Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Stories</span>

Sylum Advent 2023: Day Three

Title: Episode 1: Curtain Call 
Author: Gil Grissom
Series: Crossroads
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Summary: As Brian’s part of the case winds down, the Clan Members in Los Angeles prepare to stay in LA or head to Mexico. Those leaving start their journey home.
Author’s Note: This is the sequel to series Shifting Tides

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Mushroom Day

It’s Mushroom Day!

Now I love these guys!  Have a few good recipes for them!

Love them? Keep them away from me?!

And as this month has all been about Birthday Fun!  Here’s the teaser/snippet for you.

This also ties into one of the songs from Deadpool’s Vampire Soundtrack – which can be found in the Archive!

Here’s the song:

The reason the snippet is to honor ‘Mushroom Day’ we’ll we all know Hobbits love mushrooms!

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ER Nurse Day


Today is a day to recognize ER Nurses!  Now as someone who has been in the ER I totally send my appreciations!  These nurses work hard and deal with some of the most difficult and nasty situations.  

And for this day – another Snippet!  For Nyx who asked for Dr. Ross

That actually leads me *counts* 5 WOHOO!!!

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Throwback Thursday: Demons & Angels by Timothy Quinn




For this month’s Throwback Thursday – I want to showcase my favorite stories/artwork/vids.

My all time favorite story for Sylum – will always be Demons & Angels

Plus it was the introduction to Ernesto!

Link to Archive