Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Stories</span>

Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Nine

Title: Episode 4: Summer Lovin’
Series: Crossroads
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Summary: Summer is coming to an end and Dom and Brian’s relationship is progressing, and Brian becomes more and more entrenched with the Clan.

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Six

Title: Death of a Traitor

Author: Edgar Poe (Via Timothy Quinn)

Author’s Note: In ‘Ride with Grandpa – Hallow Thanksmas Evestory Nico mentions the poem Poe sent after the betrayal of Giles. This is that poem.

Bj Jones Note: I give kudos to Speed – writing up an ‘original’ Poe wasn’t an easy task!

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Five

Title: The Unexpected Journey
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: M
Summary: After the loss of Erebor the company fled, only to discover a new life and home.
Sylum Timeline: May 1953 – August 1954 with flashbacks to the 800’s

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Four

Sylum Snippet/Teaser: Kitchen Angels

Author: Bj Jones

Author Note: This is a teaser/snippet from the story that will introduce Matt & Richard – This is a scene right before Matt is shipped out.

Bonus: Also listen to the piece of Music that inspired this section!

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Twenty-Three

Title: Episode 3: Opportunity
Series: Crossroads
Pairings: Dom/Brian, Han/Gabe
Summary: After they wrap up the whole Tran-Lue debacle for their part, Brian is presented with an opportunity to delve into something for the Clan that is right up his alley.

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Sylum Advent 2023: Day Thirteen

Title: Lost In Las Vegas
Author: Paula Cas
Characters: Jeremiah Parks,/Ray Kowalski, Tallikut Clan members, Sylum Clan members, Original Characters
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After many years in Las Vegas, it was time to disappear until all but their Chosen Ones forgot their names and faces.
Author’s Notes: THANK YOU! Taibhrigh for the fantastic artwork. The title is borrowed from the song, Lost Vegas by the Moonshine Bandits.
Sylum Timeline: Yet to Be – this takes place in 2050 – So way out there!

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