take his hand.
“I confess you have the better of me, ma’am. I was expecting no visitors at this hour.” His frown was both dark and severe in order to disguise his utter astonishment at her words.
“Forgive me, but I simply could not wait a single hour longer. I have to talk with you.” She took a deep breath and pushed her hat a little more squarely on her head, for it had shifted lopsidedly in her agitation. “I bring you a message from Doctor Emmett Lathrop Brown.”
Full Arc can be found in the Archive
Sylum Update: Clarification … Please Read
Sylum Update
We’ve gotten some questions concerning 10th Anniversary Clan War … basically – how many more chapters? And when will it be done?
We figured it would be easiest to post an update of where we’re at in the Grand Scheme of Sylum.
Lets be honest.
It will be done when it’s done.
Sylum as much as it feels like a full time job – isn’t actually our job. There are moments in RL that nothing for Sylum gets done, because of work, family and social commitments. We work hard on Sylum, but there is only so much we can work on.
Speaking of – Sylum Advent is bearing down on us, which is taking a HUGE portion of our time.
The 10th Anniversary Edition of Clan War is being worked on and it’s getting done – at this moment the chapter Clan War (not to be too confusing :D) is about 3/4 finished. We hit a plot wall half way through it, which led to the previously announced canon changes.
Which led to edits – a time suck of epic proportions.
Family and Evolution both ended up with rough edits … just enough to update the series concerning the major canon changes mentioned. Specifically – Sam Winchester having the soul of Theo instead of Meridia.
When we finish Clan War *sends prayers up to Saint Roberto – Patron Saint of Plot Bunnies* we will fully edit Family and Evolution, along with Side Stories that will need to come inline with changes made in Clan War and the Wiki.
Do not worry. We’ll posts announcements when we finish editing any story. Dudes there will likely be fireworks, parties, and alcohol involved with each successful update!
As for how many chapters are left in Clan War … normally I would point out how many chapters there were in the Original. But with the way Bob has been working – I can say this: as previously stated Clan War is 3/4 finished, Aftermath is the next chapter … These are guaranteed to be part of Clan War. The rest will play out as we go. Bob is and will always be an evil bastard.
Before the screeching begins. No we’re not taking out Nick’s ‘Grave Danger’ moment … it’s likely to become it’s own story. Why? Because if you noticed in the CSI Anthology series and what’s been published so far with 10th Anniversary Edition – there are a lot more connections and vampires running around Vegas … which will make that particular story more complicated.
So in conclusion.
Thank You for your continued support and sticking with us.
Please be patient with us as we can only do one thing at a time.
It will get done.
It will dammit!
As there is so much more to come.
In the meantime hold on to your hats and glasses cause wait till you see what’s coming for Advent!
The General
Clan War 10th Anniversary: Call to Arms (Part 2)
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Call to Arms (Part 2)
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: So this is about 4 times the size of the original … maybe 6. There’s more history of the bad guys, an added new one, and Speed’s internal monologue through his capture is epic snark. You will also get more history of Tony’s time in Damascas and his Turning. The backstory to Nico’s Turning.
There is a lot of history for Nico, Tony and Speed.
Also a quick note: You’re also being introduced to story threads that will be very very important in later stories.
*evil cackles*
Link to Sylum Archive
Clan War 10th Anniversary: Call to Arms (Part 1)
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Call to Arms (Part 1)
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: So this is about 4 times the size of the original … maybe 6. There’s more history of the bad guys, with an added new one. Speed’s internal monologue through his capture is epic snark. You will also get more history of Tony’s time in Damascus and his Turning. Along with the backstory to Nico’s Turning.
There has a lot of history for Nico, Tony and Speed.
Also a quick note: You’re also being introduced to story threads that will be very very important in later stories.
*evil cackles*
Link to Sylum Archive
Clan War 10th Anniversary: Family
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Family
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: You’re in for a special treat with this one. As we’ve moved the series further from fanfiction a lot of Family had been changed. Though we’ve add into it, the back story of Riddick and Bryon.
Link to Sylum Archive
Clan War 10th Anniversary: Loyalties
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Loyalties
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: The original Clan War was 450 +/- pages. Somewhere in Loyalties we passed that page mark and kept on going. Do note that there is a lot of detail concerning what the Manor looks like in this particular chapter.
Sit back and enjoy! The Manor Tour will start at the Grand Staircase in 5 mins.
Link to Sylum Archive
Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Transitions
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Transitions
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Link to Sylum Archive
Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Bonding
Title: Clan War 10th Anniversary Edition: Bonding
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Artist: Taibhrigh
Author’s Note: This chapter is longer and more detailed than the original. Which is why many of these chapters have taken longer to re-work. Lets put it in a perspective everyone can understand.
Bonding: 30 pgs
10th Anniversary Edition: 204 pgs
This is standard with all the Chapters. The original Clan War worked out to be 400+ pages. We passed that number somewhere in Loyalties.
Note from Bj Jones:
As it’s been a while since this has been said I figured a reminder was in order as we start to officially post Clan War.
So listen up this will only get said once.
We do not put warnings on stories.
There’s a large blanketed warning over the full series: At one point in time we will discuss subjects that will be uncomfortable, write something offensive, showcase a large variety of sexual acts and partners, and use language appropriate for the time period.
In conclusion: Sylum Essay: Modern Sensibilities ….
Thank You.
Now enjoy the story …. cause your in for the wildest wild in the Caribbean!
Link to Sylum Archive
10th Anniversary: Kiss of Death
You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…
It’s how it all started.
Well actually it started when Rory Cochrane decided to leave CSI: Miami (good decision there Rory) and the writers came up with the stupidest way to remove the character. Oh yes let’s not actually put any effort into this – lets kill him because he didn’t clean his gun. *eyeroll*
To quote: Seriously serious with this!
Anyway. As stated in a previous post, the rash of OMG Speed didn’t Die!! Fics began. The 10th Anniversary Lost Son Video showcased a few of them. What can I say I worked to come up with a million different ways to fix that particular stupidity.
Then ‘You can’t kill someone if they are already dead…’
Kiss of Death was supposed to be a one off … waits patiently for the laughter to die down … done yet? I had no idea where I was going with that story or that it would still be in my life 10 YEARS later.
Today is the actually 10th Anniversary of the posting of Kiss of Death. *shakes head* Still can’t believe it’s been 10 years. And to celebrate that moment we’re posting the 10th Anniversary Edition of Kiss of Death.
First off you’ll notice the changes from the start. When KOD was first written I was making things up as I went – literally was like blah blah blah oohhh that could work blah blah blah. Now we can look at the story and put in more detail from what we know more about these guys, add in timestamps that were later written that fit nicely in the arc, and basically pull in threads tighter that either didn’t go anywhere or take them up again.
There will be some changes mainly on the fact some ideas I never liked, some ideas never went any where, and some characters who are annoying twits who demanded more attention.
Quick note: the original Clan War will not go away. It will stay up on the Archive as a tribute from where we started. But as time goes one to understand storylines you will need to read the 10th Anniversary Edition.
2nd Note: Art by Taibhrigh
Now with no further delay.
*Click Banner to go to Story
Dear Timothy Quinn – my Speed and my inspiration. This … This wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Thank you from my heart & soul!
*feeds Bob2*
*smirks and runs away*