Title: Morning Tide
Author: Captain Jack Sparrow
Summary: Early morning tide …
VidMaker: Bj Jones
Summary: Trailer for upcoming re-work and additional Pirate stories
Artist: Taibhrigh
*Must have password to site to view
Teaser from Dead Man’s Chest
Calhoun’s gaze settled on his Mate, a small smile spreading across his face. In the past few years he looked more Pirate than English Lord. The dark hair was browner, having been bleached by the sun, and was longer than when he had first had his way with the Englishman, the black velvet tie was no longer used to pull it back but instead tie of the braid that was settling on his shoulder. The fancy clothes were replaced by durable sea worth wear, a cutlass strapped to his side, with two side arms settled against his lower back.
Over time he had discovered he wasn’t actually an English Lord, but a Roman.
After they had Mated titles really didn’t mean anything to him.
English Lord.
Roman Lord.
There was no difference.
Neither would secure safe passage in the Caribbean.
Until he saw the Roman truly come out, and it was far from the English Lord he played. Warrick watched in awe and ended up horny as hell as his Mate ripped to shreds a group of soldiers working for the East India Trading Company that had the audacity to arrest Captain Calhoun.
Tony and Timothy had broken him out of the cell, while Nick finished off the soldiers. The grace and brutality that he used to dispatch the idiots was beautiful. For a moment he had thought he was looking at another who was known ‘to fight like a devil dressed as a man’.
When Nick pulled his sword from the soldier’s gut watching as he fell next to his comrades, then turned towards Warrick eyes flashing – he had been tempted to drop to his knees.
Anthony slid next to him, smirking slightly. ‘Captain, I would like to introduce you to the Roman General Nicolaus Valerius Meridius.’
The moment y’all have been waiting for.
The new and improved Roads Untravelled.
We started working on this particular story, mainly because of the changes made with Sam Winchester who is now Theo, and the introduction of John Rhys as Meridia.
As Meridia played an important part in Roads it needed to be updated.
Once we got into it … the bobs got involved.
This story has an additional 100 pgs, than the original – a total of 580 pgs.
Yes, you read that right 580 pgs.
Read it.
Read it again.
Read it a 3rd time.
There is a lot of new information that will be vital for upcoming storyline.
The new story has been uploaded to the Archive … did I mention the 580 pgs?
It was a bit large to put on the blog.
*hands out coffee & tea, treats & snacks*
With no further ado … if you even waited this long before clicking!
Warning: Possible moments that could lead to dropping tablets, phones and laptops …
A Note From the Author:
I love and hate Dan Brown in equal measure. I’m not entirely sure how that’s even possible. But there it is.
His historical and artistic interpretation of … everything, drives me batshit, in provoking a willing suspension of disbelief that you want so very badly to actually believe, thinking he’s leading you on an epic journey, only to fall flat on your face at every ending he ever writes.
I had to do something about this, having hurled my copy of Angels and Demons across the room in anger and frustration.
I had to save the Camerlengo.
I had to do something productive with a fantastically ruined character of charisma and depth whose motivations were pushed from ‘willing suspension’ to ‘you are fucking kidding me with this shit’.
So here he is…
…and then Ernesto came along with him, because he was so goddamn hateful in the book, and so ridiculously cute in the movie, it was a contradiction that’s never quite worked.
Nothing in Angels and Demons worked, even one of the Altars of Science was placed in the wrong damn spot in Rome! And for the record Raphael has NEVER been buried anywhere else in the history of ever… (don’t get me started cos this could be a long list).
I’m thinking of Sylumizing Dan Brown’s ‘The Lost Symbol’.
Hold onto your butts. Antonio Crisafi is coming along for the ride … just as soon as Speed’s eaten his copy of Langdon’s book.
Timothy Quinn
(May 2017)
May 29th 2017 is the 11th Anniversary of That Night
*Note – this has been updated to fit new canon
This story sets after Watchdog … to understand this story you must have read it. This is also an important set up for some of the changes that will be showcased in Roads Untraveled that will be posted next week during – Ernesto Olivetti Week.
Title: Under the Bridge
Author: Bj Jones
Creative Consultant: Timothy Quinn
Summary: Harold and John have a very important conversation about his past and their future.
Author’s Note: I’ve said it a few times, that all the Sylum stories connect to each other, and that you shouldn’t really skip a story because ‘it’s not my fandom’. This story has some very important info and threads that tie the whole universe together. PS if you read my snippets on EAD … one of those stories ties into this.
2nd Author’s Note: I know there was some confusion with Coding Language that was in the beginning of Watchdog, that it was an actual coding error, when it is actually Coding Language for The Machine – so always make sure to look through it, to see what The Machine is thinking.
As we prep for Ernesto Olivetti Week – we’ve been showcasing stories centered around Ernesto or ones you would’ve needed to have read to understand the updated Roads Untraveled.
Watchdog is one of those you’ve needed to have read …
Title: Watchdog
Author: Bj Jones
Summary: There is this machine …
Sylum Timeline: Set just after ‘The Death of Michael Westen’ and ‘No one else can help’
Title: Disneyland Conspiracy
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRM
Summary: Robert Langdon wanted to show Ernesto Olivetti how to be a kid. The Inspector knew there had to be some sort of Conspiracy going on, even if it was Disneyland.
Jack watched in horror as the Interceptor blew. Debris scattered across the ocean, the mast tumbled into the water, as the rest of her sank to the bottom of the ocean. His heart ached at the loss of such a beautiful ship. His soul cried out for the one who completed him. He had heard tales of Vampires going insane at the loss of their Mate, after all how did one explain Kenway.
He knew he wasn’t sane, and though they hadn’t Bonded, the young blacksmith had soothed his chaotic mind. It was at the moment the ship disappeared from sight his mind completely stilled, the only thought was killing Barbossa.
He had taken the Pearl, but worse he had stolen his soul.
As he settled into a sort of determination to seek his revenge, a voice rang out from the side of the ship.
“Will!” Elizabeth exclaimed happily, hands on her chest as she sighed in relief and attraction.
Jack stared at his Mate. ‘Aye, my blacksmith isn’t easy to kill, this is good.’ He grimaced at the lass, she was practically batting her eyelashes at him. ‘Miss Swann is going to a problem. She must learn Will is mine.’
As we’re gearing up for Ernesto Olivetti Week, May’s Throwback Thursdays will be centered around Ernesto, or must reads to tie into the repost of Roads Untraveled.
Title: The Pope and His Bodyguard
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRT-13
Summary: The Pope has a request for his Bodyguard
Title: Medals and Meanings and Faith
Author: Taibhrigh
Summary: Jake still doesn’t fully understand Cougar’s beliefs, and maybe he’s not truly supposed to, but he’s still going to try.
Note: Make sure to leave a comment!
Title: The Destiny of Samuel Axe
Author: Timothy Quinn
Summary: Sam has great discernment.
Title: The Circles of My Lives
Author: Paula Cas
Rating: FRM
Summary: A new Vampire realizes what being a Vampire really means, and battles to accept the circles in his new life while remaining true to himself.
*Reminder feedback is a wonderful thing!
Title: Prison Break
Author: John Sheppard
Rating: FRM
Summary: Michael Scofield races against forces out of his control to save his human Mate from being executed for a murder he didn’t commit.
Art/Banner: Silentflux
Title: Beat The Devil’s Tattoo
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRAO
Summary: For the citizens of Woodbury, Georgia, the dead had risen and they were in for the fight for their lives.
Artwork: Taibhrigh