Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Side Stories</span>

Throwback Thursday: The Circles of My Lives by Paula Cas


Title: The Circles of My Lives

Author: Paula Cas

Rating: FRM

Summary: A new Vampire realizes what being a Vampire really means, and battles to accept the circles in his new life while remaining true to himself.

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*Reminder feedback is a wonderful thing!

Throwback Thursday: Something prickly and hard to eradicate… by Timothy Quinn

*Artwork by Taibhrigh

Title: Something prickly and hard to eradicate…
Author: Timothy Quinn
Rating: FRM
Summary: How Sanctuary Clan’s second in command found his destiny at the hand of Pirates

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Sneak Peek: Pirate Rework

Sylum Teaser

Captain Jack Sparrow stood tall, looking out towards the shoreline. His destiny lay ahead of him he could feel it. Finally after all these years, he was close to getting back what belonged to him. The fates had taken pity on him, whispered a name, he had not heard in a decade.


As he sailed into Port Royal, he bowed his head in respect to his fallen Pirate brothers. No man deserved to die trapped in a cage, pecked away by crows.

With grace and dignity he stepped off his gallant ship onto the dock, just as she sank to the bottom of the ocean.   The famed Pirate Captain made his way towards the town, moving among the sailors and soldiers, not giving them a second glance. With ease he took the purse of the Port’s Authority, and started his way into town.

Only to pause when a familiar face walked towards him, eyes narrowed as the smaller rat like individual walked by, not giving his former Captain the proper respect. He never did like him, shifty character, wasn’t trust worthy.

Jack took a few more steps, stopped, hands shifted around his jacket coming back empty. He turned on his heel and glared. His once crewmember, gave him a smirk and wave, pocketing the bag of gold coins, he had just stolen.

Never trust an Irishman, let alone one that was a Pirate.

He watched as the other Pirate talked to the workers, all smiles and friendly. Jack knew the bastard was up to something, he just didn’t know what. He gave him a last look, before making his way into town.

He needed rum.

Then he would figure out the next part of the plan.


Sparrow had found the young Turner, an adorable pup who was so dearly in love with the Governor’s daughter it ached. He wanted to take the boy aside, and tell him he was born for the sea, not for settling down and having babies.

If he wanted his ship back, he needed the young love sick Turner. So he needed a plan.

‘Step one figure out what Linus was doing on the docks. Step two steal one of the ships, preferably the one Linus was eying. Step three kidnap puppy Turner.’


Throwback Thursday: The Braid by Bj Jones


Title: The Braid

Author: Bj Jones

Summary: His Padawan was being Knighted.

Notes: Reminder – as in typical of all Sylum things, most of this won’t follow known Star Wars Canon.

Author’s Note: This is getting posted differently as the piece is not yet in the Archive – so I’m reposting it fully.

Artist: Taibhrigh

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Throwback Thursday: Alone in Paris by Taibhrigh



Title: Alone in Paris for a Day

Author: taibhrigh

Summary: Jake spends the day in Paris while his Mates overcome the fact the have each been keeping secrets from the other…though, this time it’s really Clay’s fault.

Timestamp: Early (January) 2011, set during Bj’s Going Home

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Throwback Thursday: One Step Closer by John Sheppard



Title: One Step Closer

Author: John Sheppard

Rating: FRT

Summary: Danny Williams finds out something interesting about Steve McGarrett after a rough case. (Hawaii Five-0 – 2010)

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Throwback Thursday: The Black Queen by Gil Grissom



Title: The Black Queen

Author: Gil Grissom

Summary: Hotchner and his team go to Seattle to recruit a hacker and Aaron gets far more than he bargained for.

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*Note: Make sure to let the author’s know that you appreciate the story – even if it’s a simple ‘I liked it’

Throwback Thursday: Demons & Angels by Timothy Quinn



Demons & Angels is considered one of the nexus stories in the Sylum Universe, outside the Main Arcs.

This story is one of the biggest and most influential turning points in the series.  It sets up: new characters, relationships, and future storyline.

It’s also takes place within 12 hours, and introduces two major characters who have, and will continue, to influence Sylum.

Patrick McKenna


Ernesto Olivetti



Ernesto’s story continues in Roads Untraveled …. leading to the introduction of Andrew Kiernan and Pius XVII, further characters who have become beloved over time.

Due to the recent Sylum headcanon changes concerning Sam Winchester now being Theo … no longer Meridia … both these stories needed to be looked at.  They were already on the ‘need to look at’ list considering changes in Canon from the 10th Anniversary Clan War Edition.

We were going to wait until Clan War was finished, but the latest chapter has been a pain in the ass for a while so we took a break and focused on these two.

And we all know how Ernesto gets when he wants attention!

There weren’t a lot of changes, subtle moments that enhanced an already amazing story and small threads of things to come.  For those who’ve read this story more than once – see if you can find the differences.

I can’t say how much I love this story, enough.

No seriously.

It’s one of those stories you catch yourself while reading, going – what happens next?  Even though you know what happens next.  It’s beautifully written, the characters are engaging, and it makes you want to just curl up with a cup of tea and keep reading.

I can’t even watch the movie anymore … well I can but I stop at Fire … cause I just refuse to watch the WTF ending.  Dan Brown should be shot for the ‘oh my god lets shock you with the most shocking of shocking endings cause you didn’t see that shocking conclusion’.  We didn’t see it coming because it was STUPID!

Sorry – small rant there.

I thank the movie for two things:  Ewan McGregor in a cassock, and introducing me to Pierefrancesco Favino.

So back to the the reason for this post.

The Re-Posting of  Demons & Angels!  Yes it’s been updated, edited, and uploaded to the Sylum Archive!

Demons & Angels: By Timothy Quinn

If you haven’t read it – you should.

If you’ve already read it – read it again.


Special Note to Timothy Quinn

Thanks for the work you do with Sylum, for helping corral the Bobs, for your insight, talent, 50,000 word vocabulary, editing skills, and just the fact you chose me to be with.  *sappy moment is sappy*

Thank you for this.

Thank you for one of my favorite stories of all time, one that surpasses All Quiet on the Western Front and Tom Sawyer.

Now Everyone Go Read!!

Demons & Angels: By Timothy Quinn

Sylum Sneak Peek: Watch Dog


This is the story I’m working on at the moment … I’ve been working on it for a while.  It was supposed to come out during Seven Days *hahahahahaha* Sorry …  It was basically set to be a prequel, intro to the POI storyline into Sylum.

Then these two….


Kneecapped their original storyline and decided they wanted a bigger, brighter, longer storyline.

So now I’m re-working Watch Dog to fit their new arc.  And just as I started to get a handle on it ….


This got into the mix ….



Looks at Harold and John … you two good now?


And now for the sneak peek:

Read more“Sylum Sneak Peek: Watch Dog”

Throwback Thursday: Tidings of Gold by Cpt. Jack Sparrow



Title: Tidings of Gold

Author: Captain Jack Sparrow

Summary: A simple question leads to an adventure story told by none other than Jack Sparrow.

Author’s Note: To inspire the Pirate Bunnies!

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Throwback Thursday: Carry On My Wayward Son Series


Series: Carry On My Wayward Son

Author: Bj Jones

Rating: FRAO

Summary:  Two stories.  First one deals with Sam & Dean dealing with Past Lives while hunting a Human Hunter.   The second is Sam & Dean facing Balthazar to save their father.

Author’s Note:  The third is still in the works.  John Winchester is being a stubborn asshole.

2nd Author’s Note:  It’s been edited/updated to go with new canon.

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