Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Evolution</span>

Sylum Announcement: Old Archive


There was a reason we moved to the new archive a few years ago, because the old one was no longer supported and was on it’s way out.

I kept it open because some of the old stories were still on there, that weren’t going to be moved to the new archive.   This included Family & Evolution.

Well it’s finally died.   The link will not take you to it anymore.

Yes we are still working on Family.   Honestly guys it’s been a round 4 years, and the last one and this year hasn’t been the greatest.   We’re working on the edits, slowly but as said hasn’t been a good few years.  So please be patient, but at this moment – Family & Evolution are no longer available.

If someone has a copy – you can ask for it.  

Sylum Update: Clarification … Please Read


Sylum Update


We’ve gotten some questions concerning 10th Anniversary Clan War … basically – how many more chapters?  And when will it be done?

We figured it would be easiest to post an update of where we’re at in the Grand Scheme of Sylum.

Lets be honest.

It will be done when it’s done.

Sylum as much as it feels like a full time job – isn’t actually our job.  There are moments in RL that nothing for Sylum gets done, because of work, family and social commitments.  We work hard on Sylum, but there is only so much we can work on.

Speaking of – Sylum Advent is bearing down on us, which is taking a HUGE portion of our time.

The 10th Anniversary Edition of Clan War is being worked on and it’s getting done – at this moment the chapter Clan War (not to be too confusing :D) is about 3/4 finished.   We hit a plot wall half way through it, which led to the previously announced canon changes.

Which led to edits – a time suck of epic proportions.

Family and Evolution both ended up with rough edits … just enough to update the series concerning the major canon changes mentioned. Specifically – Sam Winchester having the soul of Theo instead of Meridia.

When we finish Clan War *sends prayers up to Saint Roberto – Patron Saint of Plot Bunnies* we will fully edit Family and Evolution, along with Side Stories that will need to come inline with changes made in Clan War and the Wiki.

Do not worry.  We’ll posts announcements when we finish editing any story.  Dudes there will likely be fireworks, parties, and alcohol  involved with each successful update!

As for how many chapters are left in Clan War … normally I would point out how many chapters there were in the Original.  But with the way Bob has been working – I can say this:  as previously stated Clan War is 3/4 finished, Aftermath is the next chapter … These are guaranteed to be part of Clan War.   The rest will play out as we go.  Bob is and will always be an evil bastard.

Before the screeching begins.  No we’re not taking out Nick’s ‘Grave Danger’ moment … it’s likely to become it’s own story.  Why? Because if you noticed in the CSI Anthology series and what’s been published so far with 10th Anniversary Edition – there are a lot more connections and vampires running around Vegas … which will make that particular story more complicated.

So in conclusion.

Thank You for your continued support and sticking with us.

Please be patient with us as we can only do one thing at a time.

It will get done.

It will dammit!

As there is so much more to come.

In the meantime hold on to your hats and glasses cause wait till you see what’s coming for Advent!

The General



*moved post script to separate post

Sylum Update: Evolution Arc


Sylum Update: Evolution Arc


Sylum Arc: Evolution has been moved to the Sylum Archive!

During this move we did a rough edits to updated it to the new Sylum Canon of Sam Winchester having the Soul of Theo, instead of Meridia.

We also updated elements of the story to bring it inline with the Winchester Story and the death of Balthazar (since Bob had decided to change things while in the middle of writing that particular storyline!)

Any changes that will need to be made to bring Evolution inline with the changes made in the 10th Anniversary Clan War will be made once that Arc has been finished, and updates/changes are made in previous Arcs.

In the meantime!

Go read/re-read Evolution! 

Discussion Thursday: Evolution (Reaction Post)

Discussion Thursday: Evolution

It’s Discussion Thursday so for today we’ll be discussing Evolution



So now that you’ve had time to finish and absorb Evolution – thoughts? Feelings?

Intro of new Characters? Who are you surprised by? Not surprised? DUDE I want their backhistory/story NOW!!!

Curious to see what will happen now?

Ramifications of events that took place in the story?

What was your favorite part? Character?

What shocked you the most?

Evolution – After Credits Scene




Title: After Credits Scene

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive


*Make sure to watch the credit video AFTER reading the scene*

Evolution: Stage Eight – Homo Sanguinis



Title: Stage Eight – Homo Sanguinis

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive


*Make sure to take a second look at the Index Page*

Evolution: Stage Seven – Artificial Life




Title: Stage Seven – Artificial Life

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive

Evolution – Intro to Characters: Part 3

Evolution has been a long sometimes painful experience.  It pulls together storylines that had been laid down in previous Arcs and sets up storyline for future Arcs.  It also introduces many characters from other clans, with their own stories, plus reveals new characters being brought into the series.

Since not everyone is familiar with every fandom that has been ever created and found it’s way into Sylum *grins*.  I thought it would be good to give a face to some of the new Characters.

Now first off remember there is a SYLUM WIKI – learn to live it, love it, USE it! Most of the characters in Evolution are in the Wiki – not all of them have full bios yet (I’m working on it… there are A LOT of characters).  But there are a few that haven’t been uploaded yet and won’t until after Evolution is posted.


Evolution Stages: Four – Six

Characters In Wiki



Danny Ocean – Oceans 11

Rusty Ryan

Rusty Ryan – Oceans 11


Terence Benedict – Oceans 11


Scott Tracy – Thunderbirds (Dennis Quaid)


Harvey Specter – Suits

Not in Wiki



Eliot Spencer – Leverage


Wade – Marvel Comics


Castiel – Supernatural


Alec Hardison – Leverage

Special Mention


The Doctor


Lyca/Alyc – Resident Evil


Lycan/Logan – Marvel Comics




Toad – Marvel Comics


Cyclops – Marvel Comics


Dr. Jean Grey – Marvel Comics


Sabertooth – Marvel Comics

Evolution: Stage Six – Rise of the Machines




Title: Stage Six – Rise of the Machines

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive

Evolution: Stage Five – Intelligent Design




Title: Stage Five – Intelligent Design

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive

Evolution: Stage Four – Homo Sapiens




Title: Stage Four – Home Sapiens

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive

Evolution – Intro to Characters: Part 2

Evolution has been a long sometimes painful experience.  It pulls together storylines that had been laid down in previous Arcs and sets up storyline for future Arcs.  It also introduces many characters from other clans, with their own stories, plus reveals new characters being brought into the series.

Since not everyone is familiar with every fandom that has been ever created and found it’s way into Sylum *grins*.  I thought it would be good to give a face to some of the new Characters. 

Now first off remember there is a SYLUM WIKI – learn to live it, love it, USE it! Most of the characters in Evolution are in the Wiki – not all of them have full bios yet (I’m working on it… there are A LOT of characters).  But there are a few that haven’t been uploaded yet and won’t until after Evolution is posted.


Evolution: Stages Two & Three


Characters in Wiki



Jack Carter – Eureka



Robert Neville – I am Legend



James Harrison – Original Character



Peter and Elizabeth Burke – White Collar


Not in Wiki


"Marvel's The Avengers" ..L to R: BRUCE BANNER (Mark Ruffalo) and TONY STARK/IRON MAN (Robert Downey Jr.)..Ph: Zade Rosenthal  ..© 2011 MVLFFLLC.  TM & © 2011 Marvel.  All Rights Reserved.

Bruce Banner – Marvel Comics



Gambit – Marvel Comics



Neal Caffrey – White Collar


Crimson Moon



Don Jon – Much Ado About Nothing



Angela Petrelli – Heroes



Edward Vogler – House



Victoria Metcalf – Due South

And Tomorrow – Evolution: Stage 4

Evolution: Stage Three – Mutation



Title: Stage Three – Mutation

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive

Evolution: Stage Two – Diversification


Title: Stage Two – Diversification

Author: Bj Jones

Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn

Beta: Gil & Janet

Author’s Note: This Arc will tie up loose threads from previous Arcs and set up storyline for upcoming Arcs.  Even if you’ve read Family a dozen times, make sure to have read the re-posting.

Artist: Taibhrigh

Link to Sylum Archive